Monday, December 2, 2019
Dr. Williams is culturally biased. He handles his patients differently depending on their cultures and their socio-economic status. He is insensitive to other cultures and this aspect greatly influences the decisions of the families he works with adversely affecting the health outcomes of their patients. In addition, Dr. Williams is inconsiderate and his approach to patients from â€Å"other†cultures is prejudicial.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Socio-Cultural, Economic and Ethical Factors that Influence Health Care Delivery specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More He hardly understands how people from different cultures behave and doesn’t know how to handle children. He is not inquisitive. He merely makes assumptions concerning his patients’ cultures and backgrounds. By making assumptions about his the families he works with, he overlooks the socio-economic factors affecting them. By using techni cal medical terms without worrying about the families’ health literacy, Dr. Williams jeopardizes the ultimate health outcomes of the children. It is also important to note that Dr. William is culturally incompetent. His values, attitudes, and practices do not allow him to work effectively with multiple cultures (Core concepts in cultural competence 2009). He doesn’t â€Å"honor and respect the beliefs, languages, interpersonal styles, and behaviors of families and children receiving his medical services.†Dr Williams does not respect his patients’ health beliefs. He disregards families’ beliefs about what causes illnesses and their preferred treatment plans. This shortfall inevitably disappoints the families he deals with thereby causing discontentment and dissatisfaction with his clientele. Ultimately, the families Dr William works with ends up getting inadequate, poor, and unsatisfactory treatment thereby endangering the lives of children he hand les. Culture, ethnicity, race, and socio-economic status play significant roles in shaping families’ experiences in the healthcare system. In their study, Smedley, Stith, and Nelson (2002) argue that â€Å"the cultures of racial and ethnic minorities greatly influence the choice of their health care delivery system including how families from a given cultural group communicates and their family support structures including their coping strategies, and even their readiness to seek medical treatment. According to Van Ryn and Burke (2000), most families attribute certain diseases to socio-cultural and ethnic factors.Advertising Looking for essay on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Racial and ethnic minorities in the US live in socio-economic environments of inequality, which inevitably predisposes them violence, poverty, and racial discrimination. Studies have shown that poverty adversely affects families ’ experiences in health care systems. In fact, Smedley, Stith, and Nelson (2002) concur that poor families receive poor medical treatment compared to rich people who receive proper medical attention because they are adequately covered by medical insurance programs. Racial discrimination severely affects families’ experiences in healthcare system. In addition, the culture of racial and ethnic minorities greatly determines the type of health services they receive. Some clinical environments hardly respect the cultures of people they serve and this deters minority groups an opportunity to receive efficient healthcare services. In healthcare systems, disparities arise because of various reasons. They arise because of differences in access to healthcare systems and because of differences in the quality of healthcare delivered. Other factors that influence disparities in healthcare systems include access of health care services, infrastructural barriers such as transportatio n and one’s access to medical professionals, health care utilizations that is regular, acute, or chronic care including unnecessary hospital admissions. Van Ryn and Burke (200) affirm that patients’ health literacy skills, cultural competency, and health information influence disparities in health outcomes. References Core concepts in cultural competence. (2009). Web. Smedley, B., Stith, A., Nelson, A. (2002). Unequal Treatment: Confronting Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Care. Massachusetts: Institute of Medicine.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Socio-Cultural, Economic and Ethical Factors that Influence Health Care Delivery specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Van Ryn, M. Burke, J. (2000). â€Å"The effect of Patient Race and Socio-economic Status on Physicians’ Perceptions on Patients.†Social Science Medicine 50 (6): 813-828. This essay on Socio-Cultural, Economic and Ethical Factors that Influence Health Care Delivery was written and submitted by user Lauren Bernard to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here. Socio Introduction The twists and turns of the decade have left their mark on the ecocultural background of Latin America. Down from strains to changes and reforms the economic setup has let a memorable picture of progress. A lot has gone by over the years with change making an impression on the cultural value of the economic heritage. Undeniably the economy is a relevant and pertinent beacon for culture enthusiasts.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Socio-Political and Economic Environment of Latin America specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Argument Cultural Roots The last few decades have seen the various trading blocs make attempts at harmonizing the competition from the great internal markets with the lesser external markets. It is during this period that organizations such as the Latin American integration association have been formed in attempts at providing a central source of control. This has been motivated by gro wth and expansion in population and consequent demand attracting more interest to cities and towns which are considered the hub of culture. Towards the end of the 19th century the debate for and against harmonization has come to the attention of both economic and cultural scientists who have resolved to give socialism and communism in an attempt at sticking a compromise. Questions of economic gaps also continue to claim the greater share of attention with the gap between the haves and have-nots widening by the day. The question of blending the traditional and more generous culture into the al too capitalist setup has created an even greater platform for the entertainment of socialist and communist ideas that continuously provide solutions to cultural deficiencies brought about by modernization. Historical Roots The historical pretext and antecedent is rather impressive contrary to general opinion. A common denominator in all indigenous population was their affinity to commerce and e conomics in the strict since of trade. Clearly every regional segmentation bears a connection to this cultural artifact in one way or another (Smith 2005). The term Latin America was developed to represent the differences in ethnicity culture size and population of the regional divide as well as the shared colonial experiences that made a great impact on the economic pace of the region in the late eighteenth and mid seventeenth century. Countries and states made a break for identity in the economic realm by aggression and a heightened appetite for modernization that saw traditional rural setup gradually give way for modern industrialization. The shift from mass media to the modern day multimedia played an even greater role on characterizing the ideological and social rebirth of the region as a whole.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Families no longer took turns to harvest ea ch other crop or assist each other transport their produce to the market. The interpersonal gap grew even bigger especially after the world wars that spread a shiver and fever of suspicion in that spilled on into the cold war and post cold war 19th century (Appelbaum et al. 2006). Cultural Periods According though the structuralisms and dependentista scholars Latin Americas economy has survived two main regimes. The first embraced the concept of externally dependent economy based on the premise that Latin Americas dependency on the external world would promote growth if regulated by a powerful state(Bethell 2008).Gradually the approach was found to fail substantially and was found only to be viable as far as the colonial days was concerned. This subsequent failure led to the second totally different literal regime based on the contemporary thinking of the new world. Latin America was no longer on its needs and it did not need to be nursed by a powerful state. The time had come to le t her crawl on her own. This motivated their capitalist ideas into supporting the local market over and above external aid and assistance. This marked the beginning of the long struggle to the current day economic status (Mignolo 2005). Conclusion Little by little the present generation is picking up the progressive state. The dream that never was of making Latin America among the most developed country still thrives in the culture and practice of its people. It remains in the teachings and stories as well as traces of books and journals that have been left to keep a record of the progress the coming generations have made. Economics as a cultural artifact has a long and rather impressive story that has often been ignored and belittled by many. Every society’s cultural heritage is pegged to the level of trade and exchange and Latin America is of no exception. The society continues to adapt by mounting leadership from within the ambit of indigenous societies with the object of searching for more creative ways of meeting the challenges that are brought by the century. The future lies not far off since the social political environment is positively aggressive and competitive (Smith 2005). This means that the coming generations will need to adjust their strategies to meet the demands of the contemporary market. Such changes would include letting loose the conservatist cultural approaches and cutting some slack for the modernist movement. Most of all governments need to embrace the tradition of change and facilitate this progression. References Appelbaum, et al. (2006). Race and Nation in Modern Latin America. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 87-107.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Socio-Political and Economic Environment of Latin America specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Bethell, L. (2008).The Cambridge History of Latin America.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Mignol o, W. (2005). The Idea of Latin America. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 77–80 Smith, P. (2005). Modern Latin America (6 Ed.). Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press. This essay on Socio-Political and Economic Environment of Latin America was written and submitted by user Blindfold to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here. Socio Introduction Tourists affect the host countries in socio-cultural ways. They affect the values of the values, family structure and relationships, behaviour, art forms, community organizations, traditional ceremonies and lifestyle. The socio-cultural effects came about due to host-tourist interaction when the tourist is purchasing a product, exchanging ideas and information and when socializing at different locations.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Socio-Cultural Effects of Tourism specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Bali Island A recent article published in the Guardian, showed the huge influence tourists have on the social life of the residents. Bali, one of the most beautiful locations in the Sundra islands has been facing a high increase in tourism in the recent years. They have gained financially however the authorities are noting that they are paying a high price for these financial gains. Apart from the environment degradation as the investors build hotels on the land and dispose waste irresponsible, the culture and religion activities of the island have been adversely affected (Philip, 2012).The Balinese used to be people who are deeply entrenched in their culture, especially the observance of religious rituals. They would spend a significant amount of time in the temples. However, this has reduced as people concentrate on making money and interacting with the tourists. If the youths do not attend daily rituals, they are required to pay some money to the village. They are fed up with religious meetings and do not want to pay any money either. The use of the Balinese language is also decreasing as the people use more of the official language of Indonesia. The level of art engagement of the people has also been affected. The music ensembles are dying in the region. The people are not noticing the change in their culture since their living standards have improved and they are better off economically. Petra in Jordan Jordan has also been affected socially and culturally by the tourist activities in the region. It is located in the Middle East and tourism is a significant contributor to the economy. There have been positive and negative effects in the region. In Petra, there are locals who have started learning foreign languages. The money earned from tourism has helped the local residents finance their education. The local residents usually work in the hotels, restaurants, tour guide companies and travel agencies. Others are earning their living by investing in tourism (Alhasant, 2010). However, there are negative effects of the host-tourist interaction. There are locals who have started to take alcohol and there are sexual relationships between them and the tourists. The sex tourism especially where young children are affected is disheartening.Advertising Looking for assessment on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper wi th 15% OFF Learn More Some are also losing their own identity and culture as they imitate the behaviours of the tourists. They have western dressing styles and some live beyond their means. They are young people who drop out of school due to the allure of getting easy money when they interact with tourists. Cyprus: In Cyprus, there have also been changes in the residents’ behaviour as a result of tourism. There has been an increase in drug trafficking and other crimes and young people are smoking at an early age. There are young people who have reduced the amount of time they spend with their families and in community activities in order to interact with the tourists more. They are spending considerable time clubbing in the bars. They have also been young people who have dropped out of school. Tourism has also affected the area positively. Apart from the rise in standard of living, there has been a lot of infrastructure development. There has been an increase in the building of roads, airports and restaurants. The tourists have also made the local residents increase their activities in art trade and festivals. There is more involvement in embroidery, weaving, wood crafting and pottery. Tourism has actually helped the residents to get more in touch with their culture. The local residents have noted that the tourists love old architecture and instead of allowing eager real estate developers to devour the buildings, they have renovated them and reserved them as tourist attractions. The people are torn however over the introduction of a casino in the area. There are concerns that gambling will become a social problem while others feel every tourist attraction usually has one and the region will be losing money if they do not introduce one (Spanou, 2007). Caribbean In the Caribbean, there has been a renewed interest in their culture due to the high tourist interests. There has been an increase in the art festivals and cultural events. The monuments are also being renovated and preserved. The people however feel the increase of wealth in residents has been limited as most of the returns accrue to the foreign investors who have set up hotels, communication and transport systems in the area. In fact, they contend that tourism has increased the wage differentials in the indigenous people between the ones who are able to get great jobs in the tourism industries and those who get menial jobs. All these case studies show that tourism affects the social-cultural life of residents both positively and negatively (TransAfrica Forum, 2000).Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Socio-Cultural Effects of Tourism specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Conclusion The tourist-host interaction and the influence on the resident’s social and cultural activities in Bali, Cyprus, Jordan and the Caribbean show that tourism has a significant influence on the residents. There are positive effects such as increase in income for the residents and increased development in infrastructure. However, the youth are affected negatively as they drop out of school and engage in drinking and smoking and other vices. The government and other authorities should put up strategies to mitigate the adverse effects of tourist-host interaction. References Alhasant, S. (2010). Sociocultural Impacts of Tourism on the Local Community at Petra, Jordan. European Journal of Scientific Research, 44(3), 374-386. Philip, B. (2012). Beauty of Bali under threat from pressures of mass tourism. Retrieved from: Spanou, E. (2007). The Impact of Tourism on the Sociocultural Structure of Cyprus. Tourismos, 2(1):145-162. TransAfrica Forum (2000).The Impact of Tourism in the Caribbean. Washington: TransAfrica Forum. This assessment on Socio-Cultural Effects of Tourism was written and submitted by user Sienna Osborne to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here. Socio Psychologists use various approaches to study the behaviors and conscious experiences. Socio-cultural approach is based on the idea that the society and culture shape cognition. The values, beliefs and language are all involved in shaping identity and reality. To understand cognitive processes, it takes more than an individual (Kregler et al., 1990). This approach focuses on human development interrelating it to human action.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Socio-cultural Approach to Psychology specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Here, we see that human development starts with its dependence and care givers. This is influenced by a transmission of resources from the care givers to the dependencies. The genetic law of development that focuses on the human development has an influence from the interaction mode which makes it social. The ability to function in any individual comes from first social then Psychologi cal. An individual’s behavior is influenced by the environment then later he/she advances in whatever skills or knowledge he acquired by interacting with the others. Why do I say this? Let’s look at a child’s development from birth. When a child is born it solely depends on the parents and in this case the mother for all its provisions. Its cognition or mental development is influenced by its environment. The kind of attention and language the child gets is from the surrounding. This explains the social effect. The child learns the ways of its people hence influenced culturally .This totally defines the child’s growth. The child will not act as if it was not taught but rather as if it was taught. The events of remembering, problem solving and decision making in the future are therefore influenced by the society. Cognition refers to the mental process which is solely based on development with the influence from the environment. An individual employs other forms of living that he/she has never encountered, hence our own culture become our main influence in life. Human beings can adopt other culture when they move away from the reach of their own culture. This adoption is basically due to the nature of the surrounding (Kregler et al., 1990). Weaknesses and Strengths of Socio-cultural Approach Every approach has disadvantages and advantages. This does not nullify the studies but rather explains various points of view of different researchers. Due to the similarities that the socio-cultural approach has with the other forms of approaches, it has been termed as the most advanced approach in research work in terms of its richness in information for psychological studies. One of the main weaknesses is the tendency of generalization. The studies are restricted to potions or groups of individuals in the society. This does not give an actual picture for the wider generation. As these studies are extrapolated for the wider group, the essence of social studies is lost because different groups of people in the society function differently (Kregler et al., 1990).Advertising Looking for assessment on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Another weakness to socio-cultural study is the ethics of the study process. It is evident that many individuals are inflicted with emotional stress. This is non ethical as the well being of an individual should be the first aspect to be considered. The findings could also be adulterated since the results are not based on the real individuals feeling but rather imposter feelings. It is very difficult to study social behavior without negatively affecting the participants. Thus, safe modes that can protect human beings should be employed. In addition to ethics, it is very challenging to have control experiments. This is because the behaviors of participants in the real world do vary. Hence, socio-cultural approach does not provide r eal results from the study. The main strength in the event of studying socio-cultural aspects is the use of real situations in behavioral studies. This is important because human beings are social beings .Real situations increases ecological validity hence making research more useful. Comparison of Socio-cultural Approach of Psychology and other Approaches Cognitive Learned Learned during information processing Cognitive Predetermined There is power to change cognition Cognitive Focus on the present Changed cognition changes behavior Cognitive Scientific Brain is similar to the computer hence information can be manipulated Behavioral Learned Condition classical and operant Behavioral Predetermined Condition determines behavior Behavioral Focus on the present Only current behavior matters Behavioral Scientific Behavior can be observed, measured and manipulated Psychodynamic Not learned Results from cause in the unconscious Psychodynamic Predetermined Hu man beings have no control over their behavior Psychodynamic Focus on the past Focus on early childhood Psychodynamic Unscientific Behavior cannot be measured Biological Not learned Biological causes and chemical imbalance Biological Predetermined Medical condition predetermined Biological Focus on the present Current symptoms and medication Biological Scientific Behavior can be measured and manipulated by therapies and treatments Socio-Cultural Learned Initiated learning Socio-Cultural Predetermined Cognition can be changed by the surrounding Socio-Cultural Focus on the present Socio-cultural practices change behavior Socio-Cultural Scientific The society can manipulate behavior Figure. 1. Showing comparison of socio-cultural approach with other psychological approaches. Socio-cultural points of view takes into account most of the features in the other forms of psychological approaches. It encompasses cognitive, Psychodynamic, behavioral and biologi cal aspects. These views have been influenced in terms of developmental process which concerns human stages of development and cultural aspects that constitutes the surrounding. As the discussion revolves around the society, the biological aspects cannot be overlooked. Socio-cultural Approach and Behavior The theory of social-cultural approach to psychology has proved a lot about the social status of every human being. This has been exhibited in the behavior of various individuals. Humans are social being; therefore their behaviors are solely influenced by their next door neighbors. This is the reason why human beings are so friendly. Human beings always want to identify with their culture and the society at large. Any individual would want to be differentiated from other animals which are considered be primitive. Through demonstration of capacities, a human being would go to any extent to fight for their existence in the world. In addition, human beings are always innovative and ar e always trying to change the society to become a comfortable zone. In terms of proximity, research shows that a human being would befriend someone who lives in the same neighborhood as him or her. For the ancestors, their mere exposure effect was adaptive this meant that what was familiar was safe.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Socio-cultural Approach to Psychology specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Physical attractiveness also tends to explain why human beings are social. Different cultures have different ways to measure attractiveness. Appealing traits such as honesty and trustworthiness seem to make people gather and involve themselves with other members of the society. In addition to physical attractiveness, similarity also explains why humans socialize. Close friends are more likely to share common views, beliefs, habits and intelligence (Kregler et al., 1990). This explains the cultural influence. Wh en we find people that share similar beliefs with us, we tend to identify with them. In such circumstance one feels more secured than he or she would with other forms of animals. One main aspect that has promoted this closeness is language. This in the cognitive form has been advancing from time to time. Language development is influenced by the cognitive part of the individual. Therefore, behavior and development are interrelated. As human beings develop they are influenced by their surroundings. This also changes their mental development. Therefore the socio-cultural approach explains why human beings interact. Reference Kregler et al. (1990). Cultural Psychology: Essays on Comparative Human Development. Chicago: Cambridge University Press. This assessment on Socio-cultural Approach to Psychology was written and submitted by user Kailyn Phillips to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here. Socio Socio Socio Socio
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