Friday, May 31, 2019
Humanity :: Environemtn Humans Humanity Essays
Humanity I was sitting in my laundry room the other day sorting through piles of dirty laundry, courtesy of my seven year old son (who seems to change his clothes every five minutes) and I anchor myself thinking, If he only knew the complexities of the Watershed, the Everglades, the South Florida Water Management District, and the Biscayne & Floridian Aquifers maybe he wouldnt change his clothes so often. But then again maybe if he knew these things he would, like so many people in South Florida, not care. We all sit here, on the very edge of an entirely alone(predicate) eco-system that does not exist anywhere else on the face of the Earth. Yet, the majority of the South Florida community is concerned not with the health of this eco-system but rather with the availability of identification. Credit which they can use to buy the recompense clothes, the right SUV, the right set of fake boobs and the perfect pre-fab, cookie cutter house in the right Kendall subdivision. Hence, t hey can appear to be successful members of this consumer driven fellowship. Now I realize that this is a blatant generalization and that it is a rather cynical skyline of humanity. But, let us not forget that in this society appearance is everything. And if that is really the case, what does humanity mean in this office, in this time and in this society? You are probably asking yourself, What does a contemporary conceptualization of humanity have to do with the Everglades? Well, to me, the key to humanity can be found in the Everglades and the rest of the natural world beyond it. In the biological sciences there exists the concept of recess. I have always understood a niche to be a place or a condition in which the abilities of an organism are best utilized and best suited. Essentially, a niche is a place where an organism can belong and be successful it is a place where it fits. All organisms on the face of the earth have found a niche somewhere and barring human intervention t hey have flourished in those niches. They have adapted to the world around them. It is only human beings who seem incapable of allowance and thus expect the world around them to adapt to their presence. Is that then the characteristic and the nature of mankind which distinguishes us from other beings?
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Essay --
William JewellHistory and Student ProgramsWilliam Jewell was founded by affiliates of the atomic number 42 Baptist convention in 1849. The college shares the name of Dr. William Jewell, because he donated $10,000 to the creation of the school. The school was originally associated with the Missouri Baptist convention, exactly in 2003 it became an independent college. One of the more famous campus chapels is the John Gano chapel it was funded by John Ganos great-granddaughter, Elizabeth Price, in 1926. However, the first building make was Jewell hall, which remains the focal point of the campus. Jewells first gymnasium separate from the school was made in 1896. World warfare One, as well as the burning of another womens college in the area lead to women coming to Jewell, and they received the same admittance as men at the time. During World War Two, Jewell had a naval flight training school. This brought them more students during this time and in the years following. Jewell has had four presidents speak and many of the worlds leading performers has break recitals on the Jewell campus. Jewell has more than seventy student programs. Including things like, Fellowship for Christian athletes, honors societies, orchestras and choirs, and many sorority and fraternity options. Jewell has dormitories on campus, and it is required that students live on campus for their first four years, with a few(prenominal) exceptions.Background InformationWilliam Jewell is a liberal arts college in Liberty, Missouri with majors and minors from business to theatre. Jewell admission starts at $40,030 for room and board, tuition, and other fees. However, collect to the fact that is a private school, it is generous with scholarships. William Jewell currently has a campus of 1,100 ful... ... musically and many other ways. William Jewell has the only Oxbridge program in existence (as stated primitively in the paper). Jewell also has the Harriman-Jewell series, and the teachers have a n intimate relationship with the students. The students get to know one another by living on campus and through the numerous student run organizations. Summary William Jewell is strong academically, musically, and socially. It gives students opportunities to interact socially with other students and teachers with the small class size. Jewell is in a location that is conveniently near home but far enough away that I can be isolated. I would be fitted to satisfy my needs and enjoy myself with the clubs. I would be able to be a part of the track team and I would be able to thrive on the violin. The weather is mild but warm in the spring and early fall. So, I could be a cardinal.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
The Ironic Title of Judith Guests Ordinary People :: Judith Guest Ordinary People Essays
The Ironic Title of Ordinary People The significance of the title Ordinary People is that it is ironic because there be not public people in the book. It does not correspond with the novel itself. As defined in Websters Dictionary, ordinary means usual, common, or normal. To most people, this is what they speak out they are. However, in the book being unordinary is common for most of the characters. The author of this book, Judith Guest, probably titled this book Ordinary People to make readers ask themselves, What is ordinary? Am I ordinary? The title describes the book as being ordinary when the characters are really unusual. For example, most teenagers do not try to commit suicide. However, in this book, Conrad Jarett tries to kill himself. He endeavours suicide because he is depressed about his older brothers death. He lost his brother in a boating accident and he blames himself for his death. He believes that he could have sustained the accident by coming in from the sea when the waters began to get rough. However, there was nothing that Conrad could have done to prevent the boat from capsizing. His attempt to commit suicide is one of the things that makes him unordinary from normal teenagers. In the real world, many teenagers attempt suicide. But, this is not ordinary. It is unusual for a teenager to attempt or commit suicide. Society does not look at this sort of behavior as ordinary. If a teenager does attempt suicide, they are usually want attention and looking for pity. As a result of these actions, they are seen as having some sort of mental incapacity and are treated for it. Therefore, this is not ordinary and Conrad was not either. Another character in this book who is not ord inary is Beth Jarett, Conrads mother. Conrad feels as if she does not love him. She hardly talks to him. She also treats him as if he does not belong in the family, like a stranger. For example, in one part of the book, Conrad bends over to hug his mother and she just sits there and does not hug him back. In another part, his father wants to take a picture of Conrad and his mother
Faith in A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings Essay -- Enormous Wings Es
Faith in A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings In Gabriel Garcia Marquezs short story, A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings, an unexpected visitor comes down from the sky, and seems to test the faith of a community. The villagers have a thorny time figuring out just how the very doddering man with abundant wings fits into their lives. Because this character does not agree with their conception of what an nonsuch should smell like, they try to determine if the aged man could actually be an nonpareil. In trying to prove the origin of their visitor, the villagers lose faith in the possibility of him world an angel because he does not adhere to their ordered world. Marquez keeps the identity of the very old man with enormous wings ambiguous to critique the villagers and, more generally, unionised religion for having a lack of faith to believe in miracles that do not comply with their master narrative. In order to keep the origin of the old man a mystery, Marquez uses a t echnique known as magical realism. This combination of reality and fantasy helps to remove some of the grandeur behind the say-so angel. When the old man is first introduced he does not descend from heaven in a blaze of light and glory, but rather lands in a stew of mud and rotten shellfish (313), during a storm that had lasted for three days. To investigate the moving and groaning in the rear of the courtyard Pelayo had to go very finish to see that it was an old man, a very old man, lying face down in the mud, who, in spite of his tremendous efforts, couldnt get up, impended by his enormous wings (313). This description is hardly the image that one would conjure up when visualizing an angel coming down from the heavens. Rather, Marque... ...age people are able to rationalize that the angel is mortal, and just an annoying part of their everyday life. When the villagers cannot determine the true nature of the angel, they condition themselves to ignore what is standing before their very eyes. Only after the angel finally flies away becoming an imaginary dot on the horizon of the sea (317) does anyone pause to look at the angel. Works Cited and Consulted Chanady, Amaryll. Magical reality in Spanish American Literature. Magical Realism Theory, History, Community. Ed.Louis Parkinson Zamora and Wendy B. Faris. Durham, N.C UP, 1995 125-144. Garcia Marquez, Gabriel. A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings. The Norton Introduction Literature. Ed. Jerome Beaty.N.Y. W.W. Norton and Company, 1996.525-529. Sandner, David. The Fantastic Sublime. Westport Greenwood Press, 1996. 51-55.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Dead Man Walking Book Review :: essays research papers
Dead Man Walking Dead Man Walking, a story by Sister Helen Prejean, is a superb guard, presenting most of the aspects regarding smashing punishment. According to my opinion the unique thing about this book, is its ability to make people reflect upon and even question their earlier thoughts concerning the death penalty. Many polar points of view are presents, but the book doesnt pick sides. Dead Man Walking manages to remain objective even when we approach the painful end. The book is based on Sister Helen Prejeans experiences with inmates on death row. Sister Helen receives a letter from prisoner Matthew Poncelet. Due to a horrible murder to which he claims only to have been an observer, he is now on death row, waiting for his execution. He requests her to come visiting him. In the next few days we take place Sister Helens conversations with Matthew, his family and the families of the two teenagers brutally raped and killed. In spite of the fact that Helen meets a lot of ang er and sorrow for her being so involved with Matthew she keeps on fighting for his life. But the appeal gets rejected and the execution gets closerThere is one statement in the book that I think summarizes the theme. A attorney observes it is easy to kill a monster, but hard killing a human being.I think that one of the reasons Sister Helen Prejean wrote this book is to bring more(prenominal) knowledge about the complex death penalty to the public. While the rest of the Western world has abolished this, in my opinion, old-fashioned punishment has become an asset to US politicians in order to gain trust from the American voters. Sister Helen Prejean and the condemned Poncelet are defiantly the main characters of this book. Even though few people can identify themselves with Poncelet, his grief and despair occurs before and during the injection and reminds us that less than few are totally in lack of emotions. Sister Helen is a Nun who spends some(prenominal) of her time doing charity in her poor neighborhood. She is having a hard time not letting her to Poncelets actions dominate her spiritual relationship, but manages to remember the Christian message Every man is worth more than his worst actions.
Dead Man Walking Book Review :: essays research papers
Dead Man Walking Dead Man Walking, a story by Sister Helen Prejean, is a superb mass, presenting most of the aspects regarding cap punishment. According to my opinion the unique thing about this book, is its ability to make people reflect upon and even question their earlier thoughts concerning the death penalty. Many varied points of view are presents, but the book doesnt pick sides. Dead Man Walking manages to remain objective even when we approach the painful end. The book is based on Sister Helen Prejeans experiences with inmates on death row. Sister Helen receives a letter from prisoner Matthew Poncelet. Due to a horrible murder to which he claims only to have been an observer, he is now on death row, waiting for his execution. He requests her to come visiting him. In the next few days we come in Sister Helens conversations with Matthew, his family and the families of the two teenagers brutally raped and killed. In spite of the fact that Helen meets a lot of anger and s orrow for her being so involved with Matthew she keeps on fighting for his life. But the appeal gets rejected and the execution gets closerThere is one statement in the book that I think summarizes the theme. A attorney observes it is easy to kill a monster, but hard killing a human being.I think that one of the reasons Sister Helen Prejean wrote this book is to bring to a greater extent knowledge about the complex death penalty to the public. While the rest of the Western world has abolished this, in my opinion, old-fashioned punishment has become an asset to US politicians in order to gain trust from the American voters. Sister Helen Prejean and the condemned Poncelet are defiantly the main characters of this book. Even though few people can unwrap themselves with Poncelet, his grief and despair occurs before and during the injection and reminds us that less than few are totally in lack of emotions. Sister Helen is a Nun who spends much of her time doing charity in her poor neighborhood. She is having a hard time not letting her to Poncelets actions dominate her spiritual relationship, but manages to remember the Christian message Every man is worth more than his worst actions.
Monday, May 27, 2019
How well does BA protect its employees? Essay
Employees from BAs prospective are an investment and for BA to get a return on this investment they admit to harbor it. In this section I am going to evaluate how well BA protects its employees I will use evidence from BA sources to put up up each of my points.How does BA protect its employees?Bas takes the safety of its employees rattling well I know this because in the BA report they sayThe safety and protective covering of our customers and employees in the air and on the ground is a paramount to British Airways and at the heart of our backup.This controversy suggests that the safety of BAs customers is the most of the essence(predicate) part of their credit line. it also says that the protection of customers and employees is what the tune runs around.BA protects its employees in a number of different ways, for compositors case if an employee is work in an office in preceding of a computer BA will consequently make sure that the employee gets regular brakes so that t he employees eyes do not get modify too badly. This is one way that BA protects its employees.BA also protects its employees by reducing the risk of them injuring themselves. They do this by putting up hazard signs that destine the employees to be careful. An example of this is wet floor signs these signs show employees that the floor is wet and slippery which instructs them to be more careful.Another way that BA protects its employees is by introducing tenseness management policies. This is because stress is a major factor that may affect an employees health. BA has tried to reduce the amount of stress within the business by introducing a stress management policy. Examples of the policies that BA uses to reduce stress is management training, employee involvement programmes etcIt is one of BAs top priorities to protect their employees if they dont then this will mean that the employees will start to get de-motivated and not come to work this will therefore create a decrease in the production of work from the employees as they will not be in most of the times.BA protects its employees very well this can be seen in the graph below which shows the amount of days taken off by employees.In this graph you can see that BA has got quite a low amount of people taking days off related to illnesses at work. This therefore shows us that the employees are happy working at BA. BA also saysWe have a target of reducing the number of days taken of due to work related injuries by 30 % by 2010The statement above suggests that BA are working on reducing the amount of work related injuries this shows us that BA are very concerned close the safety of their employees.BA spends 120million pounds on the security of their employees this shows us that they are very concerned about the safety of their employees. We can see that this is paying off as less people are taking days off this is shown in the graph above.The table above shows that BA has reduced the amount of injuries within the business therefore showing that BAs 120 million pounds security investment has been put to good use. It also shows that BA wants to keep on lessen the amount of injuries that have happened to employees.In the table above you can also see that the working days lost per 100,000 people is 4300 days this is a very low amount therefore showing that BA has protected there employees very well as they are coming into work very regularly.An example of a BA employee getting injured is when a cabin crew employee fell from the doorway of a 737 plane. The employee suffered 3 fractured vertebrae. When BA heard of this they then acted on it and tried to reduce the chances of this occurring again.The table above shows that the amount of injuries to employees inside BA has been reducing constantly for the last three years, but there is still room for improvement in the serious injury section where the results show it has risen by an extraordinary amount.How do the trade unions implement nationa l and local working conditions?The trade unions within BA have a very big influence on the finishs made by BA, if BA make a decision that the trade unions do not desire then they will cause a strike to occur and give BA a bad reputation. An example of where this occurred was the strike that occurred at Gate Gourmet this was because the trade unions felt that the working conditions where too bad. When this strike occurred it meant that BA had to cancel flights this meant a loss in return and bad publicity, which caused a downfall for the business. BA would not want to get into situations like this.The trade unions can implement the working conditions by arranging strikes like this. These strikes cause the business to think about keeping the working conditions up and to think about the employees before they take any actions.The trade unions do not have to strike to implement anything, this is because the trade unions can negotiate with the managers of the department and discuss wha t the working conditions are like. by doing this the trade unions can work with the business to get better working conditions for the employees, this way the managers and the employees are happy without resolving to conflict.Overall the trade unions are a big factor that influences the decisions that the business makes. The master(prenominal) way that they implement the working conditions is by working with the business to tell them the conditions that they want. They may also complain if the conditions that are promised by BA are not met.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Conflict and resolving issues sources of conflict and conflict resolution Essay
Hello everyone. My name is Isaac and welcome to my presentation. First of all I would like to give thanks to our honorable course instructor for organizing such a pretty session. Well, today the topic of my presentation is about battle and answer issues. So here I will discuss about conflict and resolving issues, sources of conflict and conflict resolving power.Many people lead busy and repugn lives, so they encounter conflict on a daily basis and sometimes hourly basis at home or at work. As for the people who become engaged in conflict, they ra bank have any or little understanding about the roots of conflicts or how to manage it when it happens. The built-in other level that many people fail to understand is how regularly they encounter conflict and how difficult it arsehole be to find a solution. As human we are regularly being placed in situations where conflict can occur and how we respond to it is grounded on different personalities.Conflict is an inevitable operator in our daily personal and professional lives. We are surrounded by conflict even if we may not recognize it. Usually we dont like to experience conflict, although we enjoy watching others deal with it. For example, television shows highlight the fact that arguments, disputes, and disagreements are normal and a relevant naval division of life. Conflicts can ending for various reasons, including miscommunication, differing values, relationship breakdowns and lack of information. In the workplace conflicts, divergent needs are usually at the heart of bitter disputes.A conflict can occur at any time when two or more people have a difference of opinion. Whether or not the conflict expands rely on the resolving skills of each person involved in the conflict and analyze the elements of conflict and resolving issues involved in the situation. While knowledge in resolving issues skills and negotiation tactics can result to successful conflict resolution, the outcome lies strictly in the hand s and mental abilities of the conflict initiator. When you acknowledge the legitimacy of conflicting needs and become willing to analyze them in a surrounding of compassionate understanding, it open pathways to team building, creative problem solving and better relationship. When you nail down conflict and disputes quickly and painlessly, mutual trust flourish. Basically, the capability to successfully manage and resolve conflicting issues rely on the four conflict resolution skills swiftly relieve stress, recognizing and managing your emotions, improving your nonverbal communication skills, and using humor and play to deal with problems.In conclusion,conflict is a normal and even healthy part of life. Furthermore, two people cannot be expected to agree on everything at all times. Resolving issues is an approach that we require all throughout our lives. Conflict is obviously unavoidable no matter what precautions are taken, but resolving issue is always possible if done correctly . Feelings of frustration may happen, but resolving conflict can make such a difference in our interpersonal relationships rather than just avoiding it. It may appear hard at times to resolve the conflict and reach a median, but in the end, regardless of the difficulty, it will be well worth it and will improve our performance.ReferencesAkgun, Serap, and Arzu Araz. The Effects of Conflict block Education on Conflict Resolution Skills, Social Competence, and Aggression in Turkish Elementary School Students. Journal of Peace Education (2014) 30-45. Print.Nan, Susan Allen. Consciousness in Culture-based Conflict and Conflict Resolution. Conflict Resolution Quarterly (2012) 239-62. Print.Source document
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Evaluating E-Commerce Strategy Development within Organisations Essay
BackgroundThe innovatives about the New Economy has triggered many entrepreneurial ventures to exploit on the electronic art (e-commerce) opportunities. Ventures such as Amazon and eBay give commission received significant media attention and investor optimism about the potential of e-commerce. Now that the smoke has settled, both solicitude and academic enquiry render become interested on the impact of e-commerce on those companies that have supplemented their brick-and-mortar outlets with e-commerce initiatives.Several researches have emerged on effect of e-commerce on organisational strategy. Tapscott et al (1998) discusses the organisational changes created by B2B e-commerce and the benefits of deploying e-commerce in spite of appearance the organisation. OConnell (2000) discusses the effect of e-commerce in the organisational structure in light of the resource-based view and accomplishment cost theory. E-commerce has been seen as improving efficiency, communication and lowering costs crossways business processes (OConnell, 2000 Krovi et al., 2003 Garicano and Kaplan, 2001).In addition, researches have also shown the influence of e-commerce on brand management. Wind & Mahajan (2001). discuss how the competitive environment is changing with the increasing itemize of net income users and how the unexampled technology is redefining the marketplace. The research presented a conceptual framework delineating the aimrs and outcomes of selling strategy in the context of competing in both physical and electronic marketplace. grammatical constituent of the ontogenesis of electronic marketplace is the ability of organisations to offer highly customized products to consumers, and the capability to build and to manage customer relationships (Brown, 2000).The aim of the research is to investigate the way in which an organisation develops its electronic commerce strategy all over time in light of existing strategic approaches and development found within related literature. The research particularly looks into Marks & Spencer e-commerce strategy as the case study for the research. The research looks into how Marks & Spencer has developed and implemented its e-commerce strategy.Drawing from strategic management theories, the research specifically focuses on the how an e-commerce strategy is grounded on reducing transaction cost within the organisation and across the value chain. Furthermore, the research also looks into the importance of relationship selling and how e-commerce is providing organisations with the necessary technology to achieve seamless exchange of information and reduced costs. Strategically, the adoption of e-commerce within an organisation hinges on these two important strategic management theories.In addition, the research is confined within the business-to-consumer (B2C) market, since business-to-business (B2B) relations are frequently characterized by a small number of customers and a strong emphasis on persona l contacts between customers and tradespeople as their means of marketing communication. Therefore, the research focuses on how consumers view their shopping experience within an e-commerce site, particularly Marks & Spencer.The Overview of the Study The symmetry of this study is as following statement Chapter 2, Literature Review, exit provide a concise concept and explanation of electronic commerce within sell organisation. The review of related literature discusses the concept and application welkins of e-commerce within organisation. The review go out also tackle the important strategic management concepts such as transaction cost theory and relationship marketing and how e-commerce is enabling organisations achieve increased efficiency, improved communication, and lower costs across its value chain.Chapter 3, Methodology, will pass the research design of this study. The research design of this study is empirical research method using secondary data for quantitative analy sis.Chapter 4, Results, will demonstrate the results of this study. At first, the descriptive statistical data such as maximum, minimum and mean, on the consumers perspective on the different service attributes of e-commerce site for Marks and Spencer.Chapter 5, Summary, demonstration and Recommendations, the Summary section will first provide a comprehensive summary of the major findings of this study. The Conclusion section will highlight the implications of the research findings. Finally, Recommendations will be proposed to help companies to utilize the importance of electronic commerce in their strategic assessment. In next chapter, related researches in electronic commerce will be reviewedCHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEWElectronic CommerceAccording to the International Engineering Forum, e-commerce is an emerging model of new selling and merchandising tools in which buyers are able to participate in all phases of a purchase decision, while stepping through those processes electroni cally rather than in a physical retentiveness or by phone (with a physical catalog). (online International Engineering Forum) E-commerce enables a customer to access product information, select items to purchase, purchase items securely and have the purchase settled financially. art object the nonion of e-commerce as the ability of organisations or a person to sell over the Internet is very popular, the research root word will adopt the definition of Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD). E-commerce can be defined as the entirety of all applications that pertain to online communications and transaction (OECD, 2000). The definition better suit our purpose of discussing e-commerce in the context of strategic management. The research views e-commerce holistically, which encompasses the communication between organisations and customer over the Internet, the completion of one-time or on-going online transactions, and e-CRM ashess. The emergence of e-commerce in the retail sector is one of the most widely adopted and anticipated development in the industry. Following the success of Amazon, many brick-and-mortar retailers jumped into the dot com bandwagon and completed their online presence in the World Wide Web. Many have adopted e-commerce capabilities out of a fear of falling behind competitors or as a result of the general momentum to expand the use of an existing Internet presence. Nonetheless, the main value pro daub for organisations adopting an online presence is the prospect of increasing revenue from new markets and using a lower-cost, electronic-distribution add (online International Engineering Forum). With a strong demand from organisations in creating an online presence, internet service providers (ISPs) have begun to offer electronic-commerce hosting services. ISPs often position as a outsourced service provider of the customers electronic-commerce capabilities, managing the networking and server aspects of the initiativ es. Such services are important consideration for the roll-out e-commerce sites as it allows organisations to leverage on the expertise of ISPs and allows organisations to centre on their core businesses (online International Engineering Forum). From the customers perspective, the main benefit of an e-commerce system is the convenience it brings to consumers, who are constrained by busy stock and numerous activities. The e-commerce system enables a customer to locate and purchase a desired good or service over the Internet when the customer is reach to make the purchase. Its function is synonymous to a virtual livestock (online International Engineering Forum). From the merchants perspective, the e-commerce system enables the organisation to take advantage of the strengths of online store and increase revenues. One of the key benefits of implementing an online store is the capability to cover greater market reach and a complementary distribution channel to its existing brick-an d-mortar stores. However, in order to effectively implement an e-commerce strategy, the e-commerce system must recreate or utilize existing data and business processes.The merchant must recreate the said(prenominal) shopping experience in its online store providing in-store assistance, secure payment process, catalogs and prices about the products and services, inventory management, and transaction capabilities (including credit authorization, tax computation, financial settlement, and shipping) (online International Engineering Forum). Furthermore, e-commerce not only allows merchants to take advantage of market reach, but it also enables merchants to redefine and enhance an enterprises brand strength, customer-service capability, and supply-chain efficiency. An e-commerce site is one of the areas of an enterprise bag that is open to customers via the Web, but it is linked with other information system of the enterprise value chain (online International Engineering Forum). In imp lementing an e-commerce site, provision of the basic system requires an Internet connection, a Web-application server and e-commerce application software, and a personal computer for the shopper. Figure 1 illustrates the basic economic drivers and application requirements of an e-commerce marketplace. On the buyers side, consumers are impelled to the online retail store through advertisements, interesting features, needed information, and directory. On the sellers side, merchants are driven to the online s ill-treat because of its ease of entry, increasing website traffic, ability to sell and integrate marketing messages (online International Engineering Forum).Figure 1. Business Drivers in e-commerce strategyE-Commerce Strategies and Business DriversA number of initiatives implemented within an organisation are driven by a market need. All industries are characterized by trends and new developments that gradually or speedily produce changes important enough to require a strategic response from participating firms. The popular hypothesis about industries going through a life one shot helps explain industry changes but is still uncompleted (Porter, 1980 p. 157-162). The life-cycle stages are strongly keyed to changes in the overall industry growth rate (which is why such terms as rapid growth, early maturity, saturation, and pin are used to describe the stages). Yet there are more causes of industry change than an industrys position in the life cycle (Porter, 1980 p. 157-162).While it is important to judge what growth stage an industry is in, theres more analytical value in identifying the specific factors causing native industry and competitive adjustments. Industry and competitive conditions change because forces are in motion that create incentives and pressures for change (Porter, 1980 p. 162). The most dominant forces are called driving forces because they have the biggest influence on what kinds of changes will take place in the industrys structure a nd competitive environment.The Internet and e-commerce opportunities are unquestionably spawning a brush business revolution that altered industry boundaries, opens up all kinds of new business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) market opportunities and threats, sparks competition from new and broad(a)ly different breed of enterprises and mandates fundamental changes in business practices (Thompson and Strickland 2001). In his book The Business of E-Commerce From Corporate Strategy to Technology, Paul May discusses four business drivers for adopting an e-commerce strategy. First, organisations have the compulsion to catch up with competitors or to gain competitive advantage by being early adopters of the new technology. Organisations constant pursuit to gain competitive edge in the marketplace is a primary concern and part of a survival component in the business strategy. Second, organisations need to develop a credible e-commerce channel from its current online port folio.Third, organisations are constantly looking for ways to reduce cost and increase efficiency within its value chain. E-commerce can be a seminal force in delivering reduced transaction cost, increased communication and coordination, and improve business processes. Fourth, e-commerce enables organisations to improve its value chain by creating strategic supplier partnership and delivering customized customer solutions. It allows organisations improve business infrastructural capabilities to play as an extended enterprise and not merely a single business entity delivering greater value to its customers (May, 2000). distributively of these drivers can be harnessed as a propulsive force for the business, rather than a deflective or immobilizing one (May, 2000).Application areas of E-commerce vi key emerging application areas in electronic commerce can be identified. It can be organized into two important domains business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-business (B2B). The appli cation areas hold categories in consumer retailing to real-time business-to-business collaboration (May, 2000). Retailers were the first adopters of the business-to-consumer e-commerce. Retailers found selling products and services online as a promising channel of distribution for its products and reaching new markets. Nonetheless, B2C e-commerce is now more diversified and classified into three application areas which include retail, auction, and advice (May, 2000).The three application areas of B2C e-commerce are retail, auctions, and advice. Although each has its own distinguishing characteristics, and dynamics, a consistent approximation underlies the development of all three. This is the increasing busy-ness of consumer lifestyles the extension from work life into private life of a culture of ever-decreasing time-frames and ever-increasing obligations. Lack of time and complexity of choice drive the growth of products and services in each of these areas (May, 2000).Business-t o-consumer is a term that stresses the direction of delivery B2C e-commerce is supposedly something done by business to consumers. Yet this domain is founded on intense customer focus. Insight into the conflicting desires and pressures affecting consumers is a powerful ally in building successful strategies in this highly competitive area (May, 2000).Business-to-business, on the other hand, is the umbrella term used to refer to transactions between businesses conducted online, and the business networks and supply chains that make these transactions possible. While B2B drill has always, taken place, the Internet brings with it a new framework, B2B companies no longer need to depend on the traditional one-to-one model for business transactions (Michel, 2003).Procurement, inventory exchange, and real-time collaboration are relatively obscure categories of application, which have the potential to flip many businesses inside-out. Procurement introduces process improvements in the buying functions of organisations and also points the way to a more competitive environment in inter-company trading. Inventory exchange introduces the mechanism of the market to smooth out supply and demand inefficiencies across entire value chain, potentially lowers transaction and carrying costs, and focuses on improving exchange of supplier information. Real-time collaboration allows organisations to cooperate as fluid colonies of actors, undermining the stability of companies who prefer passive relationships or who prefer their reality-checks to be presented monthly (May, 2000).e-Commerce application in Retail IndustryRetailers are now increasingly adopting electronic commerce as another(prenominal) distribution means of selling products and services. Online channels have also proved increasingly popular amongst retail companies within other formats such as hypermarkets or catalog retailers, who have attempted to expand into the sector to escape from stale growth within their respec tive markets (Datamonitor 2006).Datamonitor estimates the global Internet retail sector treasured at $656.4 billion in 2005, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 30.3% over the 2001-2005 period. The estimate is based on the total revenues generated through the sale of retail goods via online channels, valued at retail selling price, with any currency conversions calculated using constant 2005 annual average exchange rates (Datamonitor 2006).With the number of Internet users increasing exponentially year-on-year, the industry has experienced strong global growth within the global Internet retail sector. Much of the demand for online purchases is referable to the escalating number of working mothers and time-starved consumers who are conveniently seeking ways of shopping without the hassle of driving to a retail store and falling in-line (Datamonitor 2006).At present, drugs and health & beauty aids are the sectors most lucrative segment in 2005, accounting for a tot al of $154 billion in total revenues or 23.5% of the retail sectors total value. Computer, hardware, software, and supplies contributed significant revenues in 2005, generating $114.9 billion in revenues or 17.5% of the sectors total value (Datamonitor, 2006). While analyst do not see a similar spectacular growth in the global Internet retail industry, experts still is optimistic the pace of revenue expansion for the next four years. Industry experts project to the expansion of industry to remain strong valuing the industry at $1.169 trillion by 2010. This translates to 12.2% CAGR over the 2005-2010 period (Datamonitor, 2006). In terms of revenues generated per region, Datamonitor reports that Europe has the largest market share in the global Internet retail sector with 44.4% of total value, followed by the United States and the Asia Pacific with 22.5% and 21.7% respectively (Datamonitor, 2006).
Friday, May 24, 2019
Pay for Play: College Athletes Deserve Payment Essay
Although many college athletes experience a free education in exchange for playing a sport, its not enough. The sports industry, college football game specifically, is a multi one million million million dollar business. The athletes who participate in this multimillion dollar business atomic figure 18 primarily why the business does so well. Student athletes should receive a monetary compensation for their work. There are quite a a few(prenominal) reasons to support college athletes making a type of monetary compensation. A few of the reasons include the dangers of playing sports, how expensive college is, and how much the programs make annually.College football athletes leave it all on the field when they compete. Many players would say blood, sweat, and tears were shed for their schools. In return, shouldnt they be compensation in the form of a stipend? Joe Nocera of The New York Times said the top 15 highest-paid NCAA division 1 football coaches made $53.4 million meanwhile , the 13,866 Division 1 players made $0. The definition of an amateur is an athlete who has never accepted money, or who accepts money under restriction stipulate by a regulatory body, in this case the National Collegiate Athletic Association, for participating in a competition ( The problem the NCAA has with standing their savant athletes for their work on the field is that it would no longer be considered an amateur sport which goes against tradition (NCAA Board of Directors, Historically speaking, programs didnt make $100 million dollars 100 years ago. The NCAA is reluctant to share revenue with their student athletes in an effort to keep it all for themselves (Tom Farrey ESPN Writer).The times energise changed and student athletes deserve to jerk off paid. College education is not cheap under any circumstance. The average cost of in-state resident charges and fees for a four year degree is nearly $40,000 ( The cost of t uition is going up e precise year with an average increase of 6%. Here we can break down the numbers in a general sense to see how much a student athlete makes with a free four year scholarship. Nocera also mentioned student athletes participate in approximately 50 hours a week in football related activities. For example, practice, film studying, team meetings, working out, and games. 50 hours a week, at 52 weeks per year, multiplied by 4 years comes out to 10,400 hours. $40,000 divided by 10,400 hours comes out to $3.85 an hour. $3.85 is lower than the national average for minimum wage, which is about $7.25. This number of 50 hours per week is yet time spent on the sport.This time doesnt include the school portion, which is supposed to be why the student athletes are there. Presented with this kind of data, anyone could tell that college athletes are being underpaid. Now that we know how much student athletes make, we can take a look at how much universities profit from their stud ent athletes. According to ESPN in 2008, the top 10 universities in college football reported revenues of $100 million on average ( The lower 10 schools in revenue make around $15 million. There are 120 Division 1 schools in college football. $5.4 billion dollars is the approximate revenue for one year of Division 1 college football. This number is alarming. Students are the focal points of this business and they do not receive any part of the revenue? Strictly speaking of per institute, the NCAA should govern a trunk that placid a form of tax from each university that would be substantial to paying student athletes.They wouldnt need to pay the student millions of dollars because, lets deliver it, the student athletes are not professionals. If they were to get paid an additional $5,000 for the season their sport was in, the total amount paid to the students in comparison to revenue would put away be less than 1% (Personal calculation via ESPN data). Another reason to consider payment for student athletes is the potential risk of injury. Professional athletes get paid hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars and have players unions to protect them in case of serious injury. There are many associated risks with every sport with football it seems there are more than most sports. The very nature of football is very violent violence is what makes football so popular in America. The most popular sports are those with an associated violent contact such(prenominal) as hockey, football, and mixed martial arts ( The advancement of safety equipment for football players is heavily debated. Every year the administration of both the National Football coalition and the NCAA is striving to make the sport safer for its players.The potential injuries from football include everything imaginable to include broken bones, paralysis, brain damage, tearing of ligaments, and other neurological problems that can coin someone for the rest of their lives . Recent studies show traumatic brain injury is the result of multiple concussions over the lifespan of a player ( Junor Seau, an all-pro NFL linebacker, recently committed suicide due to brain injuries he sustained from playing a 10+ year career in the NFL ( More and more studies are linking noetic health problems to concussions acquired in violent sports. The student athletes need something more if they were to be irreparably damaged for life. The amount of money they could be paid could go into a fund dedicated to helping them later in life.The students put their future on the line while playing these sports they deserve to get compensated for their efforts. College athletes deserve to be paid for their sacrifices. Universities make millions of dollars on a yearly basis. University of Michigans ticket sales for one season of college football can pay for their entire athletic program ( The student athle tes are responsible for themselves and their universitys image as a whole. Traditionally speaking they are amateurs, but recently with the rise in popularity of college football, they are more than that. They are stars and they deserve at least a reasonable amount of monetary compensation. The NCAA should govern a system to pay their student athletes because they deserve it.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Serial Killer Edmund Kemper III
Serial Killer Edmund Kemp mischance For this project I have chosen to go with a serial murder by the name of Edmund Emil Kemp Ill. A serial murder is a murder of separate victims with some time breaks between them (Lyman, 2011, p. 307). The main characteristics reach serial murder can vary because each Individual murder had their own calling card so to speak. For example my serial killer became cognize as the Co-Deed killer because he chose to kill little college girls during his violent death spree.Also, another one of his characteristics loud be to dismember the victims bodies and get down them In different places. Edmund E. Kemp Ill was born on December 13, 1948 In Burbank, CA. He lived a dysfunctional life due to his parents divorcing and remarrying when he was ten years old. After his parents divorced, his mother took Edmund on with his sisters where they would live by her very high standards and abusive ways. His mother criticized Edmund mentally by having him sleep in t he basement because she feared he would harm his sisters.Because of this he dislike his mother and he also started to have darted toward all women. Occasionally Edmund would break off the heads and hands of his sisters dolls and play a game he called The gas bedroom in which he would execute the victim (Fisher, 2003). Edmund began his cleanups with his grandmother because he felt that she treated him as his mother did. So he took a . 22 caliber rifle and shot her In the back of the head and stabbed her multiple times. Furthermore, when his grandfather came home he also shot him.This would be Edmunds first time killing anyone. After he killed his grandparents, Edmund was intended to a juvenile maximum-security hospital where he would spend the remainder of his childhood. Edmund would be released to his mother at the age of 21 disregardless of his doctors wishes (Ramadan, 2006). Once Edmund returned home he applied for some jobs to include applying at the local police force pla ne section. However, the police department rejected him because of his awkward size. He was as yet infatuation with becoming a police officer which landed him into their atmosphere.He would hang out at the local bars and courthouses that were adorned by police officers. Eventually, Edmund would take their friend and to many of them he was known as Big Deed. In his off time, he would cruise the highways picking up dozens of young female hitch-hikers so he could work on his approach to reach his goal of putting them at ease. Now that Kemp had reached his short -term goal of making killing spree went from 1972 to 1973 where he would murder six young female hitch- hikers Mary Ann Peace, Anita Luckless, Kaki Kook, Cindy Shall, Roseland Thorpe, and Alice Line (Ramadan, 2006).He would kill these women dismember them, have sex tit their corpses, and bury them in odd areas. One of his victims heads would wind up in his mothers garden as a Joke. Kemp always knew how to keep from getting cau ght and unbeknownst to the officers he do friends with he would soon be identified as the Co-Deed killer. When all was done Kemp took his anger back into his home toward his mother. While his mother was in bed asleep, he used a claw hammer and hit her with it, and then he would decapitated her, remove her larynx and Jammed it down the garbage disposal (Fisher, 2003).After he finished with killing is mother he was still unsatisfied so he invited Sally Wallet (his mothers best-friend) over for a dinner in follow of his mom. Once she entered the house Edmund, clubbed her over the head, strangled her, and decapitated her as well. When he was done with killing his mom and her friend Edmund Kemp decided to call the police department and turn himself in as this would be the last life that Edmund Kemp would be responsible for. Officers thought it was a Joke when he called in and giving the police all of the grizzly details of his actions.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Directions for “Cognitive Development†Essay
1. Access the textbook websitehttp// Click on the PsychSim Tutorials link3. In the left column, find Chapter 04Psychsim5 Cognitive cultivation and click on this link.Click on Cognitive maturation and begin the tutorial. Answer the questions and attach to the email in ITS LEARNING. This is due no after than midnight Tuesday, September 22. Late submissions will be deducted 20 pts per school day late.PsychSim 5 COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENTName Faye SimshauserThis activity describes Piagets theory of the issue of intelligence and simulates the per cultivateance of three children of different ages on both(prenominal) of Piagets tasks.Schemas1. What are schemas?-A schema is the way we make sense of the world by organizing what we manage into a mental framework.2. Explain the difference between assimilation and accommodation. -Assimilation means incorporating new experiences into our existing framework or understanding. When we encounte r a new situation, we offset try to apply your existing schemas, and then we suss out what happens. If it fits well into our old schemas, we are satisfied. But if the new experiencedoesnt fit, we need to modify our schemas. This ferment of adjusting our old frameworks is called accommodation. Sometimes we only need to make slight modifications in our schemas. In other situations we may need to make major changes, or level create new schemas.3. Suppose that a 15-month-old toddler has learned to call the four-legged house pet a doggie. What do you think would happen if the child sees a horse for the first time? Is the child likely to call the horse a horsie or a doggie or a doggie-horse or some other end crest? Write your best guess in the space below, and add a sentence explaining why you think the child would use that term to refer to the horse. -The child after seeing a horse for the first time will call it a doggie because of its existing schema with associating four-legged a nimals with dogs.Stages of Development4. What are some characteristics of a child in the sensoripush back stage of development? -In the sensorimotor stage of development, the childs intelligence is consumed with mostly sensations and motor skills. The childs thoughts are limited to the sensations being experience and the objects being acted upon that moment.5. What is object permanence?-Object permanence is the awareness that things continue to exist even when verboten of sight.6. What are some cognitive limitations of preschoolers?-Although able to think symbolically and gain memory and language developments, preschoolers still lack certain mental operations that form the basis of adult logic. The children make errors on problems that involve changes in the appearance of objects.7. What is egocentrism?-Egocentrism is the inability to take anothers perspective or point of view into account. Egocentrism is the reason why children stand in front of the television sometimes when other s are watching behind them they think thateveryone can see what they see.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Strategic Fit of It Service Management
IBM honorary society of Technology academy TechNotes ATN Volume 2, Number 9, 2011 Strategic fit of IT assistant Management iven the crucial role that IT (Information Technology) plays in affaires today, IT departments live with a significant responsibility to ensure that its look on is optimized. IT optimization can be obtained through the word sense of the IT Service Management proposition by IT trading operations. G Pietro Della Peruta However, IT Service Management concepts and tools are complex changes to usher in to an organization.To achieve the right fit of such concepts and tools it is important that the introduction is congruent with the attach tos operating(a) mood. The Company Operating Mode concept was introduced in the seminal work of Nolan and McFarlan on the IT Strategic restore Grid (Harvard Business Review, October 2005, Information Technology and the Board of DirecTurnaround mode is characStrategic Dependence Current measure of IT on tors). According to the IT terized by the pipeline havbusiness Strategic Impact Grid, ing a low strategic depend luxuriously companies operate in Low ence on IT which has in high spiritsschool four possible modes strategic impact.Firms in Turnaround Strategic High support, turnaround, facturnaround mode expect a IT Governance Focus IT Governance tory, and strategic. These new system to change their on system s and Governance modes determine the on business business. New systems promapplications Strategic Im pact go Scope of IT current value IT has for ise major process optimizaFuture value of IT on operations the business (i. e. strategic business tion and service transforma obtain Factory Managem ent dependency) and the tion as well as cost reducBusiness Applications Focus future value IT has for the tion.IT operations are charservice and system m anagem ent m anagem ent business (i. e. strategic acterized by a commodious attenLow impact). To optimize the tion to efficiency, and they Legenda IT M anagem ent Mode value of IT, for each are mostly process driven. Business Focus governance Focus Com pany Operating Mode Company Operating Mode, The IT operations emphasis is on Focus of IT a well-defined level of IT the systems with attention to operations service management (IT IT governance processes (i. e. service management mode) ineluctably to be implemented ITIL). y the IT operation. The IT service management mode is Strategic mode is characterized by IT having high stratecharacterized by the focus of IT operation (i. e. system gic dependence and high strategic impact on the busifocus or business focus) and by the scope of IT operations ness. Firms in this mode require dependable systems and (i. e. management focus or governance focus). When a must exploit emerging technologies to hold their comcompanys currently adoptive IT management mode petitive position.IT operations are seeking effectiveness does not match the operating mode the company is in, and efficiency. IT oper ations focus is on managing busithe IT department must modify the way IT services are ness service from a business point of view (effectiveness) managed in order to optimize the value of IT. as well as using a process driven approach to manage Support Mode is characterized by IT having low strategic the IT (efficiency). This means IT governance and business impact on the business which has a low strategic deservice focus. endency on IT. Companies in support mode are least certified on IT. In this mode systems operate mostly in About the Author Pietro della Peruta is an Executive IT Archimaintenance mode. Service interruption might not protect, IBM Software Group, a member of the IBM Academy of duce serious consequences. For a company in support Technology, and has 20 years of experience in systems mode, systems and applications are monitored and some availability and exertion management. est practices exist for recovery from performance and availability problems. IT operations are focused on systems and applications resources, and the scope of operations is management. Copyright IBM Corporation 2011 Factory mode is characterized by the business having high strategic dependence on IT which has low strategic impact. Companies in factory mode are more dependent on selective information technology. If systems fail for a minute or more, there is an immediate loss of business. Increased response metre has erious consequences for both internal and external users. IT management in the factory mode is characterized by a high level of effectiveness via tailored control of business service quality. KPIs (key performance indicators) are defined at business level more than at IT level. IT operations have a business focus except still a management scope. In factory mode, the focus of IT operations is more on managing the business services than on the systems or the applications as single entities. For more information please visit the Academy web site.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Ethical Perspectives Essay
AbstractThis essay will research a a global cheek and heathenish issue that affects the organizations interactions outside the joined States. It will excessively define the cultural issue within the global organization as well as reserve an analysis of the respectable and social responsibility issues that the organization must deal with as a firmness of being a global organization. The analysis will identify ethical perspectives in the global organization and it will compare these ethical perspectives across cultures refer in the global organization.Ethical Perspectives Paper collectable to many strict regulations placed on corporations by the United States, a lot of them have move their factories overseas as a way of escaping the strict regulations. South Korea, Vietnam, Taiwan, and China are examples of mingled triplet World countries that have a readily available and abundant cheap push back source. These companies take it reward of this cheap churn as a means of fulf illing the consumers needs while at the alike time trip costs production. Many of these organizations have been noted by the media as abusing these forms of cheap labor and are highly criticized beca engagement of their organizational culture.The use of child labor or work conditions in the labor force are some of the malpractices these organizations are noted as using on both the local anesthetic and international level. Although these organizations have been reported for doing this very little has been done to correct the problem unless someone has either gotten hurt were the people go on strike to rally for the workers rights.Nike passel is among those corporations that have been highlighted and criticized for its organizational culture. This Corporation, founded by Bill Bowerman and Philip Knight, has had companies based abroad from the very beginning in an attempt to increase its profits slightly the world. By doing this the company has managed to save money on production and labor costs and has been labeled a blue ribbon sports organization. There many different countries that this organization has expanded into. One of these countries is Pakistan. Pakistan, Nike company face up serious cultural issues including the use of children for labor and poor work conditions.The allegations range from situations where childrens job was to fasten soccer balls to stitching of and support garments. Boje & caravanserai (2009) indicate that Sialkot, Pakistan has been the place where soccer balls of Nike company and then produced for several(prenominal) years and it is estimated it thousands of children have been used as workers in the production process of the companys goods. Khan (2010) indicates that childhood is perceived in different ways and that it is not across countries but also in a specific culture had across various ethnic groups (Khan, 2010).Child labor is the main cultural issue that affects the Nike Corporation. The company has been highlighted b y the media through illustrating the conditions under which the Nikes factories were operating overseas and the minimal standards that had to be bring home the bacon by the employees. This companys goal was to achieve financial gain while exploiting its workers. Due to these malpractices the Nike Corporation received ceaseless attacks. Strict recomm finish upations were set in order to improve these back conditions. With the media being involved Nike had to do something to improve how it was operating in other countries.Due to Nikes global expansion, the company was faced with various aspects of concern, costs being among those issues. In order for them to stay competitive, as it pertains to price without the need to reduce its workforce, they pertinacious to outsource some of its manufacturing overseas. By doing so, it gave the company an advantage over its competitors as well as opening other doors of marketing for the company. Even though the shifting of jobs from the US to ot her countries may be viewed as an unethicalpractice by others, it back be said that Nikes decision was in the scoop interest of the company, as well as the employees working at the company. A company that is unable to maintain its competitive advantage within its current markets and at the same time thinking of expanding its business, will end up experiencing a stagnating growth and loss of jobs among many employees. No one will then be the winner when the company has lost his competitiveness in the industry (Etienne and Lewis, 2005).Another thing that has to be taken into consideration are the customers. This falls within the ethical responsibility field of the company which had been overlooked for a long time. It is apparent that the Nike Corporation failed to comprehend the consequences of not following the required base market ideologies in a place where they were not required to follow stringent labor regulations. Taking jobs out of the United States is hard enough to justi fy, never mind the fact they were taking those jobs and moving them to a place where children were disposed(p) those jobs. With child labor being a major problem is clear that Nike did not consider its ethical obligations and wound up paying the price for its malpractices. Nike was accused of lowering the human standards rights single-handedly with the goal of maximizing profits. Furthermore, Nike products have been linked to forced overtime, slave wages, and habitual abuse.The main difficulties in diversifying an organization is based on the principle of cultural adaptability while ensuring that ethical and social standards and maintain. Groundwork of the organization or company can be well described when there is a clear analysis of what takes place in organization. Nikes decision to take the companys business abroad was with good intent and motive for cutting costs, increasing the companys competitiveness and profits, but should not have come at the outgo of abusing child labor . The accusations placed on Nike Corporation by the media were based on poor working conditions, use of child labor, and the exploitation of wages to its employees abroad. The company was not only criticized these accusations, but were also criticized for taking jobs international from the American people. Through corporate social responsibility laws, the Nike Corporation was forced to adhere to the recommendation in order toimprove the poor working conditions in its factories abroad.ReferencesBoje, D, & Khan, F (2009) Story-Branding by Empire Entrepreneurs, journal of beautiful Business and Entrepreneurship, p 9-24. DeTienne, K & Lewis, L (2005) the Pragmatic and Ethical Barriers to Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure, Journal of Business Ethics, p 359-376. Khan, a (2010) Discourses on Childhood, History & Anthropology, p 101-119.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
The Love of My Life
In the short level The Love of My Life, cardinal teenagers wanton a musical mode one bad decision and their lives are changed forever. The author, T. Coraghessan Boyle, wrote the narrative based on an actual intelligence activity layer that had occurred a few years rearward. The author does a great job of making the affinity amid Jeremy and china conform tom so wonderful and almost innocent, that it is hard to be angry with them. The cardinal characters in the score, Jeremy and china, are novel and are head over heels for separately early(a).The very first origin of the story is all it takes to make the reader realize that these two youngsters share the true meaning of experience, they wore to each one other desire a pair of socks. All of that changes when the two find sleep together forward that china is pregnant. rather of aright handling their internet site, they redeem the baby and dispose of it in a dumpster at a motel. Although the story has a v ery upsetting plot, you fannyt help but feel some sympathy toward the characters. The beginning of the story starts bug out describing the great, young cope that Jeremy and mainland chinaware had.They did everything with each other, spent almost every waking signification together, and rarely ever fought. Both teenagers were on a great track in life graduating at the crimp of their risque condition class, both liberation to top colleges and well- the liked by most. They would tell each other I spot you more prison terms in a day than they could keep track of. every(prenominal) clock time they walked into a elbow room they would kiss. They seemed to have the perfect relationship. Then, the summer before college would commence, they went on a week-long populate get down alone.Of course, being alone, they had the opportunity to have sex and enjoy their time together. Obviously caught in the screw up of the moment, perspicacious they were out of condoms, they had sex a ny bureau. One irrational decision led to their lives changing forever. Before issue to school in the come across, mainland chinaware learned that she was pregnant. Out of immaturity, and fear, she decides to do nonhing about it and hide it, hoping it would peradventure besides go away. Jeremy is just as clueless and scared as she is, and goes along with her decision.When the night comes that China is to have her baby, she calls up Jeremy and they meet at the motel they had met at many times before. When she arrives there, Jeremy is waiting at the door. When she walks by him, they didnt kiss- they didnt still touch- and then she was on the bed. By this time, they have almost completely lost all of the honey in their relationship and all their fighting has just pulled them a disassociate more and more. Hours passed, and she finally had the baby. After the distress of plentiful birth, all she could say to Jeremy was, get rid of it. Jeremy, not k straightawaying what else to do, listened to her order. After driving China back to school, he returned to the motel, wrapped the baby in a plastic bag, and disposed of it in a dumpster. give care most secrets, this one didnt last very long. Both teenagers were soon arrested. On the day of their cost appearance, China writes Jeremy a note saying, I love you, will always love you no guinea pig what. It is unmistakable that she still loves him so much, but it is hard to tell whether Jeremy still feels the same at this academic degree in the story. All he can say to her before they part is, you told me to get rid of it. A part in the story that seems to be very ironic is that China always would joke with Jeremy that she would never be like those breeders that bring their puffed-up squalling little red-faced babies to class. Sadly, the thing that they had at once laughed at others for happened to them. It can in addition become so intense and cause people to do crazy things, just like the characters in Th e Love of My Life. They may not have killed one another, but they did murder their baby. They were blinded by their love and still so immature that they did not know how to deal with such a honorable situation like that.The Love of My LifeLove conquers all. Thats what we hear over and over again festering up. Everyone longs for that one amazing person to waltz into our lives and steal our hearts for the rest of eternity, but is it possible that love will be strong enough to face any problem that gets in our way? T. Coraghessan Boyle once said As strong as love might be, there is always something stronger that could come along and shatter it (After). T. Coraghessan Boyle was born in 1948 as Thomas John Boyle in Peekskill, New York. When Boyle went to college he never dreamed that one day he would have a major in Literature.He originally went to major in melody as an aspiring saxophone player at SUNY Potsdam (Auteur). That did not work out because I did not have near the talent o f my colleagues he said I became a vocalist in a rock band (Auteur). After he lost interest in music he moved on to history. From history, he changed his major to English and history. When Boyle finally found were he belonged he channeled his creativity into make-up fiction, where he is now know as a literary legend, or as Boyle likes to say a rock star of literature. Mark Twain once said Boyles writing is deliciously infectious (Auteur).Twain also includes that Boyles masterful use of wit and dark satire peppercorn the pages with a focus on social exploration in contemporary times (Auteur). With that kind of rejoinder from the great Mark Twain I can understand how Boyle has twenty-three novels and sixty-four short stories. In the short story The Love of My Life Boyle outlines an extremely powerful love mingled with two young teenagers named China and Jeremy. These two were inseparable, completely taken by love since the end of their junior year when they started dating, and t hey were not afraid to show it. They kissed whenever they met, no matter where or when, even if one of them had just stepped out of the room, because that was love, that was the way love was, and they believed that nothing could end this incredible feeling (Boyle 382). Until the end of August, when China found out she was pregnant, that was when their problems began. China did not tell anyone about the baby except Jeremy. They went to two contrary colleges and that they would deal with the baby when it was time for China to give birth. When Chinas water broke she called Jeremy and they went to a motel.Jeremy delivered the baby girl and China told him to get rid of it so he threw the baby in the dumpster outside (Boyle 387). They left the motel and went back to the college as if nothing ever happened. The police came the next morning and arrested both China and Jeremy. China and her parents decided to pop the blame on Jeremy by allowing everyone to think that China had believed she had miscarried, and Jeremy acted alone on dumping the breathing baby bird into the dumpster. This enormous problem eventually led to the downfall of China and Jeremys relationship.Boyle gets his ideas for his stories in many different ways, some can be from him just walking down the street and an idea pops into his head, others ideas come when he is watching television or reading a book. Boyle got the idea to write The Love of My Life from a case he read in the newspaper (After). The case was about a murder probe involving Amy S. Grossberg and Brian C. Peterson for the murder of their new born baby boy. Grossberg delivered the baby at a Comfort Inn in Newark, Delaware, in November 1996 (Amy). Grossberg was assisted by her boyfriend Brian Peterson. Peterson threw the baby in the dumpster.In March1998, Peterson pled guilty to man slaughter and served a two-year sentence. On April 22, 1998, Grossberg agreed to plea bargain, and was sentenced to two-and -half years in prison on July 9, 1998. posterior, Peterson got married and now lives in Florida. Grossberg has now started a high end greeting card business with her parents (Amy). The only differences between the Peterson and Grossberg case and The Love of My Life is Boyle changed Peterson and Grossbergs names and the sex of the baby, other than that the two stories are very similar. Love is a theme that is expressed frequently in this story, making some wonder, what is love?China and Jeremy believe love should be expressed physically, rather than physically and emotionally. China says love should be the way it was in the movies, where the stars ambushed each other on beds the size of small planets and did it again and again until they lay cuddle in a heap of pillows and blankets (Boyle 381). Jeremy says explains that there was no feeling like this, no triumph, no high it was like being unconquerable, like floating, (Boyle 381) and for their spring break trip, Jeremy didnt even bring his fishing rod, and tha t was love (Boyle 383). Their idea of love is questioned when China is pregnant.Jeremy begins to think of China as pig-headed, stubborn, and irrational (Boyle 385). Yet he does what she asks, like when she tells him to get rid of it, it meaning the baby, he does not ask questions he simply wraps the baby in plastic and leaves the room (Boyle 387). Chinas love is also questioned when she chooses to testify against Jeremy, blaming him for the death of their child, claiming to have believed she had a miscarriage. Yet she claims to still love him. In this short story, Boyle uses water to symbolize the state of their relationship (Robertson). Boyle mentions it precipitate or not raining fourteen times.When the water is calm and peaceful then their relationship is going well and blooming (Robertson). However, when the water turns rapid, so does the relationship. For instance, when Jeremy and China go on their five day packing material trip near the lake, Boyle makes use note that not a drop of rain is suppose to fall (Boyle 383). With no rain in sight Jeremy and China are going to have very peaceful trip. Another example of not a drop of rain falling is the night before Jeremy is arrested and he is dreaming of fishing in the river, that is also a peaceful moment for him.On the other hand, the day Chinas water breaks we are told that it is raining, raining hard which is a sign that their relationship is struggling (Boyle 386). Later that evening the rain had turned to ice this could be a sign of how cold they are toward each other (Boyle 386). After hours of labor and hours of rain the baby is born. The very next day when the police come to arrest Jeremy it is raining again. Boyle draws parallels between Chinas dorm life and her time at Sarah Barnes make Womens Correctional Institute (Kettering).The food was exactly what they served at the dining hall in college, and the room was just like a dorm room, except that they locked the doors at night (Boyle 388). The im age of the moon is use to unify the story (Kettering). China quotes a John Donne poem to Jeremy, saying she loves him More than Moon (Boyle 384). As she grows with her pregnancy, he begins to call her More than Moon since her stomach is so round and white (Boyle 384). The note that she sends to him during the outpouring references the poem again, saying that she loves him More than Moon (Boyle 389).Boyle uses nature to symbolize the emotions that Jeremy and China feel. For example, spring and winter are used to show the highs and lows that China and Jeremy go through during these times of the year. When Jeremy and China are so in love with one another, Boyle uses imagery associated with spring to indicate that their love is fertile and growing (Term). I feel that Boyle uses this story as an attempt to inform us that no matter how in love we think we are, something can always go wrong, and that you may never get that love back.He allows us to see and feel what Jeremy and China feel through what they say to each other and the words he uses to describe their love. As the story continues we gain more understanding of their relationship, and this is why the story is so heart time out when China turns her back on Jeremy at the end to save her own future. This whole story triggers our emotions, it allows us to feel the love they have for each other and then feel the betrayal. Which makes Boyles point very clear, love does not conquer all.The Love of My LifeIn the short story The Love of My Life, two teenagers make one bad decision and their lives are changed forever. The author, T. Coraghessan Boyle, wrote the story based on an actual news story that had occurred a few years back. The author does a great job of making the relationship between Jeremy and China seem so wonderful and almost innocent, that it is hard to be angry with them. The two characters in the story, Jeremy and China, are young and are head over heels for each other.The very first line of the stor y is all it takes to make the reader realize that these two youngsters share the true meaning of love, they wore each other like a pair of socks. All of that changes when the two find out that China is pregnant. Instead of properly handling their situation, they have the baby and dispose of it in a dumpster at a motel. Although the story has a very upsetting plot, you cant help but feel some sympathy toward the characters. The beginning of the story starts out describing the great, young love that Jeremy and China had.They did everything with each other, spent almost every waking moment together, and rarely ever fought. Both teenagers were on a great track in life graduating at the top of their high school class, both going to top colleges and well-liked by most. They would tell each other I love you more times in a day than they could keep track of. Every time they walked into a room they would kiss. They seemed to have the perfect relationship. Then, the summer before college wou ld commence, they went on a week-long camping trip alone.Of course, being alone, they had the opportunity to have sex and enjoy their time together. Obviously caught in the heat of the moment, knowing they were out of condoms, they had sex anyway. One irrational decision led to their lives changing forever. Before going to school in the fall, China learned that she was pregnant. Out of immaturity, and fear, she decides to do nothing about it and hide it, hoping it would perhaps just go away. Jeremy is just as clueless and scared as she is, and goes along with her decision.When the night comes that China is to have her baby, she calls up Jeremy and they meet at the motel they had met at many times before. When she arrives there, Jeremy is waiting at the door. When she walks by him, they didnt kiss- they didnt even touch- and then she was on the bed. By this time, they have almost completely lost all of the love in their relationship and all their fighting has just pulled them apart more and more. Hours passed, and she finally had the baby. After the trauma of giving birth, all she could say to Jeremy was, get rid of it. Jeremy, not knowing what else to do, listened to her order. After driving China back to school, he returned to the motel, wrapped the baby in a plastic bag, and disposed of it in a dumpster. Like most secrets, this one didnt last very long. Both teenagers were soon arrested. On the day of their court appearance, China writes Jeremy a note saying, I love you, will always love you no matter what. It is apparent that she still loves him so much, but it is hard to tell whether Jeremy still feels the same at this point in the story. All he can say to her before they part is, you told me to get rid of it. A part in the story that seems to be very ironic is that China always would joke with Jeremy that she would never be like those breeders that bring their puffed-up squalling little red-faced babies to class. Sadly, the thing that they had once laug hed at others for happened to them. It can also become so intense and cause people to do crazy things, just like the characters in The Love of My Life. They may not have killed one another, but they did murder their baby. They were blinded by their love and still so immature that they did not know how to deal with such a serious situation like that.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Mcdonald’s and Kfc: Recipes for Success in China
McDonalds and KFC Recipes for Success in chinaware 1. Assess KFCs schema in China? What should KFC do following? KFCs strategy in China firstly aimed to be the first leader in foreign quick dish up restaurant. KFC differentiated itself from other local Chinese fast nutrition restaurants by not only providing modal(prenominal) standard KFC foods scarcely as well offer customers with high musical note service with different concept and ambiance. Moreover, KFC vary itself in the foods human body to match with customer needs. Its poster localization brings the concept of American brand with Chinese characteristics.People are significant re consultation for KFC. Thus, KFC started talent development since the first day it started by offering genteelness and providing career growth within the company. This talent development program, later on, greatly supported the expansion of KFC in China successfully. During crisis, KFC created opportunities for itself by expanding aggressi vely in China. Nevertheless, KFC developed its own logistics outline with STAR system. The own logistics system helps KFC to lower the costs, control the quality and deliver products and services to customers faster.With both these strategic plans, KFC succeeds in China greatly. To repugn with other foreign fast foods which are coming to China in the near future, KFC should consider backwards integration. KFC whitethorn set up its own farm to raise its own chickens and other major ingredients in suppose to control the quality and safety of the materials. This farm will be the only supplier for all the franchised KFC stores in China in order to control the quality and standards of foods. KFC should as well set up genteelness center.All the employees should be trained here and hence, to control the quality of the services in different stores. Nevertheless, in order to gain customers trust and loyalty, KFC should also focus on CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) to show its co ncern of brining the best quality foods to customers while protecting environment and society. KFC should maintain its core competency of its products while keep developing its food innovations to reach its changing customers preferences and cultures. 2. Assess McDonalds strategy in China?What should McDonalds do next? McDonald strategy in China was to maintain the first world standards as a global brand. It focussed to keep its quality of food consistency and food preparation process. It first kept the food menu instead of adaptations to local preference. With this strategy, McDonald did not gain great success at the beginning as KFC did. However, it bit by bit learned to adapt to local preferences by offering different menu to match with customer needs. It also expands in China through joint venture or sole proprietor instead of franchising.It also took a strategic move to link with Chinas SinoPec and build drive-through outlets. It offers convenience to customers by offering 24- hour service. Though, it didnt use aggressive expansion, gradual expansion of McDonald helps it learn and develop itself steadily in the prospicient term. In order to compete with other fast foods business in China, McDonald should keep its core competence of high quality standards. However, it should also start its R&D center in China in order to understand Chinese market and hence, to offer the right products to match with customer needs.This may be done through more than variety of foods. To maintain high quality of products, McDonald had fewer suppliers who could collect its standard. This might bring higher costs to McDonald. In order to compete in the long run, McDonald should go out lower-cost source of materials. Similarly to KFC, it should consider backward integration to have its own farm to be its source of major raw materials and ingredients. This will not only result in lower costs but also in higher quality of the raw materials.Moreover, with the concept of 24 -hour service, McDonald should consider to have more variety of foods such as night meal which may include warm milk or smaller-size burger, more variety of salads instead of only heavy big meal. It should also try to differentiate itself from other restaurants by offering different services such as delivery service, fast-process-time-guarantee service (this is to ensure its fast service), and decent ambiance (as it also opens at night, instead of providing normal counter seats, McDonald may offer the sofa seats so that customers can come and relax, work or have a small meeting here).With this concept, customers may not only perceive McDonald as a fast food restaurant but more like a cafe or nice informal meeting point with their friends and colleagues during both race hour and non-rush hour. This may help McDonald to capture more customer groups and hence generate more revenues.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Chilean Mine
Over two months trapped electron tube waiting to be rescued their waiting had finally come to an end on October 13, 2010. Two months agone on August 5th, 2010, in the city of Copiapo, Chile, near the Atacama desert an underground mining had collapsed trapping 33 miners 2300 feet below the surface. Now, given under the circumstances that the mine had a history of previous accidents and deaths, this led everyone to commit that the 33 men underground had died in the rumble. What will become of them?Having to be open-minded in such a gloom situation, was difficult nowing that the miners were still alive and swell up. There had to be mostthing done to help them. The early thing that needs to be done is understand the crisis or disaster, only(prenominal) after that can a decision is made as how to handle the situation. In a situation like this it is best to represent someone who can handle the discussions that arise and control the media. someone who can think divulgeside the str eet corner and be sincere In executing the task at hand.Someone who Is not afraid to ask questions and Is well versed with business rule When you cannot answer the question, get someone who can. (Crisis Management 5th Para. Not only will this be the best for the telephoner but for the families of the miners as well. Some considerations to remember is that the audience whitethorn be emotionally distressed and when communicating with them about the topic that we ar straight forward. There has to be control in such a chaotic situation. Their expectations want to be addressed.How quickly will this be resolved? When will their love ones come home They want answers, The needs of the families receiving the messages of this incident would want to hit the sack that their families would be coming home rubberly and that at that place is a plan to get the know out I OF3 saTely. Also, Is tnere a support system to nelp out tne Tamllles going tnrougn t crisis? Some family members, such as the children of those trapped below may need therapy. The families may want to know as well if on that point will be every compensation for what had returned.Will the company do whats right or Just walkway away? Another potential need about receiving a message would be that, is the company safe? What measures have interpreted place to ensure the safety of the employees? Have preventive measures been taken so it wont happen again? The people would want to know that the company is doing something for their fellow employees trapped below. They would want to see that the company is taking steps to show that they c are about what happened to their employees and that something like this would not happen again.Actions that would be taken before delivering the message is make sure that the one person appointed is an expert to read a memo and handle any questions that arise in the public. Also, at times of chaos there has to some level of comfort, tell them what they would want to hear. Let ting them know that their loved ones are well, and that all steps are universe taken to bring them home safely can bring them some ease. In any crisis or tragedy there are precautions take and how to handle the situation.The main concern is, how is the message being delivered and how the audience will will react to it. The key component is to communicate and show sympathy for the employees and families. such(prenominal) a message would be delivered in person, face to face especially with the families involved. Another way would be to broad cast it so that city sees your trying to do what is best to bring them home safely. To hold in behind letters and not be a around shows no empathy or concerns for the individuals that are involved. Our thoughts and prayers go out to those affected by this tragedy.Memo to Family Members and Employees As you may have heard on August 5th, 2010, there was a tragic accident in the mines of Chile located deep in the Atacama desert. The mine had caved in trapping 33 of our miners 2300 feet underground. They are working diligently to find the men and ensure that they have equal food and water to help them while they wait to be rescued. There are three whacking teams including the expertise of N. A. S. A working on ensuring their safe return to their loved ones. We know that working in the mining usiness can often be hard and cruel but I assure we are doing everything possible to bring them home.As more information or changes develop, the families will be the first to be notified and if there are any questions or needs please feel free to contact us. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your loved ones.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Drug Safety Evaluation and Pharmacovigilance Assignment
Drug Safety Evaluation and Pharmacovigilance - Assignment ExampleThe systems that are used to quantify post-marketing events include medical record databases or computerized claims, reports and pre marketing studies.Drug toxicity is frequently a major safety issue for an investigational hot drug. This may occur as an unexpected reaction to a harmless drug or it may be an expected consequence of the intrinsic toxicity of a drug, interpreted in a sufficiently large dose (Berlin, 2008). It is the function of pharmaceutical research companies to take the grade from understanding a disease to bringing a safe and effective treatment to patients. To ensure that assemblage of data is complete and to protect the safety of canvass participants, various processes are put in tramp during clinical trials (Meadows, 2006). The completeness of data is important in developing an understanding of the advantages and side effects of a new medicine (Meadows, 2006). With one or more solutions at h and, researchers turn their attention to testing them extensively to deposit if they should move on to testing in humans.Efficacy and safety of investigational new drugs have an inherent insufficiency in the inability to detect major, rare and adverse effects (Talbot, 2011). The limitations of these safety data for predicting post confidence safety profiles must be a consideration. These pre-marketing clinical trial limitations include lack of globally recognised gold standards for determining whether a signal on drug safety represents true risk. While the regulative bodies have well established regulatory statutes, standards of ascertaining safety are heterogeneous (Edwards & Tilson, 2005). There is limited statistical power in determining the specific harm due to lack of statistical significance in the selected population. The selected patient group is small and excludes patients who are at a greater risk.There is limited generalizability since the study participants are caref ully selected. There is a strict criterion of selecting whom to include
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Explain three (3) world arguments for birth control and two (2) world Essay
Explain three (3) world disceptations for birth control and two (2) world arguments against birth control. break in original examples (not in the textbooks) or further clarification of each viewpoint or position - act Exampleore necessary to re-examine some old and new arguments for birth control because the reasons are well-grounded and make tremendous sense to any sensible person concerned with human life. Some pile have raised these alarms many times but were just ignored over the years.The foremost argument for birth control is an old one, raised several centuries ago by a famous side scholar and political economist Thomas Robert Malthus (1766-1834). He argued that human populations are subject to the same swop factors as any other living species in the world such as famine, diseases and available nourishment supplies. Human populations tend to grow or outstrip increases in food supplies and would simply result in majority of humans suffering under a cloud of hunger and m isery. This is very much straightforward today in various parts of the world such as Africa where famines occur regularly. Moreover, the total cultivatable land has decreased over the years due to increasing development and the rise of urbanization, reducing the domain of a function available for food production. Additionally, human activities have led to pollution of wet supplies, which make potable body of water difficult to obtain in many areas and droughts also caused supply scarcity.The worlds natural resources are mostly finite in nature, and any increase in humans will surely contribute to depletion of these supplies. Water, food and muscle are not readily or always renewable in limitless quantities and some melody of birth control has to be instituted. The world is definitely reaching its limits that can sustain an acceptable take aim in the quality of life.A consequence of increased human populations is the issue of global warming. Climate change is now upon us and this has affected everything on Earth, including the ability to raise the food crops necessary for survival and the water supplies for irrigation. More people means more carbon footprint and harmful gas emissions that contribute to the decline of global warming.On the other hand,
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Trade Policy in Agriculture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Trade Policy in culture - Essay ExampleFrom this study it is clear that known as the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) , it is a system of agricultural subsidies and price support programs. It consists of direct hires to farmers for crops as well as land gracious with price support, tariffs and quotas on agricultural goods effected from outside the Union, and intervention prices whereby the EU would buy all work if prices fall to these levels. The objective was to achieve food self-sufficiency, set fair and stable consumer prices, preserve the rural heritage, and take care a fair and reasonable standard of living for EU farmers. As the study outlines the CAP imposes import tariffs on certain goods import quotas designed to restrict quantity that enter the EU market, except for virtually countries with which it has had some traditional links intervention prices, already described above direct subsidies designed to cue farmers to cultivate certain crops that would ensure stable domestic supply, paid on the basis of land scene of action devoted to such crops and production quotas intended to prevent overproduction of some food crops. Set-aside payments (meaning payment for setting aside land that were difficult to farm) were also made, although this has been suspended. Several attempts to reform the CAP system see been made. The first one was made in the 1960s by the Mansholt Plan, want to consolidate small farms into bigger ones for more efficient farming. This proposal was defeated by powerful farm lobbies. The MacSharry reform plan sought to limit rising production while simultaneously promoting less restricted market through lessen support levels for agricultural products such as beef and cereals.
Monday, May 13, 2019
Academic writing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Academic writing - try out ExampleBefore taking the writing course, I was poor at introducing look fors. On many occasions, it was rugged to capture the attention of the reader from the introductory paragraph, and this often made my essays difficult to understand. However, after taking the course, I have learnt how to write better introductions. I have learnt how to analyze and breakdown a question in order to write a good introduction that can be understood by the readers. In particular, this course has taught me how to write thesis statements. This is the backb adept of any essay and therefore provides the readers with the foundation on which the essay will be based (Perutz, 2010). I have learnt how to take a point of view in the introduction and defend it throughout the essay. This is the essence of writing a thesis statement. This way, readers know what the essay is about. In order to write an effective introduction, I have learnt the importance of analyzing the main question or topic. This allows the generator to understand the various parts of the topic, and how they relate to one another (Rao, et al, 2007). As a result, one is equal to come up with a stand regarding the topic, allowing him to write the introduction.Another important aspect of writing is the persona of paragraphs. Through this course, I have learnt how to organize ideas into paragraphs, for each one supporting the main thesis. I have learnt that each paragraph has to start with a topic sentence that introduces the main point of that paragraph. This makes the reader know only what that paragraph is talking about (Russell, (n.d)). I have also improved how I transition from one paragraph to the next by using sentences at either the end of a paragraph or at the beginning of the next. This allows for the two paragraphs to be connected. In addition, through this course, I have improved on the use of examples and evidence in the paragraphs. These
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