Saturday, August 31, 2019
Information Systmes in Global Business Today Essay
1) What are UPS â€Å"smart labels†? What role do they play in UPS operations? Answer: UPS â€Å"Smart Labels†is a computer generated shipping label that stores all pertinent data for shipping of packages from inception to delivery. It stores the sender information in order to facilitate timely and efficient delivery of the package. The â€Å"Smart Labels†plays an important role in UPS operation. UPS was founded on a promised made by Jim Casey and Claude Ryan in 1907, â€Å"The Best Service and Lowest Rate†, with that, today the smart label afford the UPS customers with an increased in reliability, knowledge and flexibility in delivery of the package. 2) Write out the steps a package takes from pick-up by UPS driver to delivery including the role of DIAD, the UPS Data Center, and the UPS Package Center: Answer: First, the customer input all the information about the package, then all the information is sent to a main database, and instantly the system generates a â€Å"smart label†which is attached to the package, Second, The UPS driver picks up each day a handheld computer called a Delivery Information Acquisition Device, (DIAD), which has the daily route in addition, the DIAD can access a wireless database. The UPS Data Center stores the package delivery, all the while providing the customer with up to minute information. It is important to note, at the same time all this is happening, all package goes through a package center and all information is stored in the data base. 3) What role does wireless communication play in the UPS systems? Answer: Wireless communication plays an intricate role in the UPS system. To ensure flexibility, the DIAD IV includes wireless connectivity options. This allows customers to communicate with devices (cellphone, computer) to track their packages. Anyone with a package to ship can access the UPS web site to track their packages. This approach will increase customer satisfaction and revenue. 4) How Has information technology transformed the package delivery business? Answer: Information technology has transformed the package delivery business in a significant way. The technology has afforded companies to utilize less paper and storage space. It also allows efficiency and timely delivery as well as allowing the customer to monitor and even re-route packages throughout the delivery process. This can be done from utilizing their desktop and or smartphones. The bar code is scanned at various locations and the data is stored at the central base all this is done when a customer input the data and the drivers scan the bar code. 5) How does UPS’s investment in IT help it achieve the strategic business objectives described in Chapter 1? Answer: UPS investment in IT is essential in achieving their strategic business plan. UPS is continuously seeking to improve operational excellence in order to achieve increase profitability. The new product (DIAD IV) is essential in communication data to provide information. Because of IT investment, UPS has acquired customer and supplier Intimacy through customer ability to track packages via desktop/smartphones. With IT, UPS business manager and drivers are able to operate in real-time with shared information. This will afford an opportunity to for managers responded timely to situations that may arise. In addition, investment in provide a competitive advantage to UPS. It allows elimination of waste, continuous improvements and optimizing customer satisfaction. Because UPS remain invested in IT, the organization will remain on the cutting edge of technology and the company will continue to survive.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Ab221 Customer Service
Running head: On-Time Technology Products Complaint On-Time Technology Products Complaint Kaplan University AB221 Customer Service Tina Engle March 30, 2011 On-Time Technology Products Complaint On-Time Technology Products (OTTP) sells products related to time, and Mark MacGibson is the new President of OTTP. OTTP has seldom had any customer complaints because the companies top priority is customer service. Mary Graff, the supervisor for the Customer Service Representatives plans was to take OTTP to an innovative level of excellent customer service. Unfortunately, one day the President received a complaint in written from a disabled person, that has prompt his immediate attention. The complaint was in reference to the treatment given by a sales representative (Joanne) during the persons visit to the store. The complaint read, â€Å"Today I was at your store and wanted to purchase a new laptop computer. I never write companies when small incidents occur (relative to my disability of being in a wheelchair), but I feel that today’s behavior by your sales staff was over the top and warrants this letter. I chose to inform you, the President, so that others in my circumstance at your place of business will not be so offended. I felt very patronized when, after asking a question of your service/sales representative Joanne, she responded in an almost childlike voice – not once, but three times! Then she proceeded to lean on my wheelchair as she was demonstrating the laptop to me. I felt it would have been more appropriate for here to use a chair, but when I suggested she do so, she said, â€Å"Oh this will only take a minute or so†and then continued to lean over me for another five minutes! I am incensed enough to write this letter! By the way, after leaving your store I will purchase my laptop from another store within the hour. †After reading this person written complaint I have come to the conclusion that this complaint is legitimate because Joanne did not serve the disabled customer properly. Joanne’s communication with the customer was inappropriate because she spoke in a child like voice, and leaned on the customers’ wheel chair. Where in actuality, Joanne should have spoke to the customer in a normal tone voice (instead of a childlike voice), sat in a chair at eye level to the customer in the wheel chair (instead of leaning on the persons wheel chair), and continuing to lean on the customers wheel chair after the customer told her what they would prefer for her to do. In my opinion, the President Mr. MacGibson should call (if their telephone number is available), or communicate with this customer personally, and offer his sincere apology as well as compensation for what took place in their store. What I think Mr. MacGibson responds should is; â€Å"Hello Sir. /Mama, I am Mr. MacGibson the President of On-Time Technology Products and I would like to give you my sincere apology for what took place at our store during you visit. I would like to inform you that the mannerism Joanne showed during your visit is unacceptable, and was not the protocol of OTTP. To assure that this does not happen again I will personally make sure that all of our employees are well trained, and aware of the Americans with Disabilities Act. In closing, I would also like to offer you compensation for what took place at our establishment although you stated â€Å"you have purchased a laptop from another business. I would recommend that Mr. MacGibson put into play extensive training at OTTP with understanding disabled customers, customer behavior, and exceptional service, and that should assure to keep up OTTP’s reputation of seldom complaints. I say this because as a customer coming into an establishment they need to be understood, welcome, important, and comfortable with the sales representative. References The World of Customer Service, 2nd edition Pattie Gibson-Odgers (2008).
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Boy in the Striped Pjs
â€Å"The boy in the striped pyjamas†by John Boyne is a book about a nine year old boy called Bruno who is growing up in Berlin during World War II. He lives a very comfortable life in a large house with his parents and his sister, not forgetting the maid and the cook. But this all changes very soon when his father who is a very high-ranking soldier is promoted to â€Å"Commandant†and to Bruno’s sadness the family have to move to a place which Bruno refers to as out-with. Bruno immediately becomes very homesick for many reasons.He misses his grandparents, his house, his three best friends for life and of course his adventures. Bruno is a very curious boy and while looking out of his window one day he noticed that there were other people, lots of people. It isn’t long before Bruno decides to ask his father about these people but his father tells him that they are not people at all. It turns out that it is the extermination camp Auschwitz and due to Brunoà ¢â‚¬â„¢s curiosity and boredom he decides to explore and it is here at the fence that he meets and befriends a young boy called Shmuel.Almost every day he meets Shmuel and they talk by the fence both on separate sides but they are both desperate to play with each other and conveniently Shmuel’s father goes missing and he needs Bruno’s help to find him. They make a gap in the fence just big enough for a small boy to fit through and Bruno goes into the camp with a pair of striped pyjamas and it is then that something unimaginable happens. In this essay my task is to describe how well John Boyne has involved the reader throughout his challenging novel to ensure our sympathies for Bruno.
Image-Making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Image-Making - Essay Example Although once identified as simply the swoosh on the side of a Nike athletic shoe or the golden arches soaring over every McDonalds entrance, the term ‘branding’ has grown to encompass many aspects of a company or individual. â€Å"Brands are not simply products or services. Brands are the sum totals of all the images that people have in their heads about a particular company and a particular mark. Brands absorb everything around them†(Scott Bedbury, CEO of Brandstream, a Seattle-based marketing consultancy, quoted in Kalin, 2001). Indeed the term has come to refer to not only the images a company produces in order to call their product or services to mind, but also the products sold, the services rendered, the building in which the company is headquartered or even the country in which it originated as well as the methods used to project these ideas and images to the broader public. To remain competitive in the world today, just about anything can be identified w ith a brand if it is so chosen – companies, museums, hospitals, even individual people. In making his bid for the 2008 Presidential Election, candidate Barak Obama skillfully applied the elements of branding or image-making to himself, successfully presenting himself as the most viable candidate through his general appearance, the ways in which he is identified and the context of his message. Barak Obama seems keenly aware of the importance of appearance in making a good impression on the American public. From our earliest history, it has been through our outward appearances that we project who and what we are to other people. Studies conducted by Dr. John Gottman and Dr. Dacher Keltner have revealed that people most often make snap judgments about the people they meet without even thinking about it that can often prove to be quite accurate (Walker, 2006). Therefore, the physical appeal of an individual often plays a significant role in his (or her) acceptance by the
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Case Anaylasis of Nike Inc Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Case Anaylasis of Nike Inc - Assignment Example As a result of a fact acceptance of the single mode of connectivity which has developed on the lines of internet powered virtual platform in various corners of the world, it needs to be mentioned that the world has transformed into a single connected global entity. This has increasingly paved the way for easy synchronization of various trends related to globalization that are emerging from the different corners of the world. It is of significant interest to mention that because of the trends of globalization, there is a tremendous amount of demand that is emerging from various new as well as well established countries and economies around the world. As a result of this surge in demand, it can be said that there is a tremendous amount of business opportunity that is emerging in the global marketplace. It needs to be mentioned that many new as well as established companies that are located in various geographical locations are increasingly focusing on the process of market expansion as well as the process of entering in the new markets to capitalize on the new business opportunities. However, talking in regards to the project, it can be said that this particular research based assignment focuses on the process of providing an in-depth analysis of Nike Inc, which is considered as one of the most popular multinational brands of the division related to athletic footwear and apparel in the recent times. Existing Mission, Objectives and Strategies It needs to be mentioned that the globally popular sports company is been actively perceived as an organization that promotes highly innovative products for athletes around the world. While talking in regards to the project, the mission based issues needs to be discussed. It can be said that the mission of a company talks about the organization’s plans to achieve the goals in the upcoming short term. The mission of the company talks about the long term effort of the company to provide inspiration as well as innovation to every single athlete around the world (, 2013). Talking more in regards to the mission of the company, it can be said that the case study highlights the issue of continuing with the legacy of Bowerman in regards to innovative thinking as well as product development that will help the athletes to simply excel in their arena. Now while talking about the company’s objectives, it can be said that the organization is more focused providing the athletes around the world with the needed motivation and encouragement that is required to excel in their field of sports. It needs to be mentioned that for the purpose of attaining significant growth in the market, it is very important to have a well crafted strategy. It needs to be mentioned that Nike in an attempt to attain significant growth in the market has designed a very effective growth strategy. It can be said that because of increase in performance of the company on a year on year basis, the sports accessories manufact urer has raised the financial target to around 28 – 30 billion USD for the financial year of 2015 (, 2011) New Mission Statement It has to be said that the
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Critically assess the virtues and shortcomings of Britain's Essay
Critically assess the virtues and shortcomings of Britain's 'un-codified' Constitution. Critically assess the Pr - Essay Example For this reason, the acts and laws passed in parliament become the constitution, as long as they have respect to the sovereignty of parliament as well as the principles of governance and legislation. The parliament in this case is sovereign and superior to every other institution in Britain, which means that it has the mandate of interpreting the constitution, thereby representing the sovereign will of the people. The un-codified British constitution constitutes values and political ideas that are based on ideals and precepts rather than fundamentals that are based on texts or documents (Williams, 1998: p 57). This means that the constitution and laws are symbols of the embodiment of their political culture, traditions and values of the British society. One of the strengths of the un-codified British constitution is that it is flexible. Many countries with the codified constitution find it difficult to pass legislation since the government is accountable and the constitution is prote cts individuals. For instance, Britain was able to pass legislation meant to detain terror suspects for a long period after several terrorist attacks. Other countries with the codified constitution during this period found it difficult to do the same since their constitutions were protecting the liberties of individuals (Watts, 2007: p 204). For this reason, these governments were not able to detain the terror suspects for a long duration, as the relevant authorities continued with their investigations. Apart from the flexibility of the un-codified constitution, its other strength is that it is able to evolve. Individuals in society live according to the changes in the political climate. This gives the British parliament the power to change some of the laws that seem to be outdated, consequently changing the way people live in the society (Watts, 2007: p 202). The ability of the evolution of the un-codified constitution creates an environment that is comfortable for individuals to r eside. For instance, in 1867, sovereignty was given to parliament, after it was taken away from the monarchy, which was responsible for the creation of a democratic political environment. This change made it possible for individuals to know their place in society. On the other hand, other than the opposition in parliament, there are no provisions for checking the government. This is one of the major shortcomings of the un-codified constitution. The absence of the checks and balance mechanisms might lead to the creation of an unjust political system, where the government might be in a position to oppress individuals in the society selectively. Using the previous example on terrorism, the British government had the capability of holding suspects for long periods, and with the probability that they might be lacking enough evidence to charge them, the detainment would be an infringement on the rights of the individual. Contrary to this, the codified constitution presents an opportunity for the creation of a political system that is just (Williams, 1998: p 52). In this case, the government will not be able to oppress individuals in the society, unless they have concrete evidence that a suspect is a terrorist. Before charging the suspect, he or she will be able to continue enjoying some of the rights and freedoms in society.
Monday, August 26, 2019
LEADERSHIP AND ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR-MICROSOFT - Essay Example ms Solutions Tod Nielsen, and Chief Technology Officer Nathan Myhrvold (Rosoff, Matt, Microsoft addresses employee morale, turnover, Direction on Microsoft, January 15, 2000). In 2005, cover story for Businessweek was: â€Å"Troubling Exits At Microsoft,†with a subtitle which captures the businessworld’s alarmed view of the events at Microsoft: â€Å"Once the dream workplace of tech’s highest achievers, it is suffering key defections to Google and elsewhere. What’s behind the losses?†(Businessweek, 26 September 2005). The same article writes about the bolting out of Microsoft by one of the top technical persons, Kai-Fu Lee, to join the company’s rival Google Inc., a move, which, according to Lee, rooted from what he saw as repeated missteps by the company, and even called the company incompetent, exactly opposite his picture of Google, which was encouraging bottoms-up innovation rather than top-down. Statistically, the situation is likewise alarming. Rosoff, in the same article, cites Microsoft’s Chief Operating Officer Robert Herbold who presented alarming statistics on employee attrition at the company’s last three Financial Analyst meetings, to wit: Since Fiscal Year (FY) 1995, attrition at Microsoft was between 7% and 8% ; and in FY 2000, it hit 9.6%, the first time it crested the 9% threshold since FY 1994. Although Microsoft’s is lower than the industry average attrition rate, it is going against the trend where the rest of the IT industry’s attrition significantly decrease. Rosoff also mentions that the Saratoga Institute research reveal that the median rate of voluntary employee separation in the IT industry dropped from 14.7% in 1997-1998, to 11.4% in 2000. Likewise, Hewitt Associates, a human resource consulting firm, pointed that attrition among IT professionals with highly marketable skills dropped from 16% in 1999 to 12% in 2000. As an Organizational Development Consultant, I have been tasked to assess the organization to find out the
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Research the roles of African Americans in the military history of Essay
Research the roles of African Americans in the military history of World War I. How were African Americans recruited How were t - Essay Example This paper seeks to discuss African American soldiers’ role in the military history of the First World War, starting with the process of recruitment, moving along to their experiences in the armed forces, as well as in combat, and finally exploring the psychological impact it had on African Americans, in addition to their view of racial discrimination. 2.0 African Americans and Recruitment In the spring of 1917, The United States of America had to face a war of unsurpassed magnitude, requiring it to harness all its resources -- material, intellectual, and human. Hence, this was the mobilization of the colored people as a part of the country’s line of defense in the First World War (Williams 15). However, the path towards the fulfillment of their patriotic duty was not paved clear. Opposition in the person of members of the senate and southern democrats existed (Orr 90). The aforementioned officials resisted the idea of including African American draftees in the armed fo rces of the United States. Senator James K. Vardaman was adamant in his idea that millions of armed colored men served only as an unparalleled peril to the South (Ellis 11). However, because of black leaders’ efforts, 367,710 blacks were drafted (Orr 90). These African American draftees consisted of a variety of professions from common workers and farmers to physicians and attorneys. They were issued drafts on the months of June and September, and were ordered to join the 1,200 enlistees in Fort Dodge, Des Moines, Iowa in a Colored Officers Training Camp, regardless if they were willing to do so or not (Lentz-Smith 41). The aforementioned training camp was made possible through the resoluteness of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in pushing for the setting up of a training school for African American officers (Orr 91). 2.1 African Americans in the Armed Forces and in Combat African Americans’ participation in military defense was a n unheard of concept even if it was in service to America (Lentz-Smith 21). Majority of white people greatly opposed this on the premise that colored people could not be capable soldiers (Williams 2). Some even went so far as to consider the colored man as more like a farm animal such as a horse instead of a man; an example was Ely Green who decided to enlist in the war upon hearing that very discriminating statement from white farmers (Lentz- Smith 38). Even with their entry to the armed forces, African Americans experienced the said discrimination. 200, 000 of those black soldiers were relegated to the American Expeditionary Force and were assigned labor functions -- something as menial as digging up trenches (Roberts and Tucker 2318). Hence, the reality of shouldering shovels in place of guns (Williams 2). The Navy further highlighted this by only including black men as mess boys or attendants. However, no such emphasis compared to the Marines’ complete rejection of them ( Roberts and Tucker 2318). Racial discrimination was underlined in what is now known as the Battle of Anniston. The soldiers of the Third Alabama Colored Infantry experienced such blatant discrimination as they were driven back to camp by white military men and civilians when they went out on their first night there. They endured this
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Optical parameter Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Optical parameter - Research Paper Example This vital optics simplification does not account for the effects of optics like interference and diffraction. This paper seeks to explore the characteristics of different optical parameters. The first optical parameter is known as reflection. Different surfaces like those of mirrors reflect light in a predictable, easy way. This gives room for the production of images that are reflected which can be linked to real or virtual space location (Erik, 2004). In surfaces of this kind, the direction of the ray that is reflected is dependent to the ray that is incident to the normal surface and a line perpendicular towards the surface at exactly the same position that is hit by the ray (Francos, 2002). The reflected, and the incident ray lie in a same plane, and the angle of incidence is the same as the angle of reflection. This is referred as the reflection laws. Diagram 1 represents the incident and the reflected ray. Diagram 1. In a mirror that is flat, the reflection law means that the object’s images are upright and at an equal distance behind the given mirror (Francos, 2002). The size of the image is equal to that of an object. Apart from this, the images of mirrors would be laterally inverted. The mirrors having surfaces that are curved could be modeled through tracing of the ray and the use of the reflection law at all the points on the surface. Different surfaces that are curved could focus the light having aberrations because of the shape that is diverging leading to a smeared focus in the space (Hanrahan and Krueger, 2008). For instance, mirrors that are spherical will display spherical aberrations. Mirrors that are curved produce images having a magnification either less than or greater than one. These images could be either inverted or upright. An image that is upright is considered to be virtual, and images that are inverted are real and projected on the screen. Refraction, on the other hand, happens whenever light moves through a special region w ith refraction index that is changing. One easy situation of refraction happens whenever a uniform medium with refractive index ?1 interface with another medium with a different refraction index ?2 (Duarte, 2009). In this respect, the deflection of the light ray is described by Snell’s law which is given by; ?1sin ?1=?2 sin ?2, where ?1 and ?2 are angles formed between the reflected and the incident ray and the normal. From the given definition of the refractive index, the speed of light would also be changing from one medium to another (Francos, 2002). This implies that v1 sin ?2= v2sin?1, where v1 and v2 are the velocities of the waves the different media. In this regard, as the rays of light travel from a material with a high refractive index to that having a low refractive index, the interface interaction could lead to a zero transmission. This is referred to as the internal reflection. Snell’s law could also be used in the prediction of the rays of light passing t hrough media that is linear whenever there exist a refraction index and the media geometry. Absorption is a manner in which photon energy is obtained by matter. During the propagation of a wave, absorption is referred to as attenuation (Francos, 2003). The waves of absorption do not rely on the linear absorption. In some cases, the medium may change its dependently transparency in respect to the wave intensity and saturated absorption (Duarte, 2009). The
Friday, August 23, 2019
Hurricane Galveston Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Hurricane Galveston - Research Paper Example Had the people been informed earlier by the government, number of lives could be saved. After the massive destruction at the hands of hurricane, it was decided to build a wall admeasuring 15.6 feet above sea level to minimize the chances of destruction in a mass scale. This hurricane played havoc with the city besides inmates. The impressive thing was their determination to overcome the disaster. Case Study If we turn the pages of American history, we find two horrible hurricanes namely Dean and Felix that caused destructions in mass scale in the Central America. It was also noted that two category five hurricanes took place in the same year and on the same day. The southern tip of Baja California witnessed Hurricane Henrietta. The record of National Hurricane Center shows that for the first time Atlantic and Pacific hurricanes made landfall on the same day. A cursor look at the past events indicates such hurricanes that have taken place with greater intensity which badly hampered th e human lives for a considerable period of time. It would not be out of place to mention here that even the Columbus’ fourth voyage in 1502 hit hard by a colossal hurricane. The worst example of hurricane is sunken 20 treasure ships which claimed the lives of five hundred sailors on board in a nearby Spanish fleet. How can we forget the Katrina in 2005, the most devastating hurricane ever seen by the North American in recent history? You may surely consider Great Galveston Hurricane as a contender of 20th century. Galveston, Texas, in 1900 came to surface as a rising business place for the traders around the globe and a major seaport for exporting cotton to other continents in 1900. Comparatively it has the prominence edge over Houston with reference to Texan coast. Number of consulates Embassies, mansions contributed to build image of this city wherein 37,000 people are housed. Before Galveston Hurricane people and the government were not prepared to cope with the expected h urricane. People and the government were not expecting damages of the hurricane in a mass scale which shaken the very foundation of the city. People and the government thought it impossible that the hurricane will knock down at their doors. The geological survey in the late of August and early September found it across the Caribbean Sea, passing through Cuban and the Floridian territories. The inmates were of the view that it would make its roads to the northeast as soon as it is passed the Florida Straits north of Cuba. A common phenomena and a general accepted notion how tropical cyclones were supposed to treat that come in its way. It was not expected by the residents that it would continue travel to the west. The thunder storm which converted into hurricane past, Florida continues its journey to the northwest of Galveston. You may understand the havoc that played by the hurricane with this that it pushed a wall of water which was over 15 feet deep onto the island that, at its hi ghest point, was only 8.7 feet above sea level. The wind lashes were estimated to be Category 4 speeds i.e. 131-155 mph. As per the calculation a 150 mph gust would have a capacity to build pressure of 100 pounds per square foot. The recorded lowest barometric pressure during the storm admeasured 28.44 inches. (NOAA later estimated that the pressure near the storm's eye was probably closer to 27.49 inches.) The 9th September,
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Critically analyse any two of the main international environmental Research Paper
Critically analyse any two of the main international environmental agreements treaties currently in place - Research Paper Example To protect these characteristics and the overall environment of our planet it is of extreme importance that such human activities are kept in check. To carry out such a task international environmental agreements are agreed upon, enforced and implemented in different regions around the globe. Kyoto Protocol Introduction Greenhouse gasses are rapidly becoming a concern for developed and developing countries alike. The accumulation of carbon-dioxide, produced mainly from the burning of fossil fuels, has played a major role in increasing the average global temperature and other drastic climate changes. The changing global climate conditions led developed countries into formulating the Kyoto Protocol in 1997 (United Nations 2003). The Protocol identified developed countries as the main contributors to the increase in carbon-dioxide emissions. The Protocol provided binding obligations regarding Carbon-dioxide emissions produced by an industrialized country (United Nations 2003). ... Critics argue that the Protocol is flawed in a number of ways and in no way can be economically efficient or politically practical (McKibbin and Wilcoxen 2002). Till this day negotiations are being conducted regarding the implementation of the Protocol. United States refusal to ratify the Protocol could imply that Kyoto Protocol would accomplish very little in terms of its objectives. Initial evaluation of the Protocol tends to suggest that approach of the protocol may have some serious flaws (Bohringer 2003). Key issues regarding climate protection The most widely used decision making process for the assessment of a climate policy is cost-benefit analysis. Under cost benefit analysis the cost of reduction of Greenhouse Gasses is compared with the benefits of reduction in global warming. Cost benefit analysis enables an understanding of the positive and negative impacts of climate policies in terms of monetary benefits and losses (Bohringer 2003). Policies regarding global climate ch ange must take into account interests of all countries. Accurate and complete data and cost benefit analysis could be used to help determine the amount of greenhouse gas emissions that a party should reduce and by what time. However in practicality most countries only work towards the achievements of objectives that are valuable to them and neglect the needs of other countries (Bohringer 2003). Uncertainty As mentioned above cost benefit analysis is used to assess the feasibility of environmental policies and requires detailed information to arrive to any conclusion. The effects of greenhouse gasses have still not been completely understood and the causality chain of these phenomenons is complex in
Higher Education Essay Example for Free
Higher Education Essay The tasks of the ENIC/NARIC offices in Denmark, Sweden and Norway include work on issues related to education from India. All three offices receive applications and questions concerning recognition of education from the country both from institutions, representatives from the labour market and other stakeholders. The number of applications and enquiries are growing. All three countries have relatively large populations of persons of Indian origin settled in their countries, Denmark about 4,300, Norway 7,000 and Sweden 13,600 (2005). A need to learn more about the country and especially the system of education has been felt for some time. The most important motivation for a study tour was to facilitate the work of giving advice concerning education from India and daily credential evaluation work. In addition to this, the Nordic ENIC/NARIC offices wished to achieve closer future contact and cooperation with different educational organisations in India. The visit was planned and implemented in cooperation with the Norwegian Embassy in India, the Nordic Center, both located in New Delhi, and the National Accreditation and Assessment Council (NAAC) in Bangalore. The main focus was to gather information about the educational system in the country; the financing of education, information about public and private education and how they are governed; how the authorities plan and implement quality assurance work (QA), and how the institutions deal with these challenges. Information about future plans for education in India was also of great interest. The delegation visited the University Grants Commission (UGC), the National Accreditation and Assessment Council (NAAC), the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), the Association of India Universities (AIU) and the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) as well as various institutions of higher education. The first two organizations mentioned are responsible for the higher education sector while the rest of the boards and councils organise and work with the development and maintenance of intermediate and secondary education, technical education and teacher education. The study tour was planned as a joint visit by the ENIC/NARIC offices in Denmark, Sweden and Norway to both India and Pakistan from 24 September to 6 October 2005. The delegation consisted of 8 representatives. Report Structure The report is based on information and impressions which the delegation obtained during the study tour. Information was also gathered from sources such as the websites of the organisations and institutions visited and from agencies including the National Office of Overseas Skills Recognition (NOOSR) in Australia, World Education Services (WES) in the USA, IAU and UNESCO/IAU among others. At several places in the text, sources have been specifically mentioned. An additional list of sources can be found in the appendices. 3 The report describes the system of education in India and the quality assurance system. Chapter 1 introduces the administration of the school system and the organisation of primary, secondary and higher secondary education, while Chapter 2 provides information about technical and vocational education. Chapter 3 outlines the system of higher education by reviewing the institutional structure with a discussion of both public and private education. Information on degree structure and grading systems is included, as well as examples of some bachelor degree programmes. In Chapter 4, teacher training at higher secondary level and at university level is described. Chapter 5 presents India’s response to globalisation in the higher education sector. The last chapter deals with the quality assurance work in education, both at secondary and higher level. Impressions and reflections about the education system and how it functions are incorporated into the report in frames where appropriate. Country Profile India is one of the world’s oldest civilisations, dating back to 2,500 B. C. Aryan tribes from the northwest invaded the country in about 1,500 B. C. ; their merger with the earlier Dravidian inhabitants created the classical Indian culture. Arab incursion starting in the eighth century and Turkish in the twelfth century were followed by those of European traders, beginning in the late fifteenth century. By the nineteenth century, Great Britain had assumed political control of virtually all Indian lands. Mohandas Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru helped end British colonialism through non-violent resistance. India achieved independence in 1947. The Republic of India was established in 1947 and comprises 32 states and Union Territories, the latter controlled by the central government. The country covers about 3. 3 million square kilometres with a population of 1. 029 billion and dominates southern Asia. It is slightly larger than one-third the size of the United States. India is home to 17% of the world’s total population, accommodated in an area that is 2. 4% of the world’s total area. India has the world’s twelfth largest economy and the third largest in Asia behind Japan and China, with a total GDP of around $570 billion. Services, industry and agriculture account for 50. 7%, 26. 6% and 22. 7% of GDP respectively. The United States is India’s largest trading partner. Bilateral trade in 2003 was $18. 1 billion. There are some 16 official major languages and 844 dialects. Among these languages, English enjoys associate status, but is the most important language for national, political, and commercial communication. Hindi is the national language and primary tongue of 30% of the people. The other official languages are Bengali, Telugu, Marathi, Tamil, Urdu, Gujarati, Malayalam, Kannada, Oriya, Punjabi, Assamese, Kashmiri, Sindhi, and Sanskrit. Hindustani is a popular variant of Hindi/Urdu spoken widely throughout northern India but is not an official language. Hinduism (80. 5%), Islam (13. 4%), Christianity (2. 3%), Sikh (1. 9%) are the major religions in the country. The literacy rate is 52% (of the total population of age 15 or older). 4 Chapter 1 General Education. Administration of Education The central and the state governments have joint responsibility for education, with freedom for the state governments to organise education within the national framework of education. Educational policy planning is under the overall charge of the central Ministry of Human Resource Development which includes the Department of Elementary Education and Literacy and the Department of Secondary and Higher Education. The Ministry is guided by the Central Advisory Board of Education (CABE) which is the national level advisory body. The education ministers of all the different states are members of the board. The National Council of Education Research and Training (NCERT) (1961) defines the National Frame Curriculum for classes I XII. It also functions as a resource centre in the field of school development and teacher education. State Councils of Educational Research and Training (SCERT) are the principal research and development institutions in all the states. At secondary level, school boards at state level affiliate schools and set examination standards in accordance with the national framework. The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) and Council for Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) cover all India besides the National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS). National Policy on General Education Under the national constitution, education was a state matter until 1976. The central government could only provide guidance to the states on policy issues. In 1976 the constitution was amended to include education on the concurrent list. The initial attempts of designing a National Education Policy were made in 1968 but it was only in 1986 that India as a whole had a uniform National Policy on Education. The National Policy on Education 1986, modified in 1992, defines the major goals for elementary education as universal access and enrolment, universal retention of children up to 14 years and substantial improvement in the quality of education. The National Policy of Education of 1992 also aims at vocationalisation of secondary education and greater use of educational technology. The policy has been accompanied by several programmes such as the District Primary Education Program (DPEP) launched in 1994 and the National Campaign for Education for All (Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan) launched in 2001/2. A proposed bill on the right to education (draft, November 2005) stresses the right of all children from age 6 until their 15th birthday to receive elementary education either in school or non-formal education (NFE). The Indian government is preparing the universalisation of secondary education (USE). The main aim is to provide high quality secondary education to all Indian adolescents up to the age of 16 by 2015, and senior secondary education up to the age of 18 by 2020. 5 Crucial problems in India are teacher absenteeism, noted by UNESCO in 2005; high teacherpupil ratios; and inadequate teaching materials and facilities, particularly in rural areas. At the other end of the scale, children attending urban schools, especially middle and upper class children in private schools, are subjected to extreme competition from a very early age in order to qualify for admission into the best schools. In 1979-80, the Government of India, Department of Education launched a programme of Non-Formal Education (NFE) for children of 6-14 years age group, who cannot join regular schools drop-outs, working children, children from areas without easy access to schools etc. The initial focus of the scheme was on ten educationally backward states. Later, it was extended to urban slums, and hilly, tribal and desert areas in other states. Source: UNESCO: India, updated August 2003 and Annual Report 2004/5, Ministry of Human Resource Development, India (overview). Newsletter, October-December 2005, International Institute for Educational Planning, UNESCO. Learning without Burden, NCERT, 1993, reprinted 2004. Annual report 2004/5, Ministry of Human Resource Development, India (annexes). School Education. A uniform structure of school education, the 10+2 system, has been adopted by all the states and Union Territories (UTs) of India following the National Policy on Education of 1986. Elementary school, Class I – VIII, is recognised as the period of compulsory schooling, with the Constitutional amendment making education a fundamental right. A majority of the states and Union Territories (UTs) have introduced free education in classesI-XII. In states/UTs where education is not free for classes IX and above, the annual fee varies considerably. The pre-school covers two to three years. The elementary stage consists of a primary stage comprising Classes I-V (in some states I-IV), followed by a middle stage of education comprising Classes VI -VIII (in some states V-VIII or VI -VII). The minimum age for admission to Class I of the primary school is generally 5+ or 6+. The secondary stage consists of Classes IX-X (in some states VIII-X), and a senior secondary stage of schooling comprising classes XI-XII in all states. In some states/UTs these classes are attached to universities/colleges. The number of working days of school education in a year is generally more than 200 days in all the states/UTs. Participation in primary and secondary education The Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER), which indicates the number of children actually enrolled in elementary schools as a proportion of child population in the 6-14 years age group, has increased progressively since 1950-51, rising from 32. 1% to 82. 5% in 2002-03, according to statistics published by the Ministry of Human Resource Development in India. The rate of increase in GER of girls has been higher than that of boys. The dropout rate at the primary level (Classes I-V) declined from 39% in 2001-02 to 34. 9% in 2002-03. However the GER only covers 61% of children from classes VI to VIII. 6 In 2002/3 the dropout rate was estimated at 34. 9% at the end of lower primary classes and 52. 8% at the end of upper primary. The dropout rate was 62. 6% at the end of secondary school (Class X). There are wide disparities among the different states in the number of children completing primary and secondary school from less than 20% to more than 80%, according to the central statistics from the Ministry of Human Resource Development. Source Selected Educational Statistics 2002-03. Provisional. Ministry of Human Resource Development, India Annual Report 2004/5. Ministry of Human Resource Development, India Secondary Education. Department of Secondary and Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development, India (information on the Departments website) National Curricula The National Council of Education Research and Training (NCERT) formulated the first Curriculum Framework in 1975 as a recommendation to the individual states. NCERT was accorded the responsibility of developing a binding National Curriculum Framework through the National Policy on Education (NPE) (1986). NCERT reviews the curriculum every five years on the basis of consultations within the whole school sector. The core areas of the curriculum are common. Teaching of English is usually compulsory in classes VI-X in most of the states/UTs. NCERT published a New National Curriculum framework in 2005. The New National Curriculum will be introduced in textbooks in three phases: Phase one, 2006-07: classes I, III, VI, IX and XI. Phase two, 2007-08: classes II, IV, VII, X and XII Phase three, 2008-09:classes V and VIII NCERT has gradually been changing the curriculum from traditional information provision to be more learner-oriented and competence-based. National Curriculum Framework 2000 The National Curriculum Framework 2000 operates with the concept of the Minimum Levels of Learning (MLLs) identifying certain essential levels of learning for each stage of school education. Pre-primary education The National Policy on Education defines the objective of early childhood care and education (ECCE) as being the total development of children in the age group 0-6 years. Early Childhood Education (ECE) or pre-primary education (2 years), part of the ECCE, shall prepare children for school. Teaching at this stage, according to the National Curriculum Framework, comprises group activities, play–way techniques, language games, number games and activities directed at promoting socialisation and environmental awareness among children. Formal teaching of subjects and reading and writing are prohibited. However, NCERT strongly criticised the actual pre-school programmes for exposing children to structured formal learning, often in 7 English with tests and homework, in the introductory notes to the new National Curriculum Framework 2005. The competition for the best education starts at a very early age. Newspapers from September 2005 in India report of tremendous pressure on three-year old children being prepared by their parents for nursery interviews and competing with a huge number of other children for places in the most prestigious private pre-schools. The newspapers report on private persons/institutes that offer help to parents in preparing their children for nursery interviews. Other newspapers report the need for psychological support for children having developed speaking difficulties after having been exposed to onerous preparation by their parents for nursery interviews. Primary education At the primary stage, emphasis is on the process of understanding, thinking and internalising. The National Curriculum contains the following subjects: Subject Language(s) Lower primary Classes I-II The mother tongue/regional language Lower primary Classes III-V The mother tongue/regional language Upper primary Classes VI-VIII. Three Languages  the mother tongue/the regional language, a modern Indian language and English All kind of creative activities including the childs own creations Essentials of mathematics for every day activities, including geometry Art education Mathematics Art of healthy and productive living Woven around the world of the learner Creative education, health and physical education, work education, value inculcation Integrated approach Environmental studies Health and physical education Science and technology Social sciences. -Work education Integrated approach to music, dance, drama, drawing and painting, puppetry, health and physical education, games and sports, yoga and productive work Experiences to help socio- emotional and cultural development with a realistic awareness and perception of phenomena occurring in the environment Games and sports, yoga, NCC and scouting and guiding Key concepts across all the disciplines of science, local and global concerns Social, political and economic situation of India and the world, including Indian cultural heritage. Academic skills social skills and civic competencies Agricultural and technological processes including participation in work situation Source: National Curriculum Framework 2000 8 In all language education programmes, the stress is placed on the ability to use the language in speech and in writing for academic purposes, at the workplace and in society in general. The duration of a class period may be around 40 minutes and, according to NCERT, the school year should be a minimum of 180 days, and â€Å"†¦A primary school should function for five hours a day out of which four hours may be set aside for instruction. For the upper primary and secondary schools, the duration of a school day should be six hours out of which five hours should be kept for instruction and the rest for the other routine activities. †Secondary education (2 years, grades IX-X) In grades IX-X the scheme of studies should include the following subjects: three languages (the mother tongue/the regional language, a modern Indian language and English), mathematics, science and technology, social sciences, work education, art education, health and physical education. Foreign languages such as Chinese, Japanese, Russian, French, German, Arabic, Persian and Spanish may be offered as additional options. The curriculum in mathematics should take into account both the learning requirement of learners who will leave school for working life, and of students who will pursue higher education. According to the NECRT Secondary School Curriculum 2002-2004 (Vol.1, Main Subjects) the suggested number of weekly periods per subject in grade X is as follows: Subject Language I Language II Mathematics Science and technology Social science Work education or pre-vocational education Art education Suggested number of periods in grade X 7 6 7 9 9 3 + 2 to 6 periods outside school hours 2 The boards, however, according to NCERT, often offer limited or no optional courses: two languages (one of which is English), mathematics, science and social sciences are the typical examination subjects. A few boards encourage students to choose an optional course from a range that includes economics, music and cookery. Higher secondary/Senior secondary education (2 years, grades XI–XII) The curriculum at this stage is divided into an academic stream and a vocational stream. Academic stream The objectives of academic courses are to promote problem-solving abilities and convey higher levels of knowledge. The curriculum at this stage comprises foundation courses and elective courses. Foundation courses consist of (i) language and literature, (ii) work education, and (iii) health and physical education, games and sports. The study of language prepares a student to both learn and use language in the classroom, the community and the workplace. The choice of the language to be studied is decided by the learner. Work education includes e. g. developmental projects in a village or city. Generic Vocational Courses (GVC) aim at developing employment-related generic skills regardless of the persons’ occupations. The student should choose three elective courses out of the subjects 9 prescribed by the boards. Elective courses may include bridging courses between the academic and vocational streams. The list of courses may include modern Indian languages, Sanskrit, classical European languages and their literatures, English (academic and specialised), other foreign languages, subjects in the sciences and mathematics, computer science, accountancy, business studies, engineering, political science, history, sociology, psychology, philosophy, fine arts and others. NCERT prescribes that courses should be listed together without dividing them into mutually exclusive groups. Nonetheless, several boards restrict the combinations in the form of a science stream, arts stream and commerce stream. Some schools tailor their classes to medical and engineering courses. Universities restrict admissions based on the subjects and combinations of courses studied in the +2 stage. Sixty percent of the instructional time is devoted to the instruction of elective subjects and forty percent to the foundation course. Vocational stream The introduction of the vocational stream was recommended by the central Kothari Commission (1964-66). The National Policy on Education, 1986 (revised 1992) set a target of twenty-five percent of higher secondary students in vocational courses by 1995. So far, enrolment is far below this. The courses for the vocational stream consist of: †¢ A language course †¢ A general foundation course †¢ Health and physical education, and †¢ Elective vocational courses Vocational education covers areas like agriculture, engineering and technology (including information and communication technology), business and commerce, home science, health and para-medical services and humanities. Language courses are organised to cover the grammatical structures and additional vocabulary particular to the trade or vocation. The general foundation course for the vocational stream comprises general studies, entrepreneurship development, environmental education, rural development and information and communication technology. Vocational electives are organised according to employment opportunities. Practical training is an essential component of the vocational courses, according to the National Curriculum Framework, with seventy percent of time devoted to vocational courses. The certificate issued should mention the competencies acquired and the credits earned. Organisation The organisation of teaching is based either on an annual or semester system. In most cases, a year’s course is divided into two parts to be covered in the two halves of an academic session in the annual system. Marks are accorded to a certain number of periods; the total mark is an average of marks accorded to the different parts of curriculum in an annual or semestrial examination (e. g. a paper corresponding to a 3-hour written examination). 10 The example below copied from the Senior School Curriculum 2007 (Central Board of Secondary Education) illustrates a typical curriculum (in history) and the maximum marks accorded to the different parts of the curriculum. History/Class XI Paper One Unit Part A Ancient India 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. . 30. Total Introduction Paleolithic Cultures and Beginning of settled Life Harappan Civilization The Early Vedic Period Later Vedic Phase and Iron Age South and North-East India Religious traditions Mahajanapada Mauryas Society, Economy and Culture during Mauryan period Post-Mauryan India The age of India from Guptas and after The Society and Culture in the age of Guptas and Harsha Project Work 100 marks 8 4 8 8 5 2 10 4 10 6 6 8 8 . 5 8 9 5 2 7 7 Time: 3 Hours Periods 100 Marks Marks. In the semester system, recommended by NCERT, students take a number of credit hours corresponding to their requirements and capacity, and at their own pace. However, only a few institutions have adopted the semester and credit system. National Curriculum Framework 2005 The National Curriculum Framework 2005 points out the need for plurality and flexibility within education while maintaining the standards of education in order to cover a growing variety of children. The Framework recommends that learning shifts away from rote methods and that the curriculum reduces and updates textbooks. Peace education is included as a dimension in education. The new curriculum proposes a broader spectrum of optional subjects, including the revalorisation of vocational options. Courses may be designed to offer optional modules, rather than trying to cover everything and overfilling courses too much. The National Curriculum Framework 2005 also proposes changes within the examination system (examinations for classes X and XII) allowing reasoning and creative abilities to replace memorisation. The children should be able to opt for different levels of attainment. Textbooks 11. Most states have legislated to create bodies for the preparation of syllabi and textbooks. The states have established various mechanisms for the preparation and approval of textual materials. However, a study in 2005, undertaken by the Central Advisory Board of Education (CABE), of textbooks used in government schools (not following the CBSE syllabus) and in nongovernment schools (including social and religious schools) showed that many textbooks reinforce inequalities and neglect rural, tribal or female realities. According to NCERT Newsletter, in 2005, CABE proposed the institution of a National Textbook Council to monitor textbooks. Source: National Curriculum Framework 2000, National Council of Education Research and Training (NCERT), India National Curriculum Framework 2005, National Council of Education Research and Training (NCERT), India Newsletter July 2005, National Council of Education Research and Training (NCERT), India Senior School Curriculum 2007, Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), India, 2005 Examination and Assessment In all the states and Union Territories, public examinations are conducted at the end of classes X and XII by the respective State Boards of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education. Ministry of Human Resource Development has published a list of recognised state boards for secondary and higher secondary education. The minimum age for admittance to the Secondary School Examination generally varies from 14+ to 16+. The minimum age for Higher Secondary School Examinations varies from 16+ to 18+ years. Some states/UTs do not have an age restriction. The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), established by a special resolution of the Government of India in 1929, prescribes examination conditions and the conduct of public examinations at the end of Standard X and XII. The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE), Delhi, was established in 1958 by the University of Cambridge, Local Examinations Syndicate as a self-financing national examination board. The Council conducts the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (Standard X) and the Indian School Certificate (Standard XII) examinations. CISCE affiliates schools using English as a medium of instruction. The title of the final qualification varies depending upon the examining body. The titles used by the central examining boards are: CBSE: †¢ All India Secondary School Certificate (Standard X). †¢ All India Senior School Certificate (Standard XII). 12 CISCE: †¢ Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE Standard X). †¢ Indian School Certificate (ISC Standard XII). †¢ Certificate of Vocational Education (CVE XII). Information from the procedure of the All India Senior School Certificate (Standard XII) (extract): The Board conducts examination in all subjects except General Studies, Work Experience, Physical and Health Education, which will be assessed internally by the schools based on cumulative records of students periodical achievements and progress during the year. In all subjects examined by the Board, a student will be given one paper each carrying 100 marks for 3 hours. However, in subjects requiring practical examination, there will be a theory paper and a practical examination as required in the syllabi and courses. A candidate may offer an additional subject that can be either a language at elective level or another elective subject as prescribed in the Scheme of Studies, subject to the conditions laid down in the Pass Criteria. A candidate will get the Pass Certificate of the Board, if he/she gets a grade higher than E in all subjects of internal assessment unless he/she is exempted. Failing this, result of the external examination will be withheld but not for a period of more than one year. In order to be declared as having passed the examination, a candidate shall obtain a grade higher than E (i. e. at least 33% marks) in all the five subjects of external examination in the main or at the compartmental examinations. The pass marks in each subject of external examination shall be 33%. In case of a subject involving practical work a candidate must obtain 33% marks in theory and 33% marks in practical separately in addition to 33% marks in aggregate in order to qualify in that subject. A candidate failing in two of the five subjects of external examination shall be placed in compartment in those subjects provided he/she qualifies in all the subjects of internal assessment. A candidate who has failed in the examination in the first attempt shall be required, to re-appear in all the subjects at the subsequent annual examination of the Board. A candidate who has passed the Senior School Certificate Examination of the Board may offer an additional subject as a private candidate provided the additional subject is provided in the Scheme of Studies and is offered within six years of passing the examination of the Board. A candidate who has passed an examination of the Board may reappear for improvement of performance in one or more subject(s) in the main examination in the succeeding year only; however, a candidate who has passed an examination of the Board under Vocational Scheme may reappear for improvement of performance in one or more subject{s) in the main examination in the succeeding year or in the following year provided he/she has not pursued higher studies in the mean time. He /she will appear as private candidate. Candidates who appear for improvement of performance will be issued only Statement of Marks reflecting the marks of the main examination as well as those of the improvement examination. Central Board of Secondary Education Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is one of the three national boards of secondary education in India. CBSE has affiliated around 8,300 schools including government and independent 13 schools. It also affiliates schools in some 20 African and Asian countries. About 200 new schools are affiliated each year. Study teams conduct regular inspections of the affiliated institutions. CBSE has a central office and 6 regional offices. Permanent affiliation is obtained after a number of years. Affiliation is granted according to strict criteria. A list of affiliated schools can be found on CBSE s website: http://www. cbse. nic. in. The major objective is to prescribe conditions of examinations and conduct public examinations at the end of Classes X and XII and to grant certificates to successful candidates of the affiliated schools. All affiliated schools follow the national scheme of 10+2. Here is an example of testimonial for All India Senior School Certificate Examination from 2000: CBSE is regulated but not financed by the central government. Financing is assured by fees from the affiliated schools. CBSE accepts private candidates. CBSE develops its curriculum on the basis of the national curriculum framework. The curriculum is revised every 5 to 10 years. Two of the front line curriculum subjects are revised every year. According to CBSE, it strives notably to adapt current teaching methods and content of teaching to an innovative and creative society in the form of subjects such as functional English, bio-technology, entrepreneurship, life skills education, and disaster management. An important objective is the destressing of education, including no homework or examinations in grades I and II and only achievement reports in grades III-V. Information technology is compulsory in grades IX +X. Language studies include a possible 27 different languages besides Hindi and English. One teacher may teach four subjects up to grade X.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Examining The Concept Of Hindu Law Religion Essay
Examining The Concept Of Hindu Law Religion Essay The phrase source of law has several connotations. It may be the authority which issues rules of conduct which are recognized by Courts as binding. In this context, source of law means the maker of law. It may mean the social conditions which inspires the making of law for the governance of the conditions. In this context it means cause of law. It may also mean in its literal sense the material from which the rules and laws are known. In this sense the expression means the evidence of law and it is in this sense that the expression source of law is accepted in Jurisprudence. Vijnaneshwar (commentator on the Yajnavalkya Smriti and founder of Mitakshara School) has called it Jnapak Hetu i.e., the means of knowing law. It is important to study the sources of law because in every personal legal system only that rule is law which has place in its sources. A rule not laid down or not recognized in the sources is not a rule in that legal system. The word Hindu first appeared in the Old Persian language which was derived from the Sanskrit word Sindhu, the historic local designation for the Indus River in the north-western part of the Indian subcontinent. A Hindu is an adherent of Hinduism. Hindu law is a set of personal laws governing the social conditions of Hindus (such as marriage and divorce, adoption, inheritance, minority and guardianship, family matters, etc.). It is not Hindus alone who must follow Hindu law but there are several other communities and religious denominations that are subject to its dominion such as Jains, Buddhists, Sikhs, Brahmo-Samajists, Prarthana-Samajists, the Virashaivas and Lingayats and the Santhals of Chhota Nagpur besides others. In Sir Dinshah F.Mullas Principles of Hindu Law, the learned editor has defined Hindu law in the following words: Wherever the laws of India admit operation of a personal law, the rights and obligations of a Hindu are determined by Hindu law, i.e. his traditional law, sometimes called the law of his religion, subject to the exception that any part of that law may be modified or abrogated by statute. Law as understood by Hindus is a branch of dharma. Nature and scope: In the article project, the scope will be restricted to finding out the sources of Hindu law, and critique on some of the definitional aspects of the sources and a general critique of the sources. Sources of Hindu Law The sources of Hindu law can be classified under the following two heads: Ancient Sources Under this would come the following: Shruti Smriti Digests and Commentaries and Custom. Modern Sources Under this head would come: Justice, equity and good conscience Precedent, and Legislation. Ancient Sources Shruti- It literally means that which has been heard. The word is derived from the root shru which means to hear. In theory, it is the primary and paramount source of Hindu law and is believed to be the language of the divine revelation through the sages. The synonym of shruti is veda. It is derived from the root vid meaning to know. The term Veda is based on the tradition that they are the repository of all knowledge. There are four Vedas namely, Rig Veda (containing hymns in Sanskrit to be recited by the chief priest), Yajurva Veda (containing formulas to be recited by the officiating priest), Sama Veda (containing verses to be chanted by seers) and Atharva Veda (containing a collection of spells and incantations, stories, predictions, apotropaic charms and some speculative hymns). Each Veda has three parts viz. Sanhita (which consists mainly of the hymns), Brahmin (tells us our duties and means of performing them) and Upanishad (containing the essence of these duties). The shrutis include the Vedas along with their components. Smritis- The word Smriti is derived from the root smri meaning to remember. Traditionally, Smritis contain those portions of the Shrutis which the sages forgot in their original form and the idea whereby they wrote in their own language with the help of their memory. Thus, the basis of the Smritis is Shrutis but they are human works. There are two kinds of Smritis viz. Dharmasutras and Dharmashastras. Their subject matter is almost the same. The difference is that the Dharmasutras are written in prose, in short maxims (Sutras) and the Dharmashastras are composed in poetry (Shlokas). However, occasionally, we find Shlokas in Dharmasutras and Sutras in the Dharmashastras. In a narrow sense, the word Smriti is used to denote the poetical Dharmashastras. The number of Smriti writers is almost impossible to determine but some of the noted Smriti writers enumerated by Yajnavalkya (sage from Mithila and a major figure in the Upanishads) are Manu, Atri, Vishnu, Harita, Yajnavalkya, Yama, Katyayana, Brihaspati, Parashar, Vyas, Shankh, Daksha, Gautama, Shatatapa, Vasishtha, etc. The rules laid down in Smritis can be divided into three categories viz. Achar (relating to morality), Vyavahar (signifying procedural and substantive rules which the King or the State applied for settling disputes in the adjudication of justice) and Prayaschit (signifying the penal provision for commission of a wrong). Digests and Commentaries- After Shrutis came the era of commentators and digests. Commentaries (Tika or Bhashya) and Digests (Nibandhs) covered a period of more than thousand years from 7th century to 1800 A.D. In the first part of the period most of the commentaries were written on the Smritis but in the later period the works were in the nature of digests containing a synthesis of the various Smritis and explaining and reconciling the various contradictions. The evolution of the different schools of Hindu law has been possible on account of the different commentaries that were written by various authorities. The original source of Hindu law was the same for all Hindus. But schools of Hindu law arose as the people chose to adhere to one or the other school for different reasons. The Dayabhaga and Mitakshara are the two major schools of Hindu law. The Dayabhaga school of law is based on the commentaries of Jimutvahana (author of Dayabhaga which is the digest of all Codes) and the Mitakshara is based on the commentaries written by Vijnaneswar on the Code of Yajnavalkya. Custom- Custom is regarded as the third source of Hindu law. From the earliest period custom (achara) is regarded as the highest dharma. As defined by the Judicial Committee custom signifies a rule which in a particular family or in a particular class or district has from long usage obtained the force of law. Custom is a principle source and its position is next to the Shrutis and Smritis but usage of custom prevails over the Smritis. It is superior to written law. There are certain characteristics which need to be fulfilled for declaring custom to be a valid one. They are:- The custom must be ancient. The particular usage must have been practised for a long time and accepted by common consent as a governing rule of a particular society. The custom must be certain and should be free from any sort of ambiguity. It must also be free from technicalities. The custom must be reasonable and not against any existing law. It must not be immoral or against any public policy and The custom must have been continuously and uniformly followed for a long time. Indian Courts recognize three types of customs viz: (a) Local custom these are customs recognised by Courts to have been prevalent in a particular region or locality. (b) Class custom these are customs which are acted upon by a particular class. Eg. There is a custom among a class of Vaishyas to the effect that desertion or abandonment of the wife by the husband abrogates the marriage and the wife is free to marry again during the life-time of the husband. (c) Family custom these are customs which are binding upon the members of a family. Eg. There is a custom in families of ancient India that the eldest male member of the family shall inherit the estates. Modern Sources Justice, equity and good conscience- Occasionally it might happen that a dispute comes before a Court which cannot be settled by the application of any existing rule in any of the sources available. Such a situation may be rare but it is possible because not every kind of fact situation which arises can have a corresponding law governing it. The Courts cannot refuse to the settle the dispute in the absence of law and they are under an obligation to decide such a case also. For determining such cases, the Courts rely upon the basic values, norms and standards of fairplay and propriety. In terminology, this is known as principles of justice, equity and good conscience. They may also be termed as Natural law. This principle in our country has enjoyed the status of a source of law since the 18th century when the British administration made it clear that in the absence of a rule, the above principle shall be applied. Legislations- Legislations are Acts of Parliament which have been playing a profound role in the formation of Hindu law. After India achieved independence, some important aspects of Hindu Law have been codified. Few examples of important Statutes are The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, The Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act, 1956, The Hindu Succession Act, 1956, The Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act, 1956, etc. After codification, any point dealt with by the codified law is final. The enactment overrides all prior law, whether based on custom or otherwise unless an express saving is provided for in the enactment itself. In matters not specifically covered by the codified law, the old textual law contains to have application. Precedents- After the establishment of British rule, the hierarchy of Courts was established. The doctrine of precedent based on the principle of treating like cases alike was established. Today, the decisions of Privy Council are binding on all the lower Courts in India except where they have been modified or altered by the Supreme Court whose decisions are binding on all the Courts except for itself. A Critique on the Sources It is significant to note that the term Hindu is not defined anywhere in terms of religion or in any statute or judicial decisions. For the purpose of determining to whom Hindu Law applies, it is necessary to know who is a Hindu and none of the sources expressly state so. At most from statutes, we can get a negative definition of a Hindu which states that Hindu law shall apply to those who are not Muslim, Christian, Parsi, Jew, etc. and who are not governed by any other law. Hindu Law is considered to be divine law as it is strongly believed that the sages had attained some spiritual dominion and they could communicate directly with God form whom we get the divine law. But this is only an assumption and no concrete proof for the same is shown that the sages could communicate with God (whose very existence is challenged by atheists). Due to this, many communities are also suffering from the misapprehension or delusion that their forefathers and messiahs had revelations from God. Justice A.M.Bhattacharjee strongly states that according to him he cannot think that even a staunch believer in any divine existence, transcendent or immanent, can believe in the divine origin of Hindu law, unless he has a motive behind such profession of belief or has not read the Smritis or is ready to believe anything and everything with slavish infidelity. According to Justice Markandey Katju, Hindu law does not originate from the Vedas (also called Shruti). He vehemently asserts that there are many who propound that Hindu law originated from the Shrutis but this is a fiction and in fact Hindu law originated from the Smriti books which contained writings from Sanskrit scholars in ancient time who had specialized in law. The Shrutis hardly consist of any law and the writings ordained in the Smriti do not make any clear-cut distinction between rules of law and rules of morality or religion. In most of the manuscripts, the ethical, moral and legal principles are woven into one. It is perhaps for this reason that according to Hindu tradition, law did not mean only in the Austinian sense of jurisprudence and is objectionable to it; and the word used in place of law was the Sanskrit word dharma which connotes religion as well as duty. Although Dharmasutras dealt with law, they did not provide an anthology of law dealing with all the branches of law. The Manusmriti supplied a much needed legal exposition which could be a compendium of law. But according to Kane, It is almost impossible to say who composed the Manusmriti. The very existence of Manu is regarded to be a myth by many and he is termed as a mythological character. Many critics assert that the word Smriti itself means that what is remembered and therefore the validity or proof of the existing Smritis could be challenged. It cannot be said for certainty that what the sages remembered was actually what was propounded. Hindu law has generally been critiqued on the grounds that the Smritis and other customs were generally extremely orthodox and against the favours of women. Hindu society thus has always been a patriarchal society and women have always received subdued importance over men. Some also disapprove of the notions of caste-based system created by ancient Hindu law from which emerged the ill-perceived practices of untouchability, etc. The Smritis are admitted to possess independent authority but while their authority is beyond dispute, their meanings are open to various interpretations and has been and is the subject of much dispute. Till date, no one can say for sure the exact amount of Smritis which exist under Hindu law. It is due to the abovementioned problems that the digest and commentaries were established and various schools of Hindu law started to give birth. The modern sources of Hindu law such as Justice, equity and good conscience have been critiqued on the grounds that it paves the way for personal opinions and beliefs of judges to be made into law. We have seen catena of cases where the decisions of the Court have been criticised for want of proper reasoning. This also signifies the incompleteness of the laws which exist. The Supreme Court in most matters has ascertained the rules of Hindu law successfully but there are couple of cases where they have interpreted the rules in their own light. One of the gravest cases of the Supreme Court which deserves much criticism is the case of Krishna Singh v. Mathura Ahir. The Allahabad High Court had rightly held that the discriminatory ban imposed on the Sudras by the Smritis stands abrogated as it contravenes the Fundamental Rights guaranteed by the Constitution. However, the Supreme Court contradicted the above view and held that Part III of the Constitution does not touch upon the personal laws of the parties. In applying the personal laws of the parties one cannot introduce his own concepts of modern times but should enforce the law as derived from recognised and authoritative sources of Hindu law.except where such law is altered by any usage or custom or is modified or abrogated by statute. It can be submitted with ease that the above view is contrary to all Constitutional theories and is expressly in contradiction with Article 13. It is shocking to note that this judgment is yet to be over-ruled in express terms. Since the aegis of time, Hindu law has been reformed and modified to some extent through legislations but these reforms have been half-hearted and fragmentary. The problem with fragmentary reforms is that though reforms were made to change some aspects, their implications on other aspects were over-looked. For example, the Hindu Womens Right to Property Act, 1937, was passed with a view to granting property rights to women but its repercussions on the law of joint family was over-looked. The result was that fragmentary reforms through legislations solved some problems but resulted in others. Many people make the mistake of considering various text books written by erudite scholars as sources of Hindu law. This is because the Courts have decided many cases relying on these text books and quoted them for reference. For example, Mullas Hindu Law has been quoted by many judges. In Bishundeo v. Seogani Rai, Justice Bose giving the majority judgment stated that The rule laid down in Mullas book is expressly stated to be in cases where the position is not effected by a decree of a competent Court. The same has been the case with many other text books. It should be made clear that text books are not sources of Hindu law and the authors have no authority to lay down the law. Conclusion It has been seen that Hindu law has been critiqued for its orthodoxy, patriarchal character and does not bear a very modern outlook of society. There are many areas where the Hindu law needs to upgrade itself, for example, the irretrievable breakdown theory as a valid ground for divorce is still not recognised under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, and even the of Supreme Court have expressed their concern on this. The most valid concern is that the very definition of a Hindu is still not given in any of the sources. Statutes give only a negative definition which does not suffice the test of time. The very proponent that Hindu law is divine law has been challenged by scholars and atheists. There are many Smritis which are yet to be found according to Historians and many conflicts of opinions and interpretations have arisen for the existing ones, thus creating a window of ambiguity under Hindu law. There are also several areas where Hindu law is silent. Most of the ancient sources of Hindu law is written in Sanskrit and it is well known that in the present times there is a dearth of Sanskrit scholars. There is hardly any importance left of the ancient sources since the time the modern sources have emerged and been followed. It can be said that proper codification of Hindu law without room for ambiguity is the need of the hour. It can be said that where the present sources of Hindu law are uninviting the Legislature could look into sources and customs of other religions and incorporate them into Hindu law if it caters to the need of the society and meets the test of time.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx :: Communist Manifesto Essays
The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx  Karl Marx (1818-1883) has been established (post-mortem of course, like almost all greats, it seems) as one of the most influential thinkers and writers of modern times. The Communist Manifesto published in 1848, lays down his theories on socialism. This manifesto was used to establish Communist Russia. Although that "experiment" failed, there are still points in his work that I find relevant in today's society.  One of Marx's arguments is that the society created by the bourgeois is so powerful and out of control that it can no longer be controlled. The modern bourgeois society, he explains "a society that has conjured up such gigantic means of production and of exchange, [it] is like the sorcerer, who is no longer able to control the powers of the nether world when he has called up by his spells" (217). His remedy for this situation was an overthrow of the ruling bourgeois society and the beginning of the proletariat society. This can be loosely compared with the current situation with Microsoft and the monopoly argument. Bill Gates has brought a problem with our free market system to the attention of the American public. However, how answer will not be to overthrow the current government, but rather more regulations. Another argument that Marx brings out that is relevant in today's society is the distinct class differences. He mentions how 10% of the people have virtually all the property. This is extremely relevant. However, in today's society, wealth is not so much measured by property but by total addition of all one's assets. In the United States today, 20% of the population has 85% of the wealth. This is evidence of the enormous class differences that we experience in today's society, which are comparable to the stratification that Marx emphasizes.  Although Karl Marx is able to make some relevant points in his The Communist Manifesto, he also makes some points that are just not applicable today, and in my view in any time period. On page 230, he mentions that top-ten list of measures that will be applicable in communist countries. Number 9 is just plain lunacy. "Combination of agriculture and manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country by a more equitable distribution of the population over the country" (230). The reason the so-called "country" is less populated is because there has to be room for the crops to grow. The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx :: Communist Manifesto Essays The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx  Karl Marx (1818-1883) has been established (post-mortem of course, like almost all greats, it seems) as one of the most influential thinkers and writers of modern times. The Communist Manifesto published in 1848, lays down his theories on socialism. This manifesto was used to establish Communist Russia. Although that "experiment" failed, there are still points in his work that I find relevant in today's society.  One of Marx's arguments is that the society created by the bourgeois is so powerful and out of control that it can no longer be controlled. The modern bourgeois society, he explains "a society that has conjured up such gigantic means of production and of exchange, [it] is like the sorcerer, who is no longer able to control the powers of the nether world when he has called up by his spells" (217). His remedy for this situation was an overthrow of the ruling bourgeois society and the beginning of the proletariat society. This can be loosely compared with the current situation with Microsoft and the monopoly argument. Bill Gates has brought a problem with our free market system to the attention of the American public. However, how answer will not be to overthrow the current government, but rather more regulations. Another argument that Marx brings out that is relevant in today's society is the distinct class differences. He mentions how 10% of the people have virtually all the property. This is extremely relevant. However, in today's society, wealth is not so much measured by property but by total addition of all one's assets. In the United States today, 20% of the population has 85% of the wealth. This is evidence of the enormous class differences that we experience in today's society, which are comparable to the stratification that Marx emphasizes.  Although Karl Marx is able to make some relevant points in his The Communist Manifesto, he also makes some points that are just not applicable today, and in my view in any time period. On page 230, he mentions that top-ten list of measures that will be applicable in communist countries. Number 9 is just plain lunacy. "Combination of agriculture and manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country by a more equitable distribution of the population over the country" (230). The reason the so-called "country" is less populated is because there has to be room for the crops to grow.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Hamlet and Ophelia :: Essays Papers
Hamlet and Ophelia 1. Plays have foils to help the audience understand important characters in the play. Foils are minor characters that have similarities and differences with a more important character in the play. Sometimes the minor character is just there for the character to talk to; this is the basis for being a foil. In the play "Hamlet," [Titles] by William Shakespeare, the character Ophelia is a foil to Hamlet. 2. Similarities are an important part of being a foil. One similarity that Hamlet and Ophelia share are that they both are children of controlling parents. [SV - 1] Hamlet's father, who is murdered[,] comes back as a ghost to tell him who his murderer is. This news is his father's way of controlling him from the grave. Hamlet's mother and stepfather are also controlling him by presuading [persuading] Hamlet not to go to Wittenburg. Men in those days went away to get an education. There was no need for Hamlet to do so because he was a prince. [As a Prince, he might have been even more likely to go abroad for his education.] Ophelia is controlled by her father also. She tells him how Hamlet has tried many times to express his affections for her. Ophelia's father does not believe Hamlet is sincere and orders her to stay away from him. Ophelia obeys her father[']s wishes. Women were expected to do as they were told and believed what they were told to be true. 3. Another similarity between Hamlet and Ophelia is their [the] feelings they have for each other. In the beginning of the play[,] we are lead [led] to believe that Hamlet loves Ophelia. This frightens Ophelia, but that does not mean she does not have feelings for him also. It is her father who discourages [encourages] her to suppress any feelings she may have then. Later in the play Ophelia confesses her love for Hamlet[,] and he then hides his feelings and denies that he loved her. He suggests that she goes [go] to a nunnery. This makes Ophelia feel worthless and not wanted. 4. Finally the reactions that the characters have to their fathers' deaths are also similar. When Hamlet learns that his father was murdered and that his stepfather is the killer[,] it is more than he can handle.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
GMO Foods :: Science Agriculture Papers
GMO Foods A great deal of controversy has arisen with the advent of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs), especially surrounding the production, sale, and consumption of genetically modified foods. Many people are concerned, if not convinced, that the consumption of GMO foods by human beings may pose serious health risks. The concern is centered around the notion that there could potentially be various different unforeseen consequences due to the consumption of GMO foods. In addressing potential side effects and byproducts of the creation of transgenic foods, such as potential toxicity and allergenicity, it was found that the possibility and probability of these side effects are being regularly assessed and precautions are being taken to detect and avoid them. Horizontal Gene Transfer (HGT) was also taken into consideration and though it is indeed possible that gene transfer of the genetically modified (GM) gene into the DNA of mammalian cells could occur, it would not have any persisten t or negative effect on the recipient. HGT into microorganisms might be a concern if antibiotic resistance was conveyed to the recipient but in light of this fact resistance to key antibiotics is not used in the creation of GMOs. Therefore, the overall potential of GM foods to have negative effects on human health due to the aforementioned phenomena is negligible. Introduction The commercial production and consumption of Genetically Modified (GM) foods is perceived by many to be a novel technology that has been poorly evaluated and could potentially be harmful to humans. Though these foods seem very new, the first regulatory approval of GM crops occurred in 1995 (A. Konig et al., 2004). It was in the mid-1980s that the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development and the US Office of Science and Technology Policy were working to assess the safety and need for regulation of GM crops and any other foods produced using GM crops. That puts us back at least twenty years from today in our ongoing scrutiny of the safety of GM foods.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Development Of A Surface Runoff Prediction Model Environmental Sciences Essay
The on-going enlargement of urbanised countries has placed increasing accent on related H2O direction jobs such as implosion therapy and pollution control. Urbanization increases the imperviable land country in a part, which in bend, decreases infiltration, increases overflow, and decreases the clip during which overflow occurs. Liu et al. , ( 2004 ) stated that as a watershed becomes more developed, it besides becomes more hydrologically active and in so making, changes the inundation volume, overflow constituents every bit good as the beginning of watercourse flow. The consequence is that inundations that one time occurred infrequently during the pre-development periods frequently become more frequent and more terrible due to the transmutation of the watershed from rural to urban land utilizations. Previous research has besides shown that urbanisation and the addition in imperviable surfaces increases peak discharge ( Ferguson and Suckling 1990 ; Booth and Jackson 1997 ) . Galster et al. , ( 2006 ) examined the effects of imperviable surfaces within urbanised landscapes on river discharge within drainage countries and found it to be nonlinear for extremum flows in little urbanised countries. The survey was conducted in two immediate and physically similar water partings in east-central Pennsylvania but which had different per centum urban land usage ( 20 % and 3 % severally ) , and tested the premise that discharge exhibits a additive or close additive relationship with drainage country ( hundred ~ 1 ) for an urbanised water parting. Linear grading of discharge with drainage country has the deduction that all parts of the drainage basin contribute about the same volume of H2O at about the same rate as either overflow or as recharge to the H2O tabular array ( Fleckenstein et al. 2004 ) . Galster et al. , ( 2006 ) argued that in the urban watershed they studied, they observed that the part of H2O from each unit of the drainage country was non equal with the downstream urbanised country lending a greater volume per unit country than the upstream forested or rural countries over the clip period represented by the extremum flows. The decision was hence that urbanisation reduces the infiltration capacity and increase overflow.Runoff DeterminationRunoff is generated by rainstorms and the happening and measure are dependent on the features of the peculiar rainfall event, i.e. strength, continuance and distribution. Water making the land surface infiltrates into the dirt until it reaches a phase where the rate of rainfall ( strength ) exceeds the infiltration capacity of the dirt. The infiltration capacity of the dirt depends on its texture and construction, every bit good as on the antecedent dirt wet status. The initial infiltration capacity of a dry dirt is hig h but, as the storm continues, it decreases until it reaches a steady value termed as concluding infiltration rate. [ The procedure of overflow coevals continues every bit long as the rainfall strength exceeds the existent infiltration capacity of the dirt but will halt every bit shortly as the rate of rainfall beads below the existent rate of infiltration. The infiltration capacity of dirt will change depending on both the dirt texture and construction. Soil composed of a high per centum of sand consequences in rapid infiltration because these dirts have big, good connected pore infinites. Clay soils on the other manus have low infiltration rates due to their smaller pore sized infinites. However, there is really less entire pore infinite in a unit volume of coarse, flaxen dirt than that of dirt composed largely of clay. As a consequence, sandy dirts fill quickly and normally bring forth overflow quicker than clay dirts ( Ritter, 2006 ) Baharudin 2007. Ms. Thesis ] Ritter 2006 – The Physical Environment ]Impact of Urbanization on Infiltration CapacityInfiltration is the procedure by which precipitation percolates downward through the dirt and replenishes dirt wet, recharges the aquifers, and finally supports watercourse flows during dry periods. The rate of infiltration ( degree Fahrenheit ) is influenced by several factors which includes the type and extent of vegetive screen, the status of the surface crust, temperature, rainfall strength, physical belongingss of the dirt and H2O quality ( Viessman Jr. and Lewis 2003 ; Liu et Al. 2004 ) . Research has shown that one of the most outstanding land usage impacting hydrology is urban development ( Finkenbine et al. , 2000 ; Lee and Bang, 2000 ; Bledsoe and Watson, 2001 ; Rose and Peters, 2001 ; Brezonik and Stadelmann, 2002 ) . Surveies have besides shown that additions in the proportion of imperviable surface ( IS ) of 10 % may significantly impact watercourse hydrology ( Hammer, 1972 ; Hollis, 1975 ) . Hydrological effects of increased IS typically result in elevated quickflow coevals which produces both higher magnitudes and increase early extremums in storm hydrographs ( Dunne and Leopold, 1978 ; Hirsch et al. , 1990 ) . Goudie ( 1990 ) , describes urbanisation as the transition of other types of land utilizations associated with the growing of population and the economic system. This procedure has a considerable hydrological impact in footings of act uponing the nature of overflow and other hydrological features. Impact nevertheless varies harmonizing to the phase of development every bit good. In the early phases, the remotion of trees and flora may diminish the evapotranspiration and interception and may besides increase deposit in rivers. Subsequently in the development of these countries when building of houses, streets, and culverts Begins, the impacts may include reduced infiltration, lowered groundwater tabular array, increased storm H2O flows, and decreased base flows during dry periods. After the development of these residential and commercial edifices has been completed, increased impenetrability will finally cut down the clip of overflow and concentration so that extremum discharges are h igher and occur Oklahoman after rainfall starts in basins. The volume of overflow and inundation harm potency is hence greatly increased. Furthermore, the installing of cloacas and storm drains accelerates overflow. Pitt et al. , ( 2002 ) reported that natural infiltration is significantly reduced in urban countries due to several factors: the reduced country of exposed dirts, remotion of surface dirts and exposing subsurface dirts, and besides the compression of dirts during Earth traveling and building operations. The reduced countries of dirts are typically associated with increased overflow volumes and peak flow rates. Land usage and land screen alterations have both direct and indirect impacts on the hydrological rhythm, H2O quality, measure available to drinkable H2O, and clime. The four major impacts of land usage alteration includes: addition or reduced incidences of inundations and drouths, alterations in river and groundwater governments, and besides the negative or positive impact H2O quality ( Roger 1994 ; Kim et Al. 2002 ) . In add-on there are besides indirect impacts on clime and later impact on H2O quality and measure. Kim et al. , ( 2002 ) in a survey of land-use alterations at both NASA ‘s John F. Kennedy Space Center ( KSC ) and the Indian River Lagoon ( IRL ) watershed, an addition in overflow of 49 % and 113 % severally from KSC and IRL over the period 1920-1990 was observed. Most of the addition in overflow came from urban landscape although increased agricultural land uses in the IRL besides contributed to increased overflow. Large differences in estimated overflow were due to differences in the sum of urban land usage within the several countries 35 % for the IRL versus 21 % for KSC. Harmonizing to Kim et al. , ( 2002 ) , land-use alteration can hold a dramatic impact on one-year overflow volume, therefore the effects of land-use alteration on one-year or long-run overflow should be considered in land-use planning.SCS CN methodThe sum of overflow produced by a watershed is chiefly controlled by both the ability of the dirt to â€Å" soak up †precipitation and the sum and type of vegetive screen found on the surface of the dirt. Acknowledging this, the United states Department of Agriculture ( USDA ) NRCS ( antecedently called the Soil Conservation Service, SCS ) developed in the 1950 ‘s a method for gauging the volume of direct overflow from rainfall. This figure varies from 0 ( rainfall bring forthing no overflow ) to 100 ( all rainfall runs off ) . The SCS curve figure is the most widely used method because of its comparative simplene ss. Curve figure defines the watershed storage and is determined for a watershed or sub-watershed preponderantly from the types of dirts, vegetive screen, and land-use features. The CN method is an empirical attack to gauging direct overflow and was developed for little agricultural water partings. During a rainfall event, there is a threshold which must be exceeded before overflow occurs and for this threshold to be exceeded, the storm must fulfill interception, depression storage, and infiltration volume. The rainfall required to fulfill the above status is termed initial abstraction ( Ia ) . It includes H2O retained in surface depressions, H2O intercepted by flora, and H2O lost to vaporization and infiltration. Initial abstraction is nevertheless extremely variable but is by and large correlated with the type of dirt and cover stuff. After rainfall begins, accrued infiltration additions with increasing rainfall up to some maximal keeping point and as rainfall additions, overflow besides increases. The ratio of existent keeping to maximal keeping is assumed to be equal to the ratio of direct overflow to rainfall minus initial abstraction. Mathematically the H2O balance of a storm event can be expressed as: for P & gt ; Ia ( Eq. 1 ) Where: F = existent keeping ( millimeter ) S = possible upper limit keeping ( millimeter ) Q = accumulated overflow deepness ( millimeter ) P = possible upper limit overflow ( millimeter ) I, = initial abstraction ( millimeter ) After overflow has started, all extra rainfall becomes either overflow or existent keeping ( i.e. the existent keeping is the difference between rainfall minus initial abstraction and overflow ) . F = ( P- Ia ) – Q ( Eq. 2 ) Uniting Equations 1 and 2 outputs ( Eq. 3 ) Field informations indicated that initial abstraction was by and large in the part of 20 % of the maximal keeping for an single storm. The standard premise used therefore is that Ia = 0.2S ( SCS 1985 ) , where â€Å" 0.2 †was based on watershed measurings with a big grade of variableness. Other research workers have reported utilizing values runing from 0.0 to 0.3 ( SCS 1985 ; Ponce and Hawkins 1996 ) . The original estimations of Ia were determined by deducting rain that fell prior to the beginning of watershed response from the entire rainfall, measured at the mercantile establishment ( SCS 1985 ) . Ia = 0.2S ( Eq. 4 ) This relation can be inserted into Equation 1 to give the followers: ( Eq. 5 ) The possible maximal keeping can run from nothing on a smooth, imperviable surface to eternity in deep crushed rock countries. The â€Å" S-values †can be converted to runoff curve Numberss ( CN ‘s ) by the undermentioned transmutation: ( when H2O deepnesss are expressed in inches ) or ( Eq. 6 ) ( when H2O deepnesss are expressed in millimeter ) Figure 1 shows the graphical solution of Equation 5, bespeaking values of overflow deepness Q as a map of rainfall deepness P for selected values of CN. For illustration, paved countries, S will be zero and CN will be 100 i.e. all rainfall will go overflow. For extremely permeable, flat-lying dirts, S will travel to eternity and CN will ‘ be zero i.e. all rainfall will infiltrate and there will be no overflow. Besides where entire effectual rainfall peers direct runoff the CN value will be 100. Figure 1. Graphic solution of Equation 4.5 demoing overflow deepness Q as a map of rainfall deepness P and swerve figure CN ( after SCS 1972 ) .Antecedent Moisture Condition, AMC ) .Antecedent wet status ( AMC ) is an indicant of the wetness of the watershed and the handiness of dirt wet storage prior to a storm. Ponce and Hawkins ( 1996 ) indicated that curve figure can be adjusted to gauge less overflow under dry conditions and more overflow under wet conditions. AMC hence, can hold a important consequence on overflow. Soil AMC is determined by the rainfall sum 5 yearss prior to the event of involvement. AMC 1 applies if the 5-day ancestor rainfall is less than 36 millimeter. AMC II and III refers to 5-day antecedent rainfall 36- 53 millimeter and greater than 53 millimeter severally.Hydrologic dirt groupsThe NRCS classified over 8,500 dirt series into four hydrologic groups harmonizing to their infiltration features. The hydrologic groups have been designated as A, B, C, and D and description of each dirt group are provided in the Table 1 below ;Table 1: Hydrological Soil Group and Infiltration CharacteristicsSoil GroupDescriptionInfiltration Rate( mm/h )DirtA Lowest overflow potency. Includes deep littorals with really small silt and clay, besides deep, quickly permeable loess. These dirts considered to hold a low overflow potency and a high infiltration rate even when exhaustively wetted, e.g. deep overly drained littorals and crushed rocks. 8-12 Sand, loamy sand, flaxen loam. Bacillus Reasonably low overflow potency. Mostly sandy dirts less deep than A, and loess less but the group as a whole has above-average infiltration after thorough wetting i.e. dirts have a moderate infiltration rate when exhaustively wetted e.g. shallow loess and flaxen loam. 4-8 Silt loam, loam. C Reasonably high overflow potency. Comprises shallow dirts and dirts incorporating considerable clay and colloids, though less than those of group D. The group has below-average infiltration after presaturation e.g. clay loams, shallow sandy loam and dirt with low organic content. 1-4 Sandy clay loam.CalciferolHighest overflow potency. Includes largely clays of high swelling possible, but the group besides includes some shoal dirts with about impermeable some shallow dirts with about impermeable subhorizons near the surface. These dirts have a high potency for overflow, since they have really slow infiltration rates when exhaustively wetted 0-1 Clay loam, silty clay loam, clay, flaxen clay, silty clay. Beginning: SCS, 1975 ; Schulze et al. , 1996Cover typeCover type affects overflow in several ways, the leaf and its litter maintains the dirt ‘s infiltration potency by forestalling the impact of the raindrops from sealing the dirt surface. Other factors, such as the per centum of imperviable country and the agencies of conveying overflow from imperviable countries to the drainage system should be considered in calculating CN for urban countries. Table 2 describes the CN value for a combination of land usage description and hydrologic dirt group.Table2. Land Use Description and Curve NumbersDescription of Land UseHydrologic Soil GroupAABacillusCCalciferolPaved parking tonss, roofs, private roads98 98 98 98Streets and Roadss:A A A A Paved with kerbs and storm cloacas 98 98 98 98 A A A A Gravel 76 85 89 91 A A A A Dirt 72 82 87 89Cultivated ( Agricultural Crop ) Land* :A A A A Without preservation intervention ( no patios ) 72 81 88 91 A A A A With preservation intervention ( patios, contours ) 62 71 78 81Pasture or Range Land:A A A A Poor ( & lt ; 50 % land screen or to a great extent grazed ) 68 79 86 89 A A A A Good ( 50-75 % land screen ; non to a great extent grazed ) 39 61 74 80Meadow ( grass, no graze, mowed for hay )30 58 71 78Brush ( good, & gt ; 75 % land screen )30 48 65 73Forests and Forests:A A A A Poor ( little trees/brush destroyed by over-grazing or combustion ) 45 66 77 83 A A A A Fair ( croping but non burned ; some coppice ) 36 60 73 79 A A A A Good ( no graze ; brush screens land ) 30 55 70 77Open Spaces ( lawns, Parkss, golf classs, graveyards, etc. ) :A A A A Fair ( grass covers 50-75 % of country ) 49 69 79 84 A A A A Good ( grass covers & gt ; 75 % of country ) 39 61 74 80Commercial and Business Districts ( 85 % imperviable )89 92 94 95Industrial Districts ( 72 % imperviable )81 88 91 93Residential Areas:A A A A 1/8 Acre tonss, approximately 65 % imperviable 77 85 90 92 A A A A 1/4 Acre tonss, approximately 38 % imperviable 61 75 83 87 A A A A 1/2 Acre tonss, approximately 25 % imperviable 54 70 80 85 A A A A 1 Acre tonss, approximately 20 % imperviable 51 68 79 84from Chow et Al. ( 1988 )Appraisal of CN values for Urban Land UsesUrbanized water partings are those in which imperviable surfaces cover a considerable per centum of an country. These imperviable surfaces include roads, pavements, parking tonss, and edifices. In these countries, natural flow waies in the water parting may be replaced or supplemented by paved troughs, storm cloacas, or other elements of unreal drainage. Urbanization therefore alterations a water parting ‘s response to precipitation. The most common effects are reduced infiltration and decreased travel clip which significantly increase peak discharges and overflow ( SCS 1986 ) . Urban CN values ( Table 3 ) were developed for typical land usage relationships based on specific assumed per centums of imperviable country. These CN valleies were developed based on the premises that ( a ) pervious urban countries are tantamount to crop in good hydrologic status and ( B ) imperviable countries have a CN of 98 and are straight connected to the drainage system. Some assumed per centums of imperviable country are shown in Table 3 ( SCS 1986 ) . Of involvement from Table 3 is the description used to sort residential countries. A widely used method of sorting urban land usage is the Anderson Level III categorization ( Anderson, et al. , 1976 ) , which makes the undermentioned differentiations: ( 1 ) low denseness residential land usage ( 0-5 brooding units per hectare ) , ( 2 ) medium denseness residential land usage ( 5-20 brooding units per hectare ) , and ( 3 ) townhouse-garden flat land usage ( & gt ; 20 brooding units per hectare ) . The definition for urbanised water partings used by Cappiella et Al. ( 2005 ) was countries holding more than 10 % entire imperviable screen. Impervious screen includes any surface that does non let H2O to infiltrate, such as roads, edifices, parking tonss, and private roads. Crawford-Tilley, et Al. ( 1996 ) on the other manus, used a residential denseness of three houses per hectare as a threshold for urbanised land usage. Many hydrologic theoretical accounts use the CN method to gauge direct overflow from Fieldss or water partings. However, change of the hydrologic dirt group due to the effects of urbanisation frequently consequences from compression lending to structural debasement of the dirt. In urbanised water partings, land surfaces frequently become less pervious due to perturbation of the established dirt construction ensuing in increased overflow. Thus the usage of the original dirt study information for urbanised countries is frequently a hapless premise because important compression and perturbation of the dirt that has taken topographic point chiefly due to earthwork operations ( Holman-Dodds et al. 2003, Gregory et Al. 1999 ) .Table 3 Runoff Curve Numbers for Urban AreasBeginning: Scandium 1986Determination of overflow volume on inclining landscapeWatersheds in the Caribbean and in many parts of the universe are characterized by inclining landscape. Factors that control infiltration rate i nclude dirt belongingss that are strongly affected by three forces. These forces are, hydraulic conduction, diffusivity and H2O keeping capacity. These dirt belongingss are related to the features of dirt texture, construction, composing, and grade of compression, which influence dirt matric forces and pore infinite. In add-on, antecedent wet status, type of vegetative or other land screen, incline, rainfall strength and motion every bit good as entrapment of dirt air are of import factors that besides affect infiltration rates.Minidisk InfiltrometerAccumulative infiltration, I, is described by the undermentioned map ( Eq.7 ) Where T is clip, C1 and C2 are parametric quantities specifying the sorptive and hydraulic conduction, severally ( Phillips, 1969 ) .Relationship between majority denseness and infiltrationThe Ocean County Soil Conservation District ( 2001 ) , in New Jersey, conducted a survey on the effects of dirt alteration and compression on infiltration rates during building operations in urban countries. This survey was to find whether the effects of building activities were sufficient to change the hydrologic dirt group categorization. Measurements of majority denseness and infiltration rates were conducted both in situ to and demo that as dirt majority denseness increases to 1.65 g/cm3, the infiltration rate lessenings quickly. The survey besides showed that with an addition in bulk denseness above 1.65 g/cm3, infiltration rate diminutions easy, nearing zero therefore ensuing in permeableness going the confining factor for infiltration into the dirt profile. The permeableness measurings were so used to develop a technique to gauge infiltration rates of densenesss non specifically measured. The expression from the unmoved informations derived from plotting the graph of permeableness against bulk denseness ( Figure 2 ) resulted in the undermentioned expression ; [ Permeability = ( 42198 ) ( Bulk Density ) -21.255 ] . Figure 2. Graph demoing the relationship between majority denseness and permeableness ( Ocean County Soil Conservation District 2001 ) The consequences indicated that the overflow from many late constructed lodging developments exceeds the simulated overflow based on the CN method utilizing undisturbed hydrologic dirt group values. The survey besides showed that the hydrologic dirt group at late urbanized sites that was recorded as dirt group A or B, based on dirt study informations and texture, recorded infiltration rates of less than 0.38 cm/hr, proposing Hydrologic dirt group C or D. The Ocean County Soil Conservation District ( 2001 ) survey concluded that building operations significantly compact the dirt, ensuing in the change of the hydrologic dirt group categorization. The survey hence recommended that contrivers and interior decorators should account for the effects of dirt compression when gauging overflow. Curse Holman-Dobbs et Al. ( 2003 ) besides observed that land surfaces have become less pervious due to perturbation of set up dirt construction in urbanised water partings, which consequences in increased flow. Treading promotes surface dirt compression and waterproofing ( Warren et al. , 1986 ) . The usage of the original hydrological dirt group value for urbanised countries is hence a hapless premise because earthwork operations frequently result in important compacted and disturbed dirt ( Gregory et al. 1999 ) . Soil infiltration trials on loamy dirts to analyze the effects of age of urbanisation on dirt infiltration rates were conducted by the Wisconsin Deptartment of Natural Resources and the University of Wisconsin. The preliminary trials consequences indicated that every bit long as several decennaries could be necessary earlier compacted loam dirts recover to conditions similar to pre-development conditions ( Pitt, et Al. 2002 ) . Pitt, et Al. ( 2002 ) hence concluded that really big mistakes in dirt infiltration rates can easy be made with the usage of published dirt maps are used along with available theoretical account for typically disturbed urban dirts, as these tools ignore the effects of compression. The writer farther stated that cognition of compression can be used to more accurately predict stormwater overflow measure, and to better design bioretention stormwater control structures. Dirts that are left au naturel due to urbanisation and addition traffic by occupants frequently consequences in dirt crusting and decreased infiltration. This was reported by Blackburn ( 1989 ) , who observed that exposure of bare dirt to climate fluctuations enhances dirt crusting and slaking and as a consequence, infiltration of dirts was lower on bare dirt than beneath trees and bushs. Holman et Al ( 2003 ) observed that dirt construction debasement on farms in England and Wales during land direction operations, such as ploughing or harvest home led to compression and structural harm of the dirt i.e. the transition of wheels over the dirt surface lead to compression of the upper parts of the surface soil. This compression leads to decrease in dirt H2O storage and infiltration capacity therefore cut downing the ability of the dirt to absorb rain and cause addition implosion therapy. For this survey dirt construction conditions were linked via the hydrological dirt group, dirt conditions and antecedent rainfall conditions to SCS curve Numberss to measure the volume of enhanced overflow in each catchment. Land usage controls the infiltration of dirts. Other surveies have besides shown that ploughing agricultural lands produces dirt compression ( Voorhes and Lindstrom, 1984 ; Blackwell et al. , 1985 ; Allegre et al. , 1986 ; Hartge, 1988 ) . Because denseness of the la rgest dirt pores is reduced by the compression mechanism, the infiltration rate is besides diminished ( Hartge, 1988 ) . Van Der Plas and Bruijnzeel ( 1993 ) observed that the impact of selected logging of the rain forest in Malaysia resulted in soils compression by tractor path well increased the frequence and volume of over land flow. The survey was done on 10-35 % inclining land mensurating the surface soil ( 0-30cm ) majority denseness and steady-state infiltration utilizing the dual ring method. Infiltration trial in the logged-over wood were made on former tractor paths and in the next retrieving forest. The consequences indicated that mean bulk densenesss increased with deepness in both woods ( scope in undisturbed wood: 0.98-1.26 g cm-3 and logged-over wood outside tractor paths: 1.11-1.35 g cm-3 ) . For the sparsely vegetated tractor paths fluctuation was much less ( scope: 1.31-1.37 g cm-3 ) . Topsoil majority denseness ( 0-18 centimeter ) was extremely correlated with steady-state infiltration rates and the mean values were 88 ( undisturbed wood ) , 73 ( retrieving forest ) , and 15 millimet ers h-1 ( 12-year-old tractor paths ) .Use of GIS in Watershed moldSeveral surveies have been done to integrate GIS into watershed hydrologic patterning. These can be grouped into: I ) calculation of input parametric quantities for bing hydrologic theoretical accounts ; two ) function and show of hydrologic variables ; three ) watershed surface representation ; and iv ) designation of hydrologic response units. Two of import countries where GIS has contributed to hydrological mold are that of hydrological stock list and appraisal and good as hydrological parametric quantity finding.Hydrological Inventory and AppraisalThe usage of GIS for hydrological stock list and appraisal involves the usage of GIS for mapping hydrological factors that pertain to some state of affairs, normally as a agency of hazard appraisal ( Maidment, 1993 ) . The developments in geographical information systems ( GIS ) engineering have coincided with moves within hydrology to supplying a more expressed account ing of infinite through distributed instead than lumped or topological representations. With GIS there is the ability to hive away, arrange, retrieve, classify, manipulate, analyze and present immense spatial informations and information in a simple mode. GIS supports spacial informations theoretical accounts and supply integration, mensurating and analytical capablenesss which are now been used in many hydrological applications runing from stock list and appraisal surveies to treat mold ( McDonnel, 1996 ) . Aspinall and Pearson ( 2000 ) used GIS to develop a series of indexs of H2O catchment wellness for the Yellowstone River in the Rocky Mountain USA, as portion of a geographic audit of environmental wellness and alteration at the regional graduated table. Sirnivasan et Al, ( 1998 ) identified GIS as one constituent to pull off spacial input and end product in the designing of a national river basin graduated table resource appraisal in developing the Hydrologic Unit Model for the United States ( HUMUS ) .Hydrological Parameter DeterminationThe usage of GIS for theoretical account parametric quantity appraisal is a really active country of research ( Maidment, 1993 ; McDonnell, 1996 ) . The aim is to find the parametric quantities that will be used as input into hydrological theoretical accounts by analysis of terrain and land screen characteristics such as incline, channel length, land usage and dirt features ( Maidment, 1993 ) . Digital lift theoretical accounts ( DEMs ) have become utile tools for hydrological mold in ungauged water partings because topographic parametric quantities can now be rapidly and expeditiously derived utilizing GIS. These topographic parametric quantities help to specify the construction of water partings which give a specific hydrological signature and drainage form. It can be shown that landform form and features influence the flow of H2O, transit of deposits and pollutants. GIS provide an environment within which topographic parametric quantities can be rapidly and expeditiously extracted for hydrological application and as a consequence, DEMs are progressively being used ( Armstrong and Martz, 2003 ; Martz and Garbrecht, 1998 ) . DaRos and Borga, ( 1997 ) stated that the application of GIS provides an efficient and accurate agencies for the rating of watershed features and deducing structural instantaneous unit hydrographs ( GIUH ) . The survey showed that hydrologic response of a watershed is influenced by many factors some of which include dirt belongingss ( e.g. , infiltration capacity, dirt deepness, and porousness ) , morphological belongingss ( e.g. , drainage country, incline, channel length, drainage denseness, and alleviation ratio ) , geologic belongingss ( e.g. , lithologic and structural geologic belongingss ) , and set down screen and land usage ( e.g. , per centum forest, agricultural, and urban screen ) . For ungauged catchments, structural instantaneous unit hydrographs have been proposed as a tool to imitate overflow hydrographs. Harmonizing to Olivera and Maidment ( 1998 ) , GIS provides tools that allow one to travel from lumped to spatially distributed hydrologic theoretical accounts. GIS provided an first-class environment for patterning spatially distributed hydrologic procedures. This is so because they have spacial maps in the vector and raster sphere ( some of which are specifically developed for hydrologic intents ) and a database direction system, which combined, let one to execute hydrologic mold and computations that are connected to geographic locations. Weng ( 2001 ) on the other manus used the advantage of GIS engineering for incorporating GIS with distant feeling engineering and successfully applied these engineerings to come up overflow patterning. His survey uses GIS to deduce two cardinal parametric quantities: rainfall and hydrological dirt groups. Based on these informations and land screen digital informations, the surface overflow images could be obtained through the map algebra and overlay maps of GIS. Thus, the integrating has automated the SCS mold. Similarly other surveies have demonstrated the usage of GIS-based systems to develop parametric quantity estimations ( Stuebe and Johnson, 1990 ; Green and Cruise, 1995 ; De Smedt et al. , 2000 ; Liu et Al, 2004 ; Olivera and Maidment, 1999 ) and for CN computation ( Engel, 1997 ; Xu, 2006 ; Gumbo et Al, 2001 ; Halley et al. , 2007 ) .CN Determination utilizing GISCraciun ( 2007 ) in his survey tested a theoretical account of hydric overflow appraisal ( SCS CN ) , based on the calculus relation of hydric balance, in which GIS was used in the analysis of parametric quantities that compose the equation of the theoretical account. The parametric quantities which are included in the concretion of the hydric volume entered in the basin system can be customized and computed, successfully, by utilizing the GIS. Craciun ( 2007 ) concluded that uniting GIS maps with the SCS-CN theoretical account, for analyzing the overflow on a watershed degree, can be an efficient solution in the context of a uninterrupted addition in the demand of calculating the hydric jeopardies. M. MANCINI & A ; R. ROSSO ( 1989 ) Calibration of Soil Conservation Service Curve Number ( CN ) is performed within a distributed model. This is based on the detailed information from the Geographic Information System ( GIS ) Spatial variableness of Curve Number has been investigated in order to analyze ( I ) the extension of local countries which can be taken as homogenous, ( two ) the common relationships among different countries in the basin, and ( three ) the local variableness of overflow estimations.Runoff HydrographHydrologist and applied scientists depend on measured or computed hydrographs to supply extremum flow rates that is so used to plan hydraulic constructions to suit flows safely. Hydrographs besides allows for the analysis of sizes of reservoirs, storage armored combat vehicles, detainment pools, and other installations that accommodate volumes of overflow ( Viessman Jr. and Lewis 2003 ) . A hydrograph is basically a secret plan of rate against clip with the country beneath the hydrograph between any two points in clip giving the entire volume of H2O go throughing a peculiar point of involvement during the clip interval.Unit of measurement HydrographThe construct of unit hydrograph was foremost introduced by Sherman ( 1932 ) and can be described as a hydrograph of stormflow from 1 unit of effectual rainfall happening at a unvarying rate over a peculiar period and some specific areal distribution over the watershed. The hydrograph demoing the ra tes at which overflow occurred can be considered a unit graph for a peculiar water parting ( Viessman Jr. and Lewis 2003 ; Brooks et Al. 1997 ) . As a watershed becomes more urbanised, the impact of increasing imperviable country, decreased potency for infiltration into the dirt, and loss of natural depression storage will alter the response to rainfall and therefore the form ( top out and clip base ) of the ensuing overflow hydrograph. Figure 3 shows the relationship between a storm or rainfall event the unit hydrograph developed and direct overflow. Runoff normally occurs after the initial abstraction or storage capacity of the dirt is satisfied. Figure 3: Relationship between storm, unit hydrograph, and direct overflow hydrograph ( McCuen 1989 )Rational MethodThe most widely used method for planing drainage installations for little urban and rural water partings is the Rational Method. Mathematically, the rational method relates the peak discharge ( Q ) to the drainage country ( A ) , the rainfall strength ( I ) , and the overflow coefficient ( C ) . Using this method, extremum flow is expressed as Qp = CIA ( Eq. 13 ) Where Qp = the peak overflow rate ( m3/sec ) C = the overflow coefficient ( dimensionless ) I = the mean rainfall strength ( mm/hr ) for a storm with continuance equal a critical period of clip technetium A = size of drainage country ( Km2 ) The value of C is dependent on the dirt, land usage screen status and rainfall features. Time of concentration ( tc ) of the water parting is the clip that is required for H2O to go from the most distant subdivision of the watershed to the mercantile establishment point one time the status of dirt impregnation and minor depressions are filled. Time of concentration influences the form and extremum of the overflow hydrograph and is affected by surface raggedness, channel form, flow form and incline. Time of concentration can be calculated utilizing the Kirpich method ( 1940 ) which was developed from SCS informations for seven rural basins in Tennessee. The water partings used in developing this expression had good defined channels and steep inclines ( 3 % to 10 % ) . The Kirpich expression is as follows: ( Eq. 14 ) Where: technetium = clip of concentration ( min. ) L = the maximal hydraulic flow length ( foot ) H = the difference in lift between the watershed mercantile establishment and hydraulicly most distant point in the water parting ( ft/ft ) The cogency of the rational method is based on the set of premises some of which are listed below along with identified failings ( Thompson et al. 2003 ; Viessman Jr. and Lewis 2003 )Premises in the Rational Method:Rainfall occurs at a unvarying strength over the full country of the watershed for a specific continuance that is at least equal to the clip of concentration of the water parting. Peak rate of overflow can be reflected by the rainfall averaged over a clip period equal to the clip of concentration of the drainage country. The return period of the overflow event is the same as the return period of the precipitation event.Failings of the Rational Method:Appraisal of technetium. Particularly critical for little watershed where technetium is short and alterations in design strengths can happen rapidly. Reflects merely the extremum and gives no indicant of the volume or the clip distribution of the overflow. Lumps many watershed variables into one overflow coefficient. Provides small penetration into our apprehension of overflow processes – particularly in instances where watershed conditions vary greatly across the water parting. This method is a great simplism of a complicated procedure ; nevertheless, the method is considered sufficiently accurate for overflow appraisal in the design of comparatively cheap constructions where the effects of failure are limited. Application of rational method is usually limited to water partings of less than 800 hour angle.SCS Triangular Unit HydrographThe SCS triangular unit hydrograph was developed by Victor Mockus in the 1950s and is used to build a man-made unit hydrographs. This hydrograph is based on a dimensionless hydrograph derived from analysis of a big figure of unit hydrographs which varied in size and geographic locations ( SCS 1972 ; Viessman Jr and Lewis 2003 ) . The hydrograph ordinate values are expressed as a dimensionless ratio of discharge to top out discharge ( q/qp ) and abscissa values are ratios of clip to clip to top out ( t/Tp ) ( Figure 4 ) . The SCS triangular unit hydrograph is frequently used in concurrence with CN overflow equation to transform overflow volume into matching discharge hydrograph ( Stone, 1995 ) . scs_uhg Figure 4: SCS Dimensionless unit hydrograph and mass curve ( SCS 1972 ) The dimensionless unit hydrograph can be represented by a triangular form. The relationships between major hydrograph constituents, presented in Figure 5, were derived for the geometric characteristics of a trigon. By utilizing the geometry of the trigons ( country = 1/2 base times height ) , the triangular unit hydrograph has 37.5 % ( or 3/8 ) of its volume on the lifting side and the staying 62.5 % ( or 5/8 ) of the volume on the recession side. scs_uhg_triangle Figure 5: Illustration of dimensionless curvilineal unit hydrograph and the tantamount triangular hydrograph ( SCS 1972 ) . The SCS CN method is based on constituents and their dealingss. The method requires the finding of the clip to top out and the peak discharge expressed as follows: ( Eq.15 ) Where: thallium = lag clip in hours cubic decimeter = length of the longest drainage way in pess S = ( 25400/CN ) – 254 ( CN = curve figure ) Y = norm watershed incline in % ( Eq.16 ) Where tp = clip from get downing of rainfall to top out discharge ( H ) D = continuance of rainfall ( H ) thallium = slowdown clip from the centroid of rainfall to top out discharge ( H ) The continuance of rainfall ( D ) can be expressed utilizing the undermentioned expression: ( Eq. 17 ) SCS ( 1972 ) relates clip of concentration ( technetium ) , to dawdle clip ( thallium ) , by: ( Eq. 18 ) The recession clip ( tr ) , and clip of extremum ( tp ) is related as follows: ( Eq. 19 ) H is a changeless and can be obtained from Table 5.Table 5: Hydrograph top outing factors and recession limb ratioGeneral DescriptionTop outing Factor( H )Limb Ratio( Recession to raising )Urban countries ; steep inclines 575 1.25 Typical SCS 484 1.67 Assorted urban/rural 400 2.25 Rural, turn overing hills 300 3.33 Rural, little inclines 200 5.50 Rural, really level 100 12.0 Beginning: Wanielista et Al. 1997 The base of the unit hydrograph can hence be calculated utilizing the undermentioned expression: ( Eq. 20 ) The extremum flow ( Qp ) is developed by come closing the unit hydrograph as a triangular form with basal clip of tp and unit country. Peak discharge can be written as: ( Eq. 21 ) Where Qp = extremum discharge ( m3/s ) A = drainage country ( mi2 ) tp = clip from get downing of rainfall to top out discharge ( H ) Steep terrain and urban countries tend to bring forth higher extremums that occur earlier ensuing in a peak factor be givening towards 600. Similarly, level swampy parts which tend to retain and hive away H2O, therefore doing a delayed and lower extremum may ensue in values be givening towards 300 or lower ( SCS 1972 ; Wanielista, et Al. 1997 ) . Table 5 illustrates the possible values for a hydrograph top outing factor and the associate ratio of the recession limb length to raising limb. CN values relate the sum of overflow produced by a watershed and is used to build man-made unit hydrographs. This hydrograph can so be used to steer the design standard for technology constructions. Figure 6 demonstrate that for different CN values the form of the hydrograph varies. At higher CN values there is a shorter clip to top out, a higher extremum value and a shorter recession clip. Design standards hence have to take into consideration these factors and therefore the demand for this methodological analysis to be calibrated to local conditions. Figure 6: Comparative hydrographs for different CN values ( Woodward et Al. 2003 )Model EvaluationModel rating involves standardization and proof and is frequently done through quantitative and qualitative steps that involve both graphical comparing and statistical trials. This is hence a procedure for consistently analysing the mistakes or differences between theoretical account anticipations and field observations. Tools are hence needed to do optimum usage of the information available in the information to place theoretical account construction and parametric quantities, and that allow elaborate analysis of theoretical account behaviour ( Wagner et al. 2001 ; Krause et Al. 2005 ) . These tools are frequently termed the efficiency standards for theoretical account appraisal Donigian and Rao ( 1990 ) describe patterning as comprising of three stages ( Figure 6 ) . The first stage ( stage I ) includes all the stairss needed to setup a theoretical account, qualify the water parting, and fix for theoretical account executings i.e. informations aggregation, theoretical account input readying, and parameter rating. Phase II is the theoretical account proving stage which involves standardization, proof, and, when possible, post-audit. Phase II is where the theoretical account is evaluated to measure whether it can reasonably stand for the watershed behaviour, for the intents of the survey. The last stage ( phase III ) includes the ultimate usage of the theoretical account, where it can be used as a determination support tool for direction and regulative intents. Figure 6: Mold Procedure Calibration and proof is of import because the result establishes how good the theoretical account represents the water partings, for the intent of the survey. Krause et Al. ( 2005 ) gave three grounds why hydrologists need to measure theoretical account public presentation: 1 ) to supply a quantitative estimation of the theoretical account ‘s ability to reproduce historic and future watershed behavior ; 2 ) to supply a agency for measuring betterments to the mold attack through accommodation of theoretical account parametric quantity values, model structural alterations, the inclusion of extra experimental information, and representation of of import spacial and temporal features of the watershed ; and 3 ) to compare current patterning attempts with old survey consequences.Efficiency CriteriaBeven ( 2001 ) define efficiency standards as mathematical steps of how good exemplary simulations fit the available observations. Efficiency standards in general, incorporate a summing up of the error term ( i.e. difference between the fake and the ascertained variable ) normalized by a step of the variableness in the observations. To forestall the canceling of mistakes with opposite mark, the summing up of the absolute or squared mistakes is frequently use. The consequence is an accent is on larger mistakes while smaller mistakes tend to be neglected. Examples of two efficiency standards frequently used are: 1 ) coefficient of finding ( r2 ) and 2 ) Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency ( E ) .Coefficient of finding r2This can be defined as the squared value of the coefficient of correlativity and can be calculated as follows: ( Eq. 22 ) Where O = observed, P = Predicted The scope of r2 prevarications between 0 and 1 which depict how much of the observed is explained by the predicted. A value of zero means no correlativity, where as a value of one shows that there is perfect correlativity between the predicted and the observed. In utilizing r2 information is provided by the gradient B and the intercept a of the arrested development on which r2 is based. For a good understanding the intercept a should be near to zero which means that an ascertained overflow of nothing would besides ensue in a anticipation near nothing and the gradient B should be near to one. For a proper theoretical account assessment the gradient B should ever be discussed together with r2. To make this in a more operational manner the two parametric quantities can be combined to supply a leaden version ( w R2 ) of R2. Such a weighting can be performed by: tungsten r2 = |b| A · r2 for B a†°Ã‚ ¤ 1 |b|-1 A · r2 for B & gt ; 1 ( Eq. 23 ) By burdening r2 under- or over anticipations are quantified together with the kineticss which consequences in a more comprehensive contemplation of theoretical account consequences.Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency ( E )Developed in 1970, the Nash- Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient is defined as one minus the amount of the absolute squared difference between the predicted and observed values normalized by the discrepancy of the ascertained values during the period under which probes were undertaken. This coefficient can be calculated as: ( Eq. 24 ) A disadvantage with the standardization of the discrepancy of the observation series is that is consequences in comparatively higher values of E in catchments with higher variableness and lower values of E in catchments with lower variableness. The scope of E lies between 1.0 ( perfect tantrum ) and a?’a?z . An E value of lower than zero indicates that the average value of the ascertained clip series would hold been a better forecaster than the theoretical account. Legates and McCabe ( 1999 ) stated that the largest disadvantage of the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency is the fact that the differences between the ascertained and predicted values are calculated as squared values. As a consequence larger values are strongly overestimated whereas lower values are neglected in a clip series. For the quantification of overflow anticipations this leads to an overestimate of the theoretical account public presentation during extremum flows and an underestimate during low flow conditions. To cut down the job of the squared differences and the ensuing sensitiveness to extreme values the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency E is frequently calculated utilizing logarithmic values of O and P. With the logarithmic transmutation of the overflow values the extremums are flattened and the low flows are kept more or less at the same degree. As a consequence the influence of the low flow values is increased in comparing to the inundation extremums ensuing in an addition in sensitiveness of lnE to systematic theoretical account over- or underprediction.
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