Transitions the writing
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Contemporary Chinese Law in Context Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Contemporary Chinese Law in Context - Essay Example 4). Conventional Chinese Laws were drilled in China in any event, during the last 50% of twentieth century. The conventional laws were exceptionally affected by philosophical and political principles proliferated by Confucius. Along these lines, the customary Chinese laws, government guidelines and corrective code had Philosophical impact (The Spirit of Traditional Chinese Law n.d., p. 2-3). This paper manages a portion of the Chinese laws which were modified and those which have stayed up with the progressions achieved by monetary globalization. While a portion of the current laws were changed like the Competition law, social law, Property laws, some new laws like Food and Beverages Law, Antimonopoly Law, and so on were presented. This paper audits a portion of those laws by concentrating on the conditions which required presentation of new laws, parts of new laws, their usage and viability in the Chinese Society. Simultaneously, this paper likewise looks at arrangement of laws basi ng upon their development just as their restrictions or disadvantages. Chinese laws after 1976 to 2013: Contemporary laws: westernization Chinese legitimate framework got modernized simply after the nation earned its Republic status, and particularly after the rule of Qing administration. The impacts of Cultural Revolution required the necessity for detailing of some new laws and renewal of a few. It has been seen that, during the most recent thirty years China has invested most amounts of energy in actualizing lawful arrangements. Not just this, China has likewise made huge measure of progress in rethinking its lawful standards, advancement and developments in organizations and frameworks relating to laws and guidelines. Cutting edge Chinese laws are intended for serving long haul objectives. A portion of these incorporate adjusting open conduct, family arranging strategies, appropriate working of social frameworks, or more all creation up for imperfections that were submitted by C hinese legitimate frameworks before modernization (Dingjian 2010, p. 40). After some time, the legitimate changes in China have been aftereffects of direct impact of lawful frameworks of created Western nations. Be that as it may, China has mixed them with their particular issues and has altered the laws to make a framework which would best fill its need. So as to present another conduct model, China needed to present new legitimate guidelines. Accordingly, present day Chinese lawful ideas are targeting taking care of business an enormous scope, appropriate and predictable legitimate structure for China (Dingjian 2010, p. 41-42). The Chinese lawful framework can likewise be separated into two general classes the state made laws and the non-state made laws. State made Law All the proper demonstrations and guidelines that are detailed and executed as of late are grouped under this class. The state laws comprise of standard legitimate arrangements and techniques and in each perspective are held better than non-state laws. Chinese laws are directed by different specialists, and the division of intensity is incorporated. In this way, China has an all around characterized law and guidelines for its residents, along these lines advancing equity and harmony (China's Current Legislation Structure). Non-State made law The non-state laws alludes to those classified and un-arranged laws and guidelines that are polished in a country without keeping up any global show. Various such laws could
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The War on Terrorism Has Not Compromised Civil Liberties Essay
The War on Terrorism Has Not Compromised Civil Liberties In the wake of 9/11, the United States of America started to battle a war on terrorism.â Many in this nation would state we really began a war against ourselves.â One contention is the war on psychological oppression has started to dissolve our common liberties.â Have our common freedoms truly been mishandled or have they been somewhat changed by the Patriot Act to ensure all Americans best interests?â To completely shield Americans from future fear based oppressor assaults checking, the Foreign Terrorist Tracking Task Force, and the Patriot Act have been basic segments. Many gripe the war on fear mongering has attacked their entitlement to privacy.â People are stressed their telephone discussions and web use are being monitored.â The fact of the matter is just those associated with psychological militants acts are in effect firmly observed by the government.â The truth of the matter is we need military courts, detainment programs, checking of web and telephone movement and lawyer customer discussions to shield all Americans from future fear based oppressors assault (Ashcroft).â Any individual being checked by the administration is told before hand.â For instance; a prisoner who's lawyer customer discussion is by and large firmly checked realize they are being caught and must be indicted for data relating to psychological warfare or future psychological oppressor attacks.â According to John Ashcroft observing discussions is one of the numerous means expected to battle psychological warfare. Migrants dread extradition from the United States and feel their privileges have been abused since 9/11.â Our legislature has ingrained this dread by passing the Patriot Act.â The Patriot Act spilled out of a draft bill coursed by the Department of Justice in the wake of the 9/11 fear based oppressor assaults (Byr... ...e Senate Judiciary Committee.â He said to frighten the American individuals into losing their freedoms just guides the fear based oppressors, for they disintegrate our national solidarity and decrease our resolve†(Davies). Works Cited * Ashcroft, John. The War on Terrorism Has Not Eroded Civil Liberties.â â Civil Liberties: Opposing Viewpoints.â Ed. Auriana Ojeda.â New York: Greenhaven Press, 2004. * Byrd, Robert C.â Losing America.â pgs: 45-49â New York: W.W. Norton and Company, 2004.â * Davies, Frank.â Common Liberties: Ashcroft Defends U.S. antiterror tactics.â Detroit Free Press.â 7 December 2001.â 6 November 2004.â <>. * Hannity, Sean.â Let Freedom Ring.â pg: 133â New York: Regan Books, 2002.â * Hendrickson, David C., and Robert W. Tucker.â The Sources of American Legitimacy.â Foreign Affairs.â New York: 2004.â
Friday, August 21, 2020
Blog Archive MBA News Taking the GMAT Cold
Blog Archive MBA News Taking the GMAT Cold Preparing for the GMAT is perhaps one of the most time-consuming components of your business school application. If you have ever wondered how you would fare taking the test cold, you might want to first read about one such experience recounted in Bloomberg Businessweek. Unlike the one-half of test-takers who devote at least 51 hours to preparing, the author takes the exam without studying at all and manages to pull off a surprisingly respectable 640â€"placing her below the average scores, yet within the admissions range for a number of top-ranking business schools (550â€"789 for HBS and 630â€"790 for Wharton, for example). That said, although a 640 is a respectable “cold†score, we would assume that with extensive preparation, this candidate could improve significantly. Our advice may defy the point of her article, but we would suggest that she prep and take the test again to increase her chances of gaining that coveted letter of acceptance. Share ThisTweet News
Monday, May 25, 2020
America s College Promise Act Essay - 1535 Words
Introduction America always considers education as a basic need to develop one s personality and character. This is why it proclaims that every student in America deserves a fair chance at a higher education. It is common belief that a highly educated pool of workforce can better help in economy s growth competing on global front. America’s College Promise Act is also an effort to promote higher education and make it affordable for economically weaker section of the society. This act was unveiled by president Obama by initiating a two year community college program free of cost for responsible students. This scheme is aimed to let the students earn first half of their bachelor s degree and earn needed skills at no cost. This Act also relieved many students of a lot of stress that they experience in college due to the high prices that only few can pay with little struggle. The opportunity for education should be easily attainable by any citizen to further progress the country and its popula tion. The America’s College Promise Act, therefore, is not only beneficial for the general population but also for economic prosperity. Overview The America’s college promise act was proposed by president Obama and introduced by Sen. Tammy Baldwin and Rep. Bobby Scott on 8 July, 2016. The main objective of this act is to make higher education affordable for all. This bill if passed is expected to appropriate around $1.4 billion in Financial year 2016 and $79.7 billion over the periodShow MoreRelatedAmerica s College Promise Act Essay833 Words  | 4 Pagesof alleviating students’ debt is the America’s College Promise Act, more commonly known as the Heads Up America Campaign. Furthermore, I had the privilege of interviewing Claudia Chan, the Government Relations Manager of LaGuardia Community College whose has been working with different groups across campus around the Heads Up America Campaign. Patrick Lavilla: Hi Claudia, tell us a little bit about yourself and your role in the Heads Up America Campaign. Claudia Chan: Hello Patrick, I’m ClaudiaRead MoreA Poor Solution For America s Shortcoming1625 Words  | 7 PagesWelfare. A major issue in today’s society is the debate over free community college tuition. Even though some say free community college tuition would be one step closer to saving Americas crumbling lower class, community college tuition should not be completely free. An education from a community college is already very affordable even for those who are from low-income families. On top of being affordable, free community college tuition as it stands today is easily exploitable by those who don’t needRead MoreThe 2016 Democratic Party Presidential Primaries And Caucuses1487 Words  | 6 Pagesastronomical problem for Americans today and more so, for future Americans. College tuition have been rising for the past 40 years and will continue to do so exponentially. In an asset management report done by J.P.Morgan in 2014, the firm projects the cost of private universities to be at roughly $90,000, and $40,000 for public four-year universities in the year of 2030 (Badkar). If the government remains dormant toward this issue, college students 20 years from now, will be burdened by an even bigger pileRead MoreNew College Compact Or College For All Act?1555 Words  | 7 PagesNew College Compact or College for All Act? The 2016 Democratic Party presidential primaries and caucuses are a series of ongoing heated battles between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. One of the most prominent topic is the issue of student debt. According to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, student loans have quadrupled since 2004, to $1.2 trillion (Brown). This insurmountable debt is an astronomical problem for Americans today and more so, for future Americans. College tuition has beenRead MoreTuition Free Public Colleges And Universities1619 Words  | 7 PagesTuition-Free Public Colleges and Universities: The Way to Go At the dawn of the twentieth-century, the movement that made a high school diploma widely available for every child in the United States, regardless of the income of their family, solidified America’s place as the home of the most educated workforce in the world, and helped to drive decades of economic prosperity. Now, nearly one-hundred years have passed, and other countries around the globe are catching up. In some cases, foreign nationsRead MoreIs The United States Be Ran By A Black Man?1157 Words  | 5 Pagesmoved back to Hawaii to live with his Grandparents,While living with his grandparents, He enrolled in the esteemed Punahou Academy. Obama excelled in basketball and graduated with academic honors in 1979.After high school, Obama studied at Occidental College in Los Angeles for two years. He then transferred to Columbia University in New York City, graduating in 1983 with a degree in political science. After working in the business sector for two years, Obama moved to Chicago in 1985. There, he workedRead MoreAmerica Is Not A Democracy1592 Words  | 7 Pages How America is not a Democracy â€Å"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America...and to the republic for which it nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.†(â€Å"Is the United States a Democracy?†) The United States’ pledge is taught to children of all ages, plays an active role in the patriotism of the people, and it symbolizes the citizen’s promise to never violate the Republic of the United States of America. The founding fathers built the foundationRead MoreEssay on LBJs Great Society699 Words  | 3 Pageshis vision of a Great Society in America. This Great Society included an end to poverty and racial injustice, and also was intended to turn America into a place where kids can enhance their mind, broaden their talents, and people could restore their connection with the environment. In order to reach his goal, LBJ enacted numerous proposals involving taxes, civil rights, poverty, and much more. For the most part Joh nson did an excellent job on delivering his promises, but international affairs threatenedRead MoreLyndon B. Johnson s The Great Society1450 Words  | 6 Pagesof what the common people live through each day. Programs for education, the end of poverty, conservation of the wild, housing, social security and the list goes on and on. So how did the Great Society improve or try to improve people’s lives in America by trying to end poverty and discrimination through programs for education and what are the effects today? Lyndon B. Johnson inspired by Franklin D. Roosevelt wanted to create something similar to the New Deal that attempted to help the less advantagedRead MoreThe World Is Flat, By Thomas Friedman1425 Words  | 6 Pagescatching up and in the words of Thomas Friedman, in The World is Flat, [we] simply are not educating, or even interesting, enough of our own young people in advanced math, science, and engineering (349). Therefore, we must combat this issue at hand. America has grown idle due to the achievements of previous ideas and although we have been amusing ourselves, bathing in our own narcissism, we are no longer at the top, no longer a positive anomaly. We aren’t producing skilled and knowledgeable workers to
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Analytical Essay Super Size Me - 1351 Words
Welcome to At the Movies on ABC 1 and as usual I’m your host, _______. Tonight we’ll be reviewing the socially critical 2004 documentary, â€Å"Super Size Me†directed by and starring Morgan Spurlock. The film documents the 30 day period in which Morgan Spurlock ate three meals a day consisting of nothing but McDonalds whilst following these four rules: he can only eat things on sale, he must super size his meal if asked, he must eat everything on the menu at least once and lastly he must restrict himself to the ‘average’ amount of exercise, typical of the American population. It also documents the drastic effects this lifestyle has on Spurlock’s physical and psychological, wellbeing, and explores the fast food industry’s corporate influence,†¦show more content†¦This was achieved through cunning and intelligent choices as to what was filmed and what was cut out. He had also employed a number of other techniques such as camera angles, shot composition, editing and intentional use of music to accompany the visuals. Through these techniques Spurlock has effectively positioned the audience to accept his views on America’s aforementioned obesity epidemic. Spurlock has positioned the audience to accept a somewhat version of the truth as not all sides of the story are given a voice. The way in which Spurlock presents himself to the audience has also deliberately been altered to position the audience to coincide with the attitudes he’s presenting throughout the documentary. Spurlock intentionally wore relaxed clothing and spoke directly to the audience in order to position the audience to feel comfortable accepting Spurlock’s attitudes towards America’s obesity crisis. (INCLUDE FOOTAGE HERE) To further position and help the audience connect with Spulock, he has introduced them to his fiancà © who’s a vegan chef which will be in juxtaposition to the unhealthy food served by most fast food restaurants. These inclusions have positioned the audience to feel close and trusting of Spurlock so that his opinions could be accepted. The use of irony during this documentary has been used because if the audience finds something humorous and therefore having a positive reaction, they are more likely to accept what is being represented.Show MoreRelatedcafes monte bianco case analysis4234 Words  | 17 Pagesappropriate analytical, financial and quantitative analyses to arrive at your conclusions. At times, it may be appropriate to visually present these quantitative analyses to the class. Preparation of the case with your group is highly recommended. 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Library of Congress Data 65 successful Harvard Business -School application essays : with analysis by the staff of The Harbus, the Harvard Business School newspaperRead MoreBook to Study English for Chemistry12934 Words  | 52 PagesORGANIC CHEMISTRY 10 Carbon Facts Comparison of Adjectives Organic Nomenclature Word Order 47 Unit 8 ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY Environmental Chemistry Green Chemistry Twelve Principles of Green Chemistry Hazard Symbols Relative Pronouns 54 Unit 9 ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Titration Mathematical Operations Flame Tests Articles 61 Unit 10 EVERYDAY CHEMISTRY Everyday Chemistry Modal Verbs Abstract 69 Bibliography 76 4 INTRODUCTION The following material has been created during the two years of teachingRead MoreA Study on Financial Performance Analysis at Vijay Textiles Ltd17842 Words  | 72 PagesANALYSIS†is submitted by me to Osmania University is a bonafide work undertaken by me and it is not submitted to any other University or Institute for the award of any Degree / Diploma / Certificate or published any time before. . 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His literary progress was not swift as he had to tackle hurdles, hostile critics, prejudices and even insinuational plagiarism. On the whole, he has contributed six novels, seve n collections of short stories, six collections of political essays and a volume of satire. He has also translated his own works into English. He was a true visionary and India’s foremost fabulist in the recent past. His writing is as evocative as that of William Cuthbert Faulkner and Gabriel Garcia Marquez. SpeakingRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words  | 760 PagesDutchess Community College; James E. Parejko, Chicago State University; Robert Sessions, Kirkwood Community College; and Stephanie Tucker, California State University Sacramento. Thinking and writing about logical reasoning has been enjoyable for me, but special thanks go to my children, Joshua, 8, and Justine, 3, for comic relief during the months of writing. This book is dedicated to them. For the 2012 edition: This book is dedicated to my wife Hellan whose good advice has improved the bookRead Morecase study: the Home Depot19454 Words  | 78 Pageshousing was the item on which in the years 1996 to 1999 was most money spended. In this time there were a lot of people not looking for new houses but instead of that they undertook a renovation. In these years the Do-It-Yourself (DIY) and the Do-It-For-Me (DIFM) projects grew in quantity. This was among others due to the fact that a lot of houses, built before 1980, need repair. There are also some specific neighbourhoods, which have restrictions on building new houses in the neighbourhood. These twoRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 Pages168 How Creative Are You ? 169 Innovative Attitude Scale 171 Creative Style Assessment 172 SKILL LEARNING 174 Problem Solving, Creativity, and Innovation 174 Steps in Analytical Problem Solving 174 Defining the Problem 174 Generating Alternatives 176 Evaluating Alternatives 176 Implementing the Solution 177 Limitations of the Analytical Pro blem-Solving Model 178 Impediments to Creative Problem Solving 178 Multiple Approaches to Creativity 179 Conceptual Blocks 183 Percy Spencer’s Magnetron 185 SpenceRead MoreGame Theory and Economic Analyst83847 Words  | 336 Pagesmimeograph copy. Aumann, R. J. (1999), â€Å"Interactive epistemology: I and II,†International Journal of Game Theory, 28, 265–319. Binmore, K. (1987), â€Å"Modeling rational players,†Economics and Philosophy, 3 and 4. Binmore, K. (1996), Introduction to Essays on Game Theory, J. F. Nash, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar. Binmore, K. and Dasgupta, P. (1986), eds, Economic Organizations as Games, Oxford, Basil Blackwell. Binmore, K. and Dasgupta, P. (1987), The Economics of Bargaining, Oxford, Basil Blackwell
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Roosevelt, Jefferson, Washington, And Fdr Essay - 1908 Words
When presenting the question of who deserves the title of best President of the United States, one would not be surprised to find Lincoln, Jefferson, Washington, and FDR as the frontrunners. While each of these presidents was undisputedly successful and groundbreaking in their own right, all fall short to America’s first modern president- Theodore Roosevelt. Roosevelt, assuming office at the turn of the century, redefined and reimagined the role of the president and the executive officialdom. By expanding the powers of the presidency, Roosevelt was able to move the country forward in both the international arena and on the home front. Roosevelt’s vast success can greatly be attributed to his charisma, character, and persuasion skills. He understood that the art of governing was truly the power to persuade, and he mastered the trade. Roosevelt not only improved life domestically as he fought against inequality and corrupt business practices, but he also achieved his goal of gaining influence abroad, thus earning the United States a powerful platform on the global stage. Roosevelt’s natural leadership, charm, bravery, and compassion combined with his thorough understanding of the country’s needs, both for the individual and for the long-term well being of the country, made him the most successful president in United States history. Roosevelt, taking office in 1901 after the assassination of President McKinley, inherited a unique situation-America was, for the first time,Show MoreRelatedThe Roosevelt Administration : Prioritizing Domestic Over Foreign Policy1441 Words  | 6 PagesThe Franklin D. Roosevelt Administration: Prioritizing Domestic over Foreign Policy Juna Kalo Charles Kraus HIST 2340W November 5, 2014 Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the 32nd President of the United States, was elected into office in 1932, a time of economic recession as a result of the New York stock market crash of 1929. During his vice presidential campaign, FDR had run on a platform that endorsed the League of Nations. However as a newly inaugurated President Roosevelt had to face theRead MoreAnalysis Of The Presidential Leadership Harry Truman1206 Words  | 5 Pageslack of success, of an American president is tied to the effectiveness of their presidential leadership. President Harry Truman served the American people as president from 1945 to 1953; he became president suddenly after the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt amidst the end of World War II. Truman’s presidency would carry into the aftermath of World War II and see the beginning of the Cold War. A tenacious man, he led the country from isolation into the beginning of modern American foreign policy.Read MoreNineteen Days That Unexpectedly Chang ed America979 Words  | 4 Pages10 Days that Unexpectedly Changed America Summer Reading Test On December 3, 1901, a few months after the death of President William McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt addressed the United States. He said, â€Å"Indeed, from every quarter of the civilized world we received, at the time of the President’s death, assurances of such grief and regard as to touch the hearts of our people. In the midst of our affliction we reverently thank the Almighty that we are at peace with the nations of mankind; and we firmlyRead More1936 Presidential Election1954 Words  | 8 Pagesterms of electoral votes since Monroe’s in 1820 (Boller, P.249). In this election, Franklin Delano Roosevelt also known as FDR campaigned on his New Deal programs against the Kansas Governor Alf Landon. Governor Alf Landon argued that the New deal programs were unconstitutional and it would affect the business (Kelly). FDR enters the election with a strong, but not unbeatable, hand. The measures that FDR took during his first term in the White House didn’t produce prosperity. But they were able toRead MoreThe Role Of The President Of The United States1282 Words  | 6 Pages when looking at George Washington who served as the first president, he only has two clerks, household servants and a secretary (Galvin, 2014). However, as the population increases and enormous growth in the economy are experienced, the office of the president has become too powerful thereby requiring a workforce of about 1500 professional people. The United States has a complex structure and machinery of governance. For example, since the presidency of George Washington, different presidents haveRead MorePolitical Characteristics of Presidents Essay1378 Words  | 6 Pagesof Americas large political parties generate differing historical myths, behind which are hidden ideological and sociological differences. The Democrats have developed their myths around giants in American politics such as Jefferson, Jackson, Wilson and the second Roosevelt in order to present themselves as the party of democratization, freedom and progress, as a veritable peoples party. The Republicans refer to themselves as the Grand Old Party (GOP) and have built their myths up around AbrahamRead MoreAmerican Revolution and Study Guide Essay example5377 Words  | 22 Pages Henry VIII Salutary neglect George Washington Stamp Act Elizabeth I Massachusetts Bay Colony Marquis de Montcalm Hessians Navigation Laws 7 Years War Mercantilism New France House of Burgesses Glorious Revolution Royal Charter Quakers Proclamation of 1763 Thomas Paine Squatter Mayflower Compact Edict of Nantes Horatio Gates Primogeniture Huguenots John Hancock Thomas Jefferson Indentured servant Church of England Read MoreThe Whig Theory And The Federalist Party1823 Words  | 8 Pagesby the constitution. There were a few presidents that supported both theories but I am only going to focus on one for each. For the Whig theory I will discuss the Taft administration, and for the Stewardship theory I will discuss the Theodore Roosevelt administration. Taft believed that the president should rely on the guidance of congress and that congress should have most of the power. He said himself, â€Å"The true view of the executive function†¦is that the President can exercise no power whichRead MoreThe American Political Tradition and the Men Who Made It Essay7033 Words  | 29 Pagescreated, including the Founding Fathers who started it all. Additionally, Hofstadter informs the reader of other significant government officials including Andrew Jackson and his democracy, the progressive, trustbuster Theodore Roosevelt, and ending with Franklin D. Roosevelt and his programs of the New Deal. Richard Hofstadters ideas are brilliantly elucidated with his stunning choice of words and information. He begins the background with none other than the original American politicians - the FoundingRead MorePresidential Success And Its Impact On The State Of Nation3662 Words  | 15 Pagesleadership. These top-tier individuals elected to the presidency uses the resources and personal characteristics to lead them to success and greatness, in some cases, some more than others. I have provided a case study between Presidents Van Buren and Roosevelt to show how the internal and external factors lead one president to be one of the greatest and most successful presidents in U.S history, while the other is regarded as one of the more unsuccessful and worst presidents. Presidential success is distinguished
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Marketing Hedge Funds in Europe free essay sample
This paper discusses the idea and obstacles about marketing hedge funds in Europe. This paper looks at the history of pooled monetary funds. It discusses the difficulties experienced throughout recent history to get this concept publicly accepted but how, now, this is a very popular institution. It examines one example of this concept Hedge funds, and the difficulties faced in marketing this concept in Europe. From the paper: The idea of pooling money together for the purpose of investing started in Europe in the mid-1800s. The first pooled fund in the United States was created in 1893 for the faculty and staff of Harvard University. On March 21, 1924, the first mutual fund was started in the United States. It was called the Massachusetts Investor?s Trust. It grew from $50,000 in assets in 1924 to $392,000 one year later with approximately 200 shareholders. Today there are over 10000 in mutual funds in the US today totaling around $7 trillion dollars with approximately 83 million investors, according to Dustin Woodard at About. We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Hedge Funds in Europe or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page com.
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